View Full Version : Childhood holidays (oh the memories)

06-06-2013, 21:06
Whilst sat on the terrace this late afternoon, Or was it early evening Having a pint or two of real ale i did like the blonde from Stockport a Robinsons brew.My mind turned to childhood holidays. my earliest memory was catching the train (a steam one) to Morecambe. Where we would end up at station , i can remember Woolworths been near the station in Morecambe.Is it still there?. But what sticks in my mind the most is at the side of the swimming pool on the sea front was the Moby **** the ship or boat that was in the film of the same name . Is that still there i would love to visit again. I have no childhood memories of venturing abroad as the first time i did so was on my 73rd birthday.So please if you have memories of youre childhood holidays prey do tell.

06-06-2013, 22:42
We got taken to New Brighton ..by mum n dad ...big problem was we had to find our own way back home ...d,ya think they were trying to tell us something ..:crying2:

06-06-2013, 23:02
Going on the 'Club trips' to Cleethorpes or Scarborough from Stainy, on a steam train, and being given a brown envelope containing 5 shillings - a fortune in those days. Cleethorpes was the worst if the tide was out, you needed a packed lunch to walk to the water line. Still fond memories. Cleethorpes was good because if you got back to the station in good time, there was a cafe upstairs where you could get fish & chips for next to nothing, a huge mug of tea, and bread that was buttered on both sides. :hungry: :D

07-06-2013, 16:55
I always remember mum and dad went to Ibiza with a couple of friends in the mid to late 70's, and so my lovely old nan (who wasn't that old at the time when I think about it now) took me and my brother to Barry island Butlins holiday camp (we were about 6 and 7 years old at the time I think). I can remember nan and brother having a single bed each and I had to sleep in a babies "cot" LOL ..... but we had a lovely holiday as far as I can remember, and looking at the one or two photos my nan has, we looked happy :)

07-06-2013, 20:16
Dad was a miner in Nottingham and every year the pit closed for two weeks and all the kids went to Skeggy on a steam train, sticking our heads out of the window and getting soot and grit in our eyes, we held a game where the first kid to see or smell the sea would shout out to be a winner,lots of arguments with some kids saying the can see the sea just as we pulled out of Victoria station!! 90 miles from Skeggy, brilliant days , would have been in the 50's. Not like nowadays when you can be abroad in a couple of hours.:spin:

07-06-2013, 20:42
i can remember one particular holiday, i was about 7, and my parents had booked a caravan at clarach bay borth, we pulled into the site full of expectation and excitement at the thought of a stay in a luxury caravan for a week(according to the bloke my dad booked it with), i remember us looking at this funny looking bubble of a green caravan on the way in and us all laughing at it, saying "OMG" who has had the nerve to site that here:crylaughing:, we drove round the site for about 60 mins looking for our caravan, but could not find it? mom said "what was the name again?" dad said "the mayflower" yes you guest it:ashamed:, it was the horrid green bubble:(, my mom spent 3 days scrubbing it because she was of the old school that thought that when you stayed in a caravan it should always be cleaner when you left it than when you got there:confused:,i remember the highlight of the holiday was a dogfish being washed up on the beach:(, i have been back to borth as an adult a few times but it hasn't improved in terms of excitement and it's a bugger to get to from the midlands:cheeky:

07-06-2013, 20:55
I can only recall one holiday as a kid (I had a deprived childhood :crying2:). We lived in London and went on holiday to Brighton.......................and there was sea!!

07-06-2013, 20:58
I can only recall one holiday as a kid (I had a deprived childhood :crying2:). We lived in London and went on holiday to Brighton.......................and there was sea!!we love brighton, we went twice last year, it takes us nearly 4 hours to get there but it's worth it:wink2:

07-06-2013, 21:26
Whilst sat on the terrace this late afternoon, Or was it early evening Having a pint or two of real ale i did like the blonde from Stockport a Robinsons brew.My mind turned to childhood holidays. my earliest memory was catching the train (a steam one) to Morecambe. Where we would end up at station , i can remember Woolworths been near the station in Morecambe.Is it still there?. But what sticks in my mind the most is at the side of the swimming pool on the sea front was the Moby **** the ship or boat that was in the film of the same name . Is that still there i would love to visit again. I have no childhood memories of venturing abroad as the first time i did so was on my 73rd birthday.So please if you have memories of youre childhood holidays prey do tell.

Now far be it from me to appear pedantic here but surely the whale was called "Moby D"? The boat was called the Pequod.
Moby was the whale........Just sayin like........

PS: Marb mate.......brighton..............G*Y......:laugh:

07-06-2013, 22:11
Now far be it from me to appear pedantic here but surely the whale was called "Moby D"? The boat was called the Pequod.
Moby was the whale........Just sayin like........

PS: Marb mate.......brighton..............G*Y......:laugh:: laugh: i think that's why me and my WIFE like it so much because the atmos is brill:wink2:

08-06-2013, 10:51
Going to Scarborough on big family holidays on the stream train from Manchester Victoria...or was it Central? Playing in the lake at Peasholme park and going on the pirate ship. My mother used to worry I'd get polio form the lake. We then graduated to going to Devon and Cornwall on the train as my dad worked on the railways and we travelled for free. The excitment of getting the midnight steam train from Manchester Picadilly. My Dad travelled in his suit , he always jumped off the train at Bristol Templemeads whilst the engine was changed to get cups of tea. Once we thought he'd missed the train but arrived back in the carriage with the cups but minus the tea..it spilled out as he jumped back on the moving train!!! The first sight of the sea at Westonsupermare, going along the coast at Dawlish Warren. I remember being the proud owner of a frido ball, bought for me in Ifracombe....I could go on.....such happy memories! Was it really all those years ago???

08-06-2013, 11:31
Going to Barry to visit my nan in the 50s three years on the trot.

We were living in Norfolk and the trip was 240 miles, nothing today, but in those days the trip was 8-9 hours with the aid of an AA route package, which gave precious directions, even down to traffic lights, through every town on the way. No motorway then.

Don't remember the holidays much but remember the trips like they were yesterday.

Four of us in a 1946 Ford Anglia. Taking it in turns to walk up hills, 'cos the car couldn't cope. Knocking on doors to ask for water to cool the car. My mum nearly breaking her wrist trying to keep the vacuum window wipers going when it rained. Picnic half way, usually in Oxfordshire or Gloucestershire. Chasing swans. I could go on an on.

Ahhh, the good old days..Holidays were an adventure.