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05-01-2013, 04:21
I have decided to relocate to Tenerife within the next 9months. I have been doing as much research online as i can regarding longterm rental properties, job vacancies ect but i was wondering, how much money should i take with me incase I dont find work immediatly? ??? I have two children (16 & 18) who are relocatin with me. I havent got thousands, but what do people suggest a reasonable amount is to last maybe 3-6months?? Obviously i am hopin to find work, along with my children reasonably quick!!! :)
Plus if any1 knows of any English speakin estate agents dealin in longterm, fully furnished rentals at low prices then I would appreciate that very much.

05-01-2013, 10:43
Bring as much money as you can,always have back up , its hard starting anywhere , try nexas for long term rent ,they have places on island village and they will do a deal the longer you rent the better the price ,that goes for a few letting agencies , But it will not be easy with 2 children as you will have to keep them as well ,mind you if they are willing to do anything , they should be able to get work .

05-01-2013, 11:42
Easier for the young folk to get work, PR or bar work. But employment is very low here at the moment unless you are ok with tele-sales. Seems to be more and more people returning to the uk because they cant find work.
Hope things work out for you, it's not all doom and gloom for everyone.

06-01-2013, 13:30
Im 35 and im willin to do anything legal work wise and both my children have said they would be happy to work aswel....we are grafters! The hard part i suppose would be movin there and lookin for work and knowin WHERE to look....would be fantastic if I could land a job before movin so I know I have some sort of security....its very scary but also exciting.

06-01-2013, 14:38
Would be difficult to get work before you get here. When you are, put C.V. into everywhere, check jobs in Tenerife on the internet and keep looking at this site.
Oh, and keep your fingers crossed.

07-01-2013, 10:19
You will need to plan to bring at least 10k when you come - depends on how you live and how quickly you can live as a local (by which I mean not shopping at Icelend and leaving behind products you are familiar with),

That'll give you maybe 3/4 months.

Chances of securing work before you arrive - virtually zero.

Chances of securing work once you are here - not good, even less without any Spanish

Chances of earning more than 5 euro an hour doing bar/PR work - virtually zero

Chances of any employment being legal and on a contract so you become eligable for health care - slim

Cost of private health care - 100+ per month each

Costs of being legally self employed - 250 a month each

Current unemployment rates in UK are circa 8%, Current unemployment rate in the Canaries - circa 34%

No such thing as housing benefit, job-seekers allowance, unemployment benefit (without several years working legally)

Are you sure?

07-01-2013, 11:17
can entertainers make a decent living

07-01-2013, 12:41
...how much money should i take with me incase I dont find work immediatly?...

I don't think there's any "right amount" of money, provided you are prepared to return to the UK if your "Tenerife money" runs out.

07-01-2013, 12:58
can entertainers make a decent living

Somewhat off topic, but

What is your definition of a decent living.

Plenty of threads already here on "entertainers"

Turning up for a 40 euro, 3 hour gig and being turned away because of a lack of punters etc, etc

do a search

07-01-2013, 16:26
A bit off general topic ye...so thanks anyway for answering my question.Me and my husband are deciding wether or not to sell up and move over there.Were just looking for a different way of life to what we have now(same as everyone else i know!!) Just call a decent way of life as in affording rent and food.Basic things in life really.