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View Full Version : My Heroes

Ashro Autos
22-06-2011, 00:16
Just came across this and thought it would be nice to share with you all.

MY HEROES: The 'Nurse' who after doing two 12hr shifts back to back still has a bright smile and comforting word for her patients. The 'Man' who gives up his seat on the bus or train for someone elderly. The 'Child' who sees another child standing on the sidelines alone and goes over to invite them to join in. The 'Mom' who no matter how tired she feels still reads her child a bedtime story. The 'Dad' who gives up watching the football live to take his son down the park for a kick about. The 'Woman' who works for free in the charity shop. The 'Soldier' who is far away from home. All the everyday people who do something selfless for no recognition. :)