View Full Version : Paperwork How can I get a social security number for part-time work

18-06-2013, 17:49
Hi I am hoping you can help me i have been offered a Part-time job so i will need to get a social security number,were can i get this from and what will i need to take with me.

Thanks in Advance

18-06-2013, 23:52
Already answered your PM but for the benefit of others :
See FAQs on my website quote:
Q: I’m new here and I’ve been offered a job but I can’t get a residencia so I can’t work, what can I do?
A: Again you need to do things in the right order, get your non residents NIE A4 white paper which will last 90 days, and a job offer in writing in Spanish, go and get a Spanish Social Security number, go back to your new employer and let them have copies of both numbers.
Once you have your contract and your employment has started you can go back to the Extranjeria to get your residence certificate.

The job offer must contain your details the employers details and the nature of the job offer - gestors will be used to doing this - you obtain it in Los Cristianos INSS opposite Ofipapel and near Musical Reuben shop - take your Passport and NIE plus the job offer letter and if possible a certificate of empadronamiento as well (this last is not essential)