View Full Version : Smart TVs with flash-enabled browsers

02-01-2013, 15:46
I have two LG smart TVs; the LG 42LM670s and the LG32LW470s. They both have Internet browsers but only the 42LM670s has a flash-enabled web browser which is great for watching things like www.filmon.com (especially in the full-screen mode). Does anybody know of any other smart TVs (that are available in Spain) and come with a flash-enabled web browser? Unfortunately when you ask in the stores about these features, they have no idea what you’re talking about.

Any information would be greatly appreciated.

03-01-2013, 03:16
I would suggest you find yourself a suitable Forum which deals with electronics/smart tv,s etc with mainly UK members.

03-01-2013, 07:10
Connect a computer or android tv box to youre normal tv its cheaper and better.

In a few years you can connect a better and faster box/computer to youre tv .

03-01-2013, 12:46
See if there is a software upgrade available for the non flash browser tv. Check the manual!

03-01-2013, 19:28
Flash is no longer being supported by many websites, manufacturers, or devices, it's too full of hackable holes. HTML5 I believe is now the preferred alternative, but it's a bit slow being adopted. This is from Adobe .

But Adobe said it was removing the option to install the plug-in because it was likely to exhibit "unpredictable behaviour" when used with the latest version of Android, known as Jelly Bean.

It also suggested that smartphone owners who had upgraded to the latest system should uninstall the Flash Player if it was already on their device.

Although Adobe is no longer actively developing the player for Android, Blackberry or Symbian devices - and never released it for Apple iOS or Windows Phone handsets - it has said it would continue to offer security updates and bug fixes for existing versions until September 2013.

So basically its finished.