View Full Version : Vacancy Notice of vacancies in Temple Bar

21-03-2013, 05:08
For information :- The Temple Bar / Irish Fiddler have notices up looking for Bar Staff and a cook - contact them !
I´m only informing you they have a notice up -may be a job for someone .:wave:

21-03-2013, 13:18
I think you would be a great addition to the team yourself, want me to put a word in?!

21-03-2013, 13:30
I think you would be a great addition to the team yourself, want me to put a word in?!

Too late Sean he got a PR job at Rum Pot:laugh::whistle:

21-03-2013, 13:46

21-03-2013, 15:45
I love smart ar.ses ! - however these are genuine job vacancies for someone !
I couldn´t afford to drink at Temple Bar or Rum Pot Angus - TFD!
The last thing I would need is Billy Porter chasing me round The Rum Pot to be his other Taffy Apple!

22-03-2013, 13:23
pm sent for the irish bar

22-03-2013, 14:07
Do not send me a PM - I have no connection with the bar , merely posting they had a notice up - contact bar directly if you are interested please !

22-03-2013, 14:21
Do not send me a PM - I have no connection with the bar , merely posting they had a notice up - contact bar directly if you are interested please !

Come on JJ its just doon stairs nip doon and give them his details:laugh:

22-03-2013, 14:32
I´d rather sit on the hedge and watch Brechin AJ!!

22-03-2013, 14:34
I´d rather sit on the hedge and watch Brechin AJ!!

Nae chance of that until we get the ploooed field sorted out having to play our hame game in Farfar the morn:(

06-05-2013, 19:51
Irish Fiddler/ temple bar advertising for cook again! APPLY TO BAR - DO NOT PM ME PLEASE, NOTHING TO DO WITH ME AJ!

12-08-2013, 11:23
Once again Temple bar /Irish Fiddler advertising for bar Staff
DO NOT PM ME , I only saw the notice! I am not connected in any way !
Contact the bar personally at San Eugenio !

23-09-2013, 16:07
Hi my name is Theis i'm 20 years old.
I just came with my sailboat this morning. I am very interested in a job at your place!
Me and my big brother just started i sail trip around the world for the next 3 years, and we are staying on your beautiful island until December, before heading over the Atlantic.
I've ben working in a bar before, but only for a short time on a festival. I did that for the last 3 years, one week a year. Then i have ben working with Television for one year, and in a surf/snowboard shop for 3 years. I don't speak Spanish but i would love to learn it!

I hope that you can use me for something.
Best regards Theis form Denmark

23-09-2013, 16:12
You have to visit the bar personally!