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View Full Version : Other Can anyone recommend a really good family lawyer in Tenerife?

19-11-2012, 20:37
I have a friend, that has separated with her partner, they have a 2 year child and the father has threatened that he will get custody of the child, my friend is over here with no family, wont ever be able to move back home, as he has threatened to denounce her and say that she has kidnapped the child, so it looks like things will get dirty, does anyone know a really good family lawyer.

19-11-2012, 20:51
Try this link http://www.divorcesolicitor.com/.

20-11-2012, 08:25
Thanks but, she needs someone based over here that knows the way spanish law works inside and out, she is not married to him, but she needs to choose the right lawyer that will give her the right advise what to do with regard to the baby, once it has all gone to court and custody has been sorted it will be easier, but for instance she was planning to leave Tenerife for a week in connection with work, but she found out that when she gets back, if the father refuses to give the baby back, it will take months to go through the courts and she would not see her child for months, so she has cancelled the trip now. She has met with 3 different lawyers, but doesn't know which one to choose, and doesn't know anyone that has previous experience with them and can recommend one. She wants the best there is.

20-11-2012, 11:05
Hi, the company have affiliated lawyers in Spain and the Canary islands, and specialize in ex-pats divorce cases and custody issues between Spain and the UK.
If all parties are Spanish residents, and the child´s birth certificate is Spanish, then just Spanish law will apply. If so, PM me and I´ll forward you the details of an excellent family lawyer based in Güimar.

20-11-2012, 11:14

John Brownrigg at Stone King (http://www.stoneking.co.uk/about/our-people/-/page/14/) is an excellent family lawyer, if of interest.

24-06-2013, 01:06
In Santa Cruz, I know excellent ones, if you need further info, send me a pm

24-06-2013, 02:34
Laura Carpintaria is a fabulous lawyer (her Father is a senior judge in Madrid) who offices are on the 1st floor above Netto at the bus station in LC. She has a very strong personality and does not suffer fools gladly! Canarian born and bred but speaks very good English albeit with a strong accent.