View Full Version : Lose weight or lose your benefits.

03-01-2013, 23:42
This was on the news tonight in the UK.........lose weight or lose your benefits.

Cost the NHS 5Billion a year to treat over weight people whats your views on this.

Thought this would make a good thread.

Overweight or unhealthy people who refuse to attend exercise sessions could have their benefits slashed, in a move proposed by Westminster Council.

GPs would also be allowed to prescribe leisure activities such as swimming and fitness classes under the idea.

The Tory-controlled council said the aim was to save £5bn from the NHS budget when local authorities take over public health provision from April.

BMA member and GP Dr Lawrence Buckman called the idea "draconian and silly".

The measures are contained in a report entitled A Dose of Localism: The Role of Council in Public Health, in a link-up between Westminster Council and the Local Government Information Unit (LGiU).

Under the proposals, overweight benefit claimants could have their money docked if they refuse exercise regimes prescribed by doctors.

Smart cards would be brought in to monitor the use of leisure centres, meaning local authorities could reduce welfare payments for those who fail to follow their GP's advice.

Resident, housing and council tax benefit payments "could be varied to reward or incentivise residents", the report said.

It claims "early intervention techniques" could help save more lives and money.

These include linking welfare payments to healthy lifestyles and rewarding those who take responsibility for their own health, the report's authors claim.

Red tape would be cut for "non-alcoholic venues" to encourage a more responsible approach to drinking, which the report says was promised but never delivered by the change to 24-hour licensing laws.

British Medical Association GP committee chairman Dr Buckman, a GP in north London, called the proposals "some of the silliest things I've heard in a long time".

"When I was first told about this I thought it was a joke," he said.

He added: "The best way [councils] can intervene is to stop restaurants and fast-food chains providing the kind of food that make people put on weight, and interfere with the way foods are sold in shops."

Obesity support organisation Big Matters spokeswoman Susannah Gilbert said: "It would be fairer to use the money to support people rather than to penalise people.

"Any plans for health should be holistic," she added. "Some people have emotional issues to do with food.

"A fast-food generation need support in the long term."

But Jonathan Carr-West, acting chief executive of the LGiU, said the proposals offered "a win-win" solution.

He said the proposals were about "finding innovative ways to both improve people's lives so they don't suffer from these conditions, while also saving money for the public purse".

"We have to look at ways of managing demand, of helping people not to need such expensive health interventions," he said.

He said the proposals would "help people lead healthier, happier lives".

Westminster council leader Philippa Roe said: "This report contains exactly the sort of bright, forward-thinking and radical ideas that need to be looked at.

"The potential improvements to the nation's health and to the public purse could be significant."

But the change to local authority control over public health has led many councils to voice concerns about how much money they will get and the formula that central government will use to allocate funding.

The public health funding announcement was originally expected on 19 December.

04-01-2013, 10:32
I guess if you can afford to eat so much and you are on benefits you have too much money being given to you so perhaps it should go to more worthy applicants!!

The UK is totally bankrupt, worse then Greece, and needs to do everything possible to cut costs which I'm not sure this will do, perhaps they should get a think tank going to work out some serious cost cutting before anarchy erupts and stop coming up with silly things that just annoy the normal 'man in the street'.

04-01-2013, 10:56
I guess if you can afford to eat so much and you are on benefits you have too much money being given to you so perhaps it should go to more worthy applicants!!

The UK is totally bankrupt, worse then Greece, and needs to do everything possible to cut costs which I'm not sure this will do, perhaps they should get a think tank going to work out some serious cost cutting before anarchy erupts and stop coming up with silly things that just annoy the normal 'man in the street'.
Should that read 'Fat man in the street'

04-01-2013, 11:21
I think you have to be deluded to believe that people on benefits are getting too much money,so are eating like kings which makes them fat.
I think the quality of food they have to buy out of places like,LIDL,Iceland,Tesco,etc is the problem,and meal-deals from £1-50 in that kip McDonalds.
The packet and processed foods are killers IMO,and full of the worst kind of everything is in them....but if your on the dole what option do you have but to buy this dirt.

04-01-2013, 11:38
So we've gone from "let's pick on the scroungers"..to.."let's pick on the fat scroungers...lol.

Soon it will be "ginger fat scroungers"...

My money says that there's a lot more fat people in work than out of it...being fat has nothing to do with whether or not you have a job....

Total waste of money even thinking about it. How much would they save, given the cost of implementing it?
How many fat people are actually on benefits?
Then deduct the ones who were fat before they became unemployed?
Then set aside millions for compensating the ones who take it to the European courts claiming discrimination..Is it worth it?

04-01-2013, 12:00
The article clearly states "Overweight or unhealthy people who refuse to attend exercise sessions could have their benefits slashed" NOT loose weight or have your benefits cut :whistle:

04-01-2013, 12:06
The article clearly states "Overweight or unhealthy people who refuse to attend exercise sessions could have their benefits slashed" NOT loose weight or have your benefits cut :whistle:

Six of one,Half a dozen of the other.
Surely they would be attending "Exercise classes"to lose weight!
And having your benefits slashed or cut will be the same thing to any unfortunate they try to force this upon.
Change your name to Semantic Tickey.

04-01-2013, 12:20
Good job they aren't using MP's as an example. All the benefits MP's get and you only needed to look at John Prescott when he was an MP living the high life off the Tax payers back.

04-01-2013, 12:33
I receive government sick benefit and you defo couldn't get fat on £71 a week!

04-01-2013, 12:39
Scrap the exercise classes, walking is free. Running exercise classes is just transferring the cost from one area to another.

Here's an idea to ponder - put all 16 year olds on birth control until they prove they have the income to support a family WITHOUT benefits. See how much that saves the country. Those deciding to have a family anyway simply get no benefits and can be supported by their extended family.

04-01-2013, 12:43
If you are already a member of a gym and over weight. Do you get a refund and free gym membership. :weights:

04-01-2013, 13:48
This was on the news tonight in the UK.........lose weight or lose your benefits.

Cost the NHS 5Billion a year to treat over weight people whats your views on this.

Thought this would make a good thread.

My view is that this thread could become very emotive YG..............:whistle:

04-01-2013, 13:56
My view is that this thread could become very emotive YG..............:whistle:

Oh I think YG knew that :) Kinda like lobbing a grenade into a hornet nest then standing back to watch the carnage. Fills in a quiet day for sure !

04-01-2013, 17:29
So we've gone from "let's pick on the scroungers"..to.."let's pick on the fat scroungers...lol.

Soon it will be "ginger fat scroungers"...

Then they'll move onto ginger fat scroungers who smoke....!

04-01-2013, 18:37
Its just a case of eating the wrong food and too lazy to cook fresh food.

As regards birth control, nobody should receive benefits for the first child [we didn't]. All benefits should stop after the second. If you cant afford them then, dont have them. Simples.

05-01-2013, 11:45
I'm afraid 'Its just a case of eating the wrong food and too lazy to cook fresh food' is a little simplistic once you hit the 'middle age spread' years especially when you are female and have the menopause to contend with!

05-01-2013, 14:36
Then they'll move onto ginger fat scroungers who smoke....!

Then and only then will TO NTO 99 be buggered


05-01-2013, 15:54
I was once told by a doctor, after attending a 'well persons' health clinic check-up, that my blood pressure was perfect, my colestarol levels were perfect, pulse and every thing else perfect. "Only problem is your weight" he said. "Try to lose weight, eat healthier and try to do a little exercise".
His face was a picture when I told him that I went to work and back (10 miles ) every day on a mountain bike, gym twice a week, ran around 20 to 30 miles per week, only ate veg and un-processed meat (at that time) and did the London in 4hrs 15mins only five weeks before.
After all that I used to do, when told I was over weight, my knees are now shot and I can do very little exercise. Weight still not changed much. :tongue:

05-01-2013, 16:21
You will find that the Majority of people who take part in a lot of sport, ie jogging, end up with knackered knees and hip joints.
The bloke [American] who invented jogging as a form of keep fit died at the age of 52. Did him a lot of good.
Swimming is the best form of keep fit, just dont drown though.

05-01-2013, 16:46
You will find that the Majority of people who take part in a lot of sport, ie jogging, end up with knackered knees and hip joints.
The bloke [American] who invented jogging as a form of keep fit died at the age of 52. Did him a lot of good.
Swimming is the best form of keep fit, just dont drown though.

Everything in moderation is a pretty good code to follow in life.

Your body will tell you if you are doing the wrong thing.

Other motto ... if it feels good .. do it, if it doesn't ... stop it !

05-01-2013, 16:51
Absolutely. Going past that pain barrier nonsence is rubbish.
Moderation is the word for most things including food.

05-01-2013, 17:30
I was once told by a doctor, after attending a 'well persons' health clinic check-up, that my blood pressure was perfect, my colestarol levels were perfect, pulse and every thing else perfect. "Only problem is your weight" he said. "Try to lose weight, eat healthier and try to do a little exercise".
His face was a picture when I told him that I went to work and back (10 miles ) every day on a mountain bike, gym twice a week, ran around 20 to 30 miles per week, only ate veg and un-processed meat (at that time) and did the London in 4hrs 15mins only five weeks before.
After all that I used to do, when told I was over weight, my knees are now shot and I can do very little exercise. Weight still not changed much. :tongue:

Sounds about right, if you don't smoke or drink that's them goosed !

05-01-2013, 19:36
Scrap the exercise classes, walking is free. Running exercise classes is just transferring the cost from one area to another.

Here's an idea to ponder - put all 16 year olds on birth control until they prove they have the income to support a family WITHOUT benefits. See how much that saves the country. Those deciding to have a family anyway simply get no benefits and can be supported by their extended family.

No shortage of gymslip pregnancies amongst the under 16s mate. Best make that 12 then.

05-01-2013, 20:37
I receive government sick benefit and you defo couldn't get fat on £71 a week!you could if you ate pie and chips every day with a loaf of buttered bread:D;)

05-01-2013, 21:55
Personally I am in favour of more Bun Control.
I know that we are all within our rights to buy and carry Buns and some of you may even have Concealed Bun Permits.
But enough is enough.

05-01-2013, 22:06
Other motto ... if it feels good .. do it, if it doesn't ... stop it !

Cocaine,Heroin,alcohol and fags make you feel good...should I keep at them?:D

05-01-2013, 22:17
Cocaine,Heroin,alcohol and fags make you feel good...should I keep at them?:D i knew you where on something:lol:;)

05-01-2013, 22:31
Cocaine,Heroin,alcohol and fags make you feel good...should I keep at them?:D

Well you could think about sharing them with other members first.:lol:

06-01-2013, 11:42
Well you could think about sharing them with other members first.:lol:

Only if the low fat, no salt ones.