View Full Version : Murder! What causes someone to destroy so many lives?

23-03-2013, 21:20
Reading about tragedy in Tenerife which was the triple murder in Piedra Hincada of two adults and a four year old boy I just don’t understand the act of murder.
You achieve nothing except causing misery, upset and pain and you leave so many questions in the wake of you devastation.

Why are there so many different reasons to murder someone? Money, robbery, jealousy, lust, shame, embarrassment, hatred, sex, fear, escape, revenge, pressure, religion, in the name of war, mental instability the list goes on and on.

You only have to look at America to realise that the solution isn’t in the penal system but having said that how do you reduce the murder rate? By strengthening the criminal justice system, dramatically raising the probability that, if you commit a murder, you’ll be caught, investigated, prosecuted, convicted, jailed, and, in time, let back out into the community in a way that minimizes the risk that you’ll do it again.

Until you’ve fixed all of it, you’ve fixed none of it.

I feel extremely close to this subject as a victim of a section 20 myself “wounding with intent” in 1998, and my best friend was stabbed to death as a victim of a revenge attack in 2007. When my friend was killed I was angry at everyone who played a part in his death. His family, the police, circumstance and eventually the man that did it himself. But to have such a simple end to a life didn't seem right, it didn't seem big enough! I wanted the world to sit up and mourn the loss of my friend.

There will always be “freak attacks” those that have no motive or reason but I’m sure that most future murders can be prevented by changes to society.

The murder rate has increased sharply from 1950 to present day in most countries. Why?
In these hard times people do become desperate, desperate people will do desperate things.
Poverty and unemployment on one side of the scales and Dishonest MP’s and “fat cat” bankers that are being rewarded for making insane financial decisions on the other side.

Religion and the belief in the afterlife. These religious nuts actually think they’re sending someone to a better place.
Islam and the 40 virgins waiting in paradise!

The governments have got to realise that their mismanagement of their country’s affairs have put the residents of those countries at risk from crime.
You cannot blame a desperate man for his actions but you can prevent him from becoming desperate.

Child murderers and sex offenders, the sickest of all! Even they are sickened by their crimes! But why do we sell schoolgirl outfits as a sexual fetish? Why was Britney Spears’s Oops I did it again video so popular? That sickens me!
Groan men (and women) fantasising about schoolgirls sorry but that’s ****ed up!

Society has got so many problems but we are not dealing with any of them.
Investment in our future is needed, gangs need to be dealt with, kids need to learn respect again, and the police need their authority back. The PC brigade have got a lot to answer for, lets start by kicking them out and repairing all the damage they’ve done

23-03-2013, 21:26
Add to that a Young Mother who jumped in front of a Train Yesterday, clutching Her

Just three Year old Son.. I hear You Carpenter.!

23-03-2013, 21:34
you only have to look at that poor girl going to school in birmingham a couple of weeks ago, stabbed by what looks like a senagal asylem seeker:mad:, they come from a country where death, rape and robbery is an everyday occurance so life means nothing to them??? how can you control something like that?

23-03-2013, 21:39
you adopt an Australian approach to immigrants. You don't let them in! to hell with their human rights! what about our children's?

- - - - - - - - - - merged double post - - - - - - - - - -

maybe some cultures just don't mix! as racist as it sounds some just don't! like two magnets continually repelling each other but still society continues to push them together.

23-03-2013, 21:45
you adopt an Australian approach to immigrants. You don't let them in! to hell with their human rights! what about our children's?ye i remember a few years ago when they wouldn't let that ship of immigrants dock so they all went on hunger strike, but they still wouldn't relent, i can't remember what happened to them now? did tasmania take them in?

23-03-2013, 21:48
ye i remember a few years ago when they wouldn't let that ship of immigrants dock so they all went on hunger strike, but they still wouldn't relent, i can't remember what happened to them now? did tasmania take them in?

In August 2001, the Howard Government of Australia refused permission for the Norwegian freighter MV Tampa, carrying 438 rescued refugees (predominantly Hazaras of Afghanistan from a distressed fishing vessel in international waters) to enter Australian waters.[1] This triggered an Australian political controversy in the lead up to a federal election, and a diplomatic dispute between Australia and Norway.
When the Tampa entered Australian water, the Prime Minister ordered the ship be boarded by Australian special forces. This brought censure from the government of Norway who said the Australian Government failed to meet obligations to distressed mariners under international law at the United Nations.[2] Within a few days the government introduced the Border Protection Bill[3] into the House of Representatives saying it will confirm Australian sovereignty to "determine who will enter and reside in Australia". The government introduced the so-called "Pacific Solution", whereby the asylum seekers were taken to Nauru where their refugee status was considered, rather than in Australia.

23-03-2013, 22:32
I agree with Carpainter some cultures aren't able to mix there's always the exception I'm generalizing.

23-03-2013, 22:35
I agree with Carpainter some cultures aren't able to mix there's always the exception I'm generalizing.

cheers 9Ploos ;)