View Full Version : Health How long after work contract expires does your healthcare run out?

04-07-2013, 15:03
Is anyone able to tell me how long ealthcare and prescriptions will run after 6 month contract has ended.

04-07-2013, 21:16
I think its about a month but not a hundred percent, I know it is 3 months on longer contracts.

04-07-2013, 21:19
It certainly used to be 6 months

05-07-2013, 00:13
See here (in English) http://www.seg-social.es/Internet_6/Trabajadores/PrestacionesPension10935/Asistenciasanitaria/RegimenGeneral/Nacimientodelderech30480/index.htm#6103_6 Their translation is a little stilted but you can get the info


Affiliated workers, pensioners and family members of either,while the pathological process lasts.

Workers who have suffered a work-related injury or occupational disease maintain the right to health care throughout the process, even in the event of Social Security cessation.

In the case of workers who are no longer affiliated with the Social Security and their beneficiaries, the duration varies according to the period for which contributions have been made.
If they have 90 days of contributions within the previous 365 days, they retain their entitlement to start receiving the benefit in the 90 days subsequent to the termination of affiliation. The duration of the benefit will be:
52 or 39 weeks, according to whether it is a worker or beneficiary, if the health care starts before the termination of affiliation.
39 or 26 weeks, according to whether it is a worker or family member, if the health care starts after the cessation.
If they do not have 90 days of contributions within the previous 365 days, as long as the health care started before the termination of affiliation, it will last for 39 or 26 weeks according to whether it is a worker or family member.
Emigrants and their family members in foreign countries, for the abovementioned periods, which can be extended in exceptional circumstances.

Workers with special contributor status due to legal strike or lockout,for as long as this situation lasts.

Workers on leave to care for children or foster children, during the first two years, which is increased to 30 or 36 months in large families, depending on their category (general or special).

So in your example the 6 month contract is more than 90 days in the last 365 so you are entitled to 90 days after you finnish - if you are reciving Paro your entitlement carries on - if you are not receiving Paro but are registered as Job seeking you may be entitled to "sin recursos" enquire at your surgery for your particular circumstances.

06-07-2013, 10:14
Thank you for the information. So basically, being on the paro is being on the sick.

06-07-2013, 11:12
Thank you for the information. So basically, being on the paro is being on the sick.
No... Paro = (contributary) unemployment benefit
incapacidad temporal= (contributory) sick pay
Incapacidad permanente = (contributary) permanent incapacity benefit
Ayuda/subsidio = non-contributary benefit of some kind