View Full Version : Utilities Anyone else having power cuts in south Tenerife today?

18-02-2013, 22:51
Just had 6 power interruptions in the last 90 minutes. Some for only a few seconds, but annoying just the same.

It gives me a flashback to the 1990's.

It is a bit windy outside, but certainly not Tropical Storm Delta.

Should I call a specialist or other people having the same cuts?

18-02-2013, 22:55
light a candle and have a glass of wine......we get rain like the UK gets sun....enjoy it lol:laugh:

18-02-2013, 22:57
Been OK in San Eugenio area , a bit of rain with the wind but no cuts!

18-02-2013, 22:59
there is a borrasca coming over... OH said it rained a bit at the airport earlier... I laughed at your 90's referral, yes, always have candles at the ready LOL

18-02-2013, 23:00
and a glass of wine lol

18-02-2013, 23:18
We had a slight 2 cm of rain at 7 pm and a strong wind all evening. The cuts haven't been long enough to get the candles, always at hand, lit.

So, maybe a specialist needed then as others aren't having the same problem.

Looking out of the window, our near neighbours half a km away, were without power also, but Callao & Paraiso, 5 km down were still lit up. Hmmmmm.

The wine doesn't stop flowing after wine o'clock (6.30 here) until the bottle is empty (about now) but doesn't usually have an effect on the power, only on my ability to use the switches, lol

19-02-2013, 00:05
We had a slight 2 cm of rain at 7 pm and a strong wind all evening. The cuts haven't been long enough to get the candles, always at hand, lit.

So, maybe a specialist needed then as others aren't having the same problem.

Looking out of the window, our near neighbours half a km away, were without power also, but Callao & Paraiso, 5 km down were still lit up. Hmmmmm.

The wine doesn't stop flowing after wine o'clock (6.30 here) until the bottle is empty (about now) but doesn't usually have an effect on the power, only on my ability to use the switches, lol

Few drops of rain earlier! Power cuts? I wonder if that has anything to do with our DT TV box not working now! No TV since 10.15pm.

19-02-2013, 00:12
Few drops of rain earlier! Power cuts? I wonder if that has anything to do with our DT TV box not working now! No TV since 10.15pm.

DT off here too :cry:

offshore diver
19-02-2013, 01:19
Everything normal up in roque del conde, wind has dropped off

19-02-2013, 16:11
I noticed, on my way to work this morning, that the 'telegraph pole' carrying the electrical cables at the entry to Charco del Valle, Los Menores had snapped about 3 metres up. It seemed that the cables were all still attached.

As this is 5 km from where I live, this probably wasn't the cause, but if it happened to one pole, maybe............