View Full Version : Is Tony Blair mad?

28-02-2013, 00:08
Just watching Kirsty Wark interviewing Tony Blair on BBC 2's Newsnight.

Watching his facial expressions and looking at his eyes, I think he may be mad............if not he's certainly delusional.

Anybody else watched it?

28-02-2013, 00:26
He,s always been infatuated with oor Kirsty. God bless her cotton knickers.

28-02-2013, 08:30
He,s always been infatuated with oor Kirsty. God bless her cotton knickers.

Didn't see the prog. But as for being mad it depends which way you look at it? He and his cronies got the UK into the mess it's in....... But he also made a fortune for himself in doing so???

They're coming to take me away...aha...ehee

28-02-2013, 12:23
Many people would say that you have to be mad to send your country's soldiers to die in an unwinnable war.

Whatever your opinion on that, you certainly have to be mad to start a second war before you've sorted out the first one!

28-02-2013, 14:55
No. Tony Blair is not mad. He is no madder than any of us on this Forum. Believe it or not the word is that he is actually beginning to come back into favour in some circles - no comments please on where these might be located.

My view? He was a man of integrity torn between a rock and a hard place. He took the unpopular route. The one he knew full well he would be castigated for, but the one he still believes that on balance was the right one. I go along with that. The fact that no WMDestruction were found does not mean they were not there! And thank God the satanic madman Hussein was ousted. Think of the mass murder that would have continued if TB had not gone in there.
But....by my reckoning I shall be a lone voice of support for this man on this particular Forum. There may well be others, but they are too afraid to raise their heads above the parapet.

No more politics please...not on this issue of the rights or the wrongs of what he did. But NO he is certainly not mad. Sorry to disappoint you all folks!

28-02-2013, 18:19
Rosemary, I didn't start the post to discuss the rights or wrongs of his actions but to comment on his interview with Kirsty Wark.

He certainly had a glare in his eyes and he spoke rapidly. like a man under immense pressure.

Even with all the money he has supposed to have made since he left office, I wonder if he his truly happy and at peace with himself.

28-02-2013, 19:29
Fivepence show me any politician, retired, who is truly at peace with himself...even Abe Lincoln in his grave.

28-02-2013, 19:54
i was talking to a couple from sierra leone the other day and they said TB has bought a house over there and making even more money, they reckon that there is so much untapped wealth over there, and he and some of his cronies are taking advantage, so he's not that mad:crazy:

28-02-2013, 20:15
i was talking to a couple from sierra leone the other day and they said TB has bought a house over there and making even more money, they reckon that there is so much untapped wealth over there, and he and some of his cronies are taking advantage, so he's not that mad:crazy:

The further away the better......

28-02-2013, 20:58
If anyone thinks ex PM Tony Blair did a bad job (not including war issues) for the UK....... Please tell me, who did a good job ????

28-02-2013, 21:35
If anyone thinks ex PM Tony Blair did a bad job (not including war issues) for the UK....... Please tell me, who did a good job ????i can tell you who i do think will do a good job, ukip:wink:

28-02-2013, 21:59
If anyone thinks ex PM Tony Blair did a bad job (not including war issues)...
Excluding war issues, he did achieve two great things during his terms of office: the Countryside Rights of Way act (which opened up access for the public to many mountainous areas), and the Good Friday agreement in Northern Ireland (which greatly reduced violence over there).