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View Full Version : How can I get my previous work history from Tenerife?

17-12-2012, 14:20
i have recently started a new job as a chief in a hotel. if i can prove that i have worked as a chief before i wll get a payrise and wont have to do the 5 years at collage. im trying to findout how to get my full work history from the socile i now live in iceland so have to do every thing over the phone or internet can anyone help me please

17-12-2012, 18:02
You can get a Vidal laboral off the Internet but that would only prove that youworkedfor amount of years and days not whereof as what. can you not contact the employer here and ask if they can help?

17-12-2012, 19:13
i have contakted my last employer but i only worked for them 4 3 years i need to show i worked for 5 years whear will i find the vidal laboral thank you for your reply

17-12-2012, 20:22
WOW 43 years is a long time!! :goodluck:

17-12-2012, 20:32
https://sede.seg-social.gob.es/Sede_1/Lanzadera/index.htm?URL=50 - problem is they will only send to the address they have on record for you ie Tenerife - are you still in touch with anyone who could pick it up from that address?