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View Full Version : It is going to be very hard in the very near future for me!

18-03-2013, 14:54
yes iīm allready crying while typeing this!! i just came back from the vet with my dog and my mom. to do something for him to try to get his sight back!! i was bit happy going in but very sad at the end. my mom talik to the vet. and he reply at 14 years thatīs a long time. but at his age nothing i can do with his sight except send him to a nice place. i didnīt want to heard that at all. but with the scratching he gave my dog a shot to stop it. my dog still alive. and resting on the sofa. but the vet here in guaza very nice and spoke english as well. saying i know it going to be very hard but when ever you ready iīm here.so i carry texas back home. iīm ready to said goodbye yet!!but i guess soon i might just have to.i know it going to be very hard without him sleeping by my side at night time. but texas still alive like i said.

18-03-2013, 14:59
Sad news henry..............I'm sorry, it's always sad to lose a cherished pet, especially when he's been your devoted pal for so long.

God bless mate.

Malteser Monkey
18-03-2013, 15:05
Ohhh Henry so sorry for you - we are here for you when you need us mate:console::stroke:

18-03-2013, 15:06
texas still alive like i said but it going to be hard when i make that choise

18-03-2013, 15:55
Hi Mate it's always tough when you lose a pet.......have a read of this and see if it helps a little.

18-03-2013, 15:57
texas still alive like i said but it going to be hard when i make that choise

Aww henry! so sad to hear your news! You will know when the time is right to let texas go! enjoy the time you have with him for now...we know you won't let him suffer! Be brave Hon!

18-03-2013, 16:26
Henry, it's never easy taking that decision to let them go. Nothing I or anyone else say will make it any easier. But look at it this way - Texas doesn't want to leave you anymore than you want him to go.. but if it gets to the point where he is suffering and has no quality of life, letting him go will be an act of love. You're telling him that you'll be ok without him and he can move on knowing that he has given you lots and lots of love and you've given the same back to him. It's really, really hard to do but when the time comes, you'll know you have to give him a big hug and tell him you love him.

18-03-2013, 17:03
yes not easy to let your 4 legged friend go, but you would not like him suffer, i had to put a few dogs in my live time to sleep, very , very , sad
but i have lots of pictures from them , in happier times
good luck:doggy:

18-03-2013, 18:19
iīm going to keep him as long as i can. if he suffing then that day have to come. but he still active just blind!!

18-03-2013, 19:13
Sorry to hear this Henry. Texas is Your lone Star, no doubt.

Part of Loving them is to care for Them through rough and smooth. The rough part can be stress..

I have been lucky enough to have had a few Dogs and Cats to Love, it doesn't get easier.

Be brave when the time is right.. We all know You can, and He wont have suffered.

18-03-2013, 23:42
I know the feeling Henry not easy when they have been your best mate. You will know when the time is right as others have said.

Sad they do not live as long as us. Take care

20-03-2013, 17:38
How is your dog today Henry?

20-03-2013, 21:29
my dog is doing much better aless he stop scratching every time i turn around. and he very happy gave him a bath today and took him out. still very active. just canīt see.