View Full Version : What is the procedure when changing buses using a bono?

14-04-2013, 22:19
Hi again, I have not been the most active contributer to the forum as most information is already available.
I have used the bonos before but never when I have to change buses en route.
When you change bus , do you just tell the driver your final destination and then pop in the bono and the computer recognises that you are transferring or do you have to tell the driver that you are a transfer passenger?

I am planning to transfer from the Airport to Los Gigantes.

I am happy with the bus numbers but also wonder if I would be better to change at the bus station rather than in Los Christianos.

I seem to go from being mute to loads of questions all at once. The forum is great by the way.Thanks

15-04-2013, 06:46
I would change in the bus station but only because if you have to wait there is a bar. There is no difference in paying.
The machine will know you are on the second bus and will price your journey accordingly.
You can only change once before it resets.

15-04-2013, 07:46
I really don't know what the situation is about using a bono from and to the airport, as I have read that you can no longer use them for airport journeys , I also read that some bonos are no longer valid, please can any recent travellers clarify the situation. We are arriving a fortnight today and have several previous acquired new and used bono's.

15-04-2013, 08:01
Thanks for that and I just tell the 2nd bus driver my destination only or do I need to tell him that I am a transfer passenger.Mind you the pale face and the small suitcase could be clues...

15-04-2013, 08:28
You just have to state your destination and the ticket machine will process your correct fare .
Bonos (€15/25) are valid for Airport journeys but there is now a €1 or €2 surcharge when travelling to/from Airports -the Bono is no longer accepted for journeys to Teide on the 342 -cash only (costs up to €6.65 to Parador ,€8.65 to El Portillo one way )

Click on link in this link for PDF

Other special Bonos are only valid in Santa Cruz area .

15-04-2013, 14:37
The 30€ & 12& bonos are no longer valid but the 15 & 25€ bonos are still good
When you use the bono it is clear which is the "transbordo" as this line comes with a star

15-04-2013, 15:47
So my old Bono is useless? Or can I trade it in at the bus station for a new one? :dontknow:

(I'm not changing buses)

15-04-2013, 16:01
So my old Bono is useless? Or can I trade it in at the bus station for a new one? :dontknow:

(I'm not changing buses)

I believe that you can trade in any old bonos including ones that have expired because they are over a year old.

The bus station should credit any money left on your old cards to a new one.

15-04-2013, 17:04
Thank you Mia. :c2:

16-04-2013, 07:04
Nothing over a year old is now tradable. They have been advertising this on their website and buses for some time now. If you have something under a year you need to go to the main bus stations PDLA in the south and have them change yours.

16-04-2013, 08:49
Nothing over a year old is now tradable. They have been advertising this on their website and buses for some time now. If you have something under a year you need to go to the main bus stations PDLA in the south and have them change yours.

Or Los Cristianos bus station?

16-04-2013, 08:51
Is there an ticket office there? I dont think so

16-04-2013, 10:29
Is there an ticket office there? I dont think so

Yes, a small wooden hut.

16-04-2013, 11:13
Yes , it's a small kiosk but if you want a Bono , you have to go to the sweet kiosk beside it !
I think it's only for information , don't think they'll do any transfer of Bono - PDLA Bus station and the office closes at one to about four in the afternoon , I think .

16-04-2013, 17:41
I had to go to the station in Americas when I had problems with one which had to be changed due to damage.