View Full Version : Marriage age has been raised by 2yrs in Spain

Canarian Weekly
26-04-2013, 11:50
THE SPANISH Government has raised the minimum age for marriage in Spain from 14 to 16 in an attempt to combat child abuse and exploitation.
It also proposes to revise the age of sexual consent, which is now just 13.
The reforms, part of major Government plans to combat the abuse of minors, will be funded with an estimated budget of 5.2 billion euros over the next four years.
In certain circumstances under the previous law, a child was allowed to marry from the age of 14, provided he or she had a court’s permission
Critics of the legislation argue that this could result in children being forced into the union and open the way for exploitation.
Children’s organisations have welcomed the reforms as a more effective means of preventing child abuse and fighting paedophilia.
In Spain, the minimum ages for marriage and sexual consent were previously among the lowest in the world.
Social Services Minister Ana Mato said: “Although the age to enter into marriage in our country is 18 years, the law does allow in certain circumstances for marriage at 14. We are going to raise that age to 16.”
The minister added that the Government would now work with political parties and children’s organisations to increase the age of consent, in line with European Union nations.

More... (http://www.canarianweekly.com/marriage-age-2yrs/)

28-04-2013, 13:01
A move in the right direction for protecting our children, I think!

28-04-2013, 13:06
I'm completely shocked it was ever that low.

tracy hampshire
28-04-2013, 21:03
I'm completely shocked it was ever that low. me too belinda, me too i had no idea it was that low .

29-04-2013, 20:51
So you two ladies are shocked are you? Here are some more shocking statistics.
There are 4 times as many teenage pregnancies in the UK than there are in Spain.
In fact there are more in the UK than any other Western European country.
Only 10% of UK mothers under 20 are married.
And if you dont believe me Google it. In Spain it brings great shame on not only the girl but her entire family to be pregnant and unmarried. The same sadly cannot be said for her British counterparts.

tracy hampshire
29-04-2013, 21:19
So you two ladies are shocked are you? Here are some more shocking statistics.
There are 4 times as many teenage pregnancies in the UK than there are in Spain.
In fact there are more in the UK than any other Western European country.
Only 10% of UK mothers under 20 are married.
And if you dont believe me Google it. In Spain it brings great shame on not only the girl but her entire family to be pregnant and unmarried. The same sadly cannot be said for her British counterparts. totally agree with you, was just shocked about the age limit here, although here they do have the family values that are so lacking in other countries .

29-04-2013, 21:27
So you two ladies are shocked are you? Here are some more shocking statistics.
There are 4 times as many teenage pregnancies in the UK than there are in Spain.
In fact there are more in the UK than any other Western European country.
Only 10% of UK mothers under 20 are married.
And if you dont believe me Google it. In Spain it brings great shame on not only the girl but her entire family to be pregnant and unmarried. The same sadly cannot be said for her British counterparts.

I wonder if that has anything to do with the benefit scheme in the UK....

29-04-2013, 21:56
I wonder if that has anything to do with the benefit scheme in the UK....

As some-one that has rented property to many a single mum on benefit it undoubtedly makes a huge difference.

Things are changing dramatically with the UK benefit system though.

29-04-2013, 22:26
totally agree with you, was just shocked about the age limit here, although here they do have the family values that are so lacking in other countries .

Exactly. Legislation will never change that.

29-04-2013, 22:46
I am 60 next year and sadly throughout my life it has been getting worse and worse. Drive through any council estate or depressed area in the UK and some of the sights you see are just so depressing. In our area we have local council elections on Thursday. I wont bother to mention who I will be voting for suffice to say all the other Partys are running scared of them. At long last theres something worthwhile to vote for.