View Full Version : Wanted Satellite TV/cable TV/broadband and telecoms engineer looking for work

09-05-2013, 16:05
Hi all,

I am looking for any Satellite TV installation work (pref working for someone) in Tenerife. I currently live in the UK but am waiting to try and find some work before buying somewhere out there. Luckily, I wouldn't have a mortgage when I do get somewhere, as required funds for a property are available, so this takes some of the load off me. I am available for an interview instantly.

I am a fully qualified Satellite TV installer (worked for Sky UK in house for 3 years). I have all certification available. I am also a qualified Cable TV, Broadband and Telecoms installer as I worked for Virgin here in the UK. Excellent references are available.

I currently work on a sub-contract basis, but work has seriously dried up here so looking for other avenues.

I have contacted a few companies but no joy so far, as a lot of the TV companies appear to be one man bands.

Please PM me if you can help :spin:

Many thanks

15-01-2016, 20:07
Hi how did you get on with this? as I'm also looking at doing the same and have the same work experience as your self.

16-01-2016, 00:59
Hutchy the post is near 3 years old mate ..........:hello:

16-01-2016, 12:14
Yes I know mate was just seeing how you got on with it [emoji5]