View Full Version : Washing thread

25-08-2013, 11:18
Prompted by an idea of Agent Double M.
Tell us youre tales of washdays , ie did you forget to put the soap powder in ?, did the next doors cat drag anything off youre washing line,? or even did it rain when you had put youre washing on the line.?

Malteser Monkey
25-08-2013, 11:21
OMG ! what you like !

I can't think of any at the mo, once washed a woollen jumper on the woollens setting, it shrunk and was even to small for a tiny tears doll !

Santi must have a few

25-08-2013, 11:26
OMG ! what you like !

I can't think of any at the mo, once washed a woollen jumper on the woollens setting, it shrunk and was even to small for a tiny tears doll !

Santi must have a few

After reading youre post .The dryer stopped. So i must now fold the items up . (what a strange world):flatcap:

Malteser Monkey
25-08-2013, 11:34
After reading youre post .The dryer stopped. So i must now fold the items up . (what a strange world):flatcap:

Wow amazing:D

25-08-2013, 14:39
I can't believe i've just read this LOL

<<<<< majorly rolling my eyes heavenwards :wall:

my washing machine may need a service, it's leaving dirty marks on the lighter clothes... hubby said "but it's not always doing it" and I said "yeah but on the dark clothes you wouldn't notice DOHHH!"

- - - - - - - - - - merged double post - - - - - - - - - -

20 years ago when I was living in Garachico in a 5th floor (no lift) tiny apartment with other half and newborn son, I had to handwash everything in a marble sink with the scrubber bit, on the balcony.... had wonderful views though ...

Malteser Monkey
25-08-2013, 14:47
I can't believe i've just read this LOL

<<<<< majorly rolling my eyes heavenwards :wall:

my washing machine may need a service, it's leaving dirty marks on the lighter clothes... hubby said "but it's not always doing it" and I said "yeah but on the dark clothes you wouldn't notice DOHHH!"

- - - - - - - - - - merged double post - - - - - - - - - -

20 years ago when I was living in Garachico in a 5th floor (no lift) tiny apartment with other half and newborn son, I had to handwash everything in a marble sink with the scrubber bit, on the balcony.... had wonderful views though ...

I was the same before I could afford my first machine - it's amazing what you value when you don't have it.

Good job it was in Tenerife as everything used to drip dry on the balcony:D

25-08-2013, 14:52
After reading youre post .The dryer stopped. So i must now fold the items up . (what a strange world):flatcap:

Dryer? Is it raining in Yorkshire then?:D

Malteser Monkey
25-08-2013, 14:55
Dryer? Is it raining in Yorkshire then?:D


25-08-2013, 15:12
I can't believe i've just read this LOL

<<<<< majorly rolling my eyes heavenwards :wall:

my washing machine may need a service, it's leaving dirty marks on the lighter clothes... hubby said "but it's not always doing it" and I said "yeah but on the dark clothes you wouldn't notice DOHHH!"

- - - - - - - - - - merged double post - - - - - - - - - -

20 years ago when I was living in Garachico in a 5th floor (no lift) tiny apartment with other half and newborn son, I had to handwash everything in a marble sink with the scrubber bit, on the balcony.... had wonderful views though ...

Ah but it was the Scrubber bit that prompted him to propose!!!:eyebrows::wink2:

Malteser Monkey
25-08-2013, 15:45
Ah but it was the Scrubber bit that prompted him to propose!!!:eyebrows::wink2:

Well she's scrubbed up nicely !:D

Afternoon Sue

25-08-2013, 17:14
i've got bad memories of the old boiler/washer we used to have because of the amount of times i've had a whack with the boiler stick:D

Malteser Monkey
25-08-2013, 17:26
i've got bad memories of the old boiler/washer we used to have because of the amount of times i've had a whack with the boiler stick:D

Well when you roll in late and drunk...dinner's in the dog.....what do you expect !:twak::D

25-08-2013, 17:34
i've got bad memories of the old boiler/washer we used to have because of the amount of times i've had a whack with the boiler stick:D

Same with me but have stopped whacking the old boiler . She ended up black and blue and complained so i had a 15 minute visit to this guy notice the price 15 mins free ,I am a yorkshire man after all .

26-08-2013, 16:23
Ah but it was the Scrubber bit that prompted him to propose!!!:eyebrows::wink2:

hahahaha i'm not even going there hahahahaha

tracy hampshire
26-08-2013, 17:21
this happened to a friend , not me, but she hand washed some things in the kitchen sink, including her cats toy, popped the stuff in her macine to spin, the phone started ringing so she went off to answer it, came back later closed the washing machine door & set it to spin cycle, i know , iknow you all know whats coming next, she disapeared off upstairs, but then she could hear the machine making a banging sound , came downstairs to check it out just as the spin cycle was finishing , only to see a horrified looking cat looking at her from inside the washer, the poor woman was hysterical & the cat , well apart from being a bit wobbly & dizzy for an hour , was un harmed , when she called me crying , to tell me this tale of woe, all i could think was thank god it wasn t a boil wash :playcat:

26-08-2013, 18:35
this happened to a friend , not me, but she hand washed some things in the kitchen sink, including her cats toy, popped the stuff in her macine to spin, the phone started ringing so she went off to answer it, came back later closed the washing machine door & set it to spin cycle, i know , iknow you all know whats coming next, she disapeared off upstairs, but then she could hear the machine making a banging sound , came downstairs to check it out just as the spin cycle was finishing , only to see a horrified looking cat looking at her from inside the washer, the poor woman was hysterical & the cat , well apart from being a bit wobbly & dizzy for an hour , was un harmed , when she called me crying , to tell me this tale of woe, all i could think was thank god it wasn t a boil wash :playcat:

:flatcap: Thank you so much for your story, thats the sort of thing the readers want:flatcap:

26-08-2013, 18:43
this happened to a friend , not me, but she hand washed some things in the kitchen sink, including her cats toy, popped the stuff in her macine to spin, the phone started ringing so she went off to answer it, came back later closed the washing machine door & set it to spin cycle, i know , iknow you all know whats coming next, she disapeared off upstairs, but then she could hear the machine making a banging sound , came downstairs to check it out just as the spin cycle was finishing , only to see a horrified looking cat looking at her from inside the washer, the poor woman was hysterical & the cat , well apart from being a bit wobbly & dizzy for an hour , was un harmed , when she called me crying , to tell me this tale of woe, all i could think was thank god it wasn t a boil wash :playcat:

My mind is in overdrive at the thought of a boil wash:pray::lol::lol: shouldnt really laugh I suppose:scared:

Malteser Monkey
26-08-2013, 18:54
this happened to a friend , not me, but she hand washed some things in the kitchen sink, including her cats toy, popped the stuff in her macine to spin, the phone started ringing so she went off to answer it, came back later closed the washing machine door & set it to spin cycle, i know , iknow you all know whats coming next, she disapeared off upstairs, but then she could hear the machine making a banging sound , came downstairs to check it out just as the spin cycle was finishing , only to see a horrified looking cat looking at her from inside the washer, the poor woman was hysterical & the cat , well apart from being a bit wobbly & dizzy for an hour , was un harmed , when she called me crying , to tell me this tale of woe, all i could think was thank god it wasn t a boil wash :playcat:

Ohh Lord your worst nightmare

26-08-2013, 19:18
I know Someone, (not Me) who did a Wash of Football Socks and some smalls.

The Socks were Red, I';ll leave the rest to Your Imagination...

tracy hampshire
26-08-2013, 19:41
i laughed when she told me, really bad of me i know, but my friend is a walking disaster, it could only happen to her, myself i did wash an ex boyfriends lamb wool jumper ( which he d paid a fortune for ) in a hot wash, would have been lucky to fit action man when i d finished, he looked high & low for that jumper, luckily we had just returned from a visit to his family in holland, my answer, you stupid sod, you ve left it at your mums, i don t need to say the relationship didn t last much longer, and another little gem of wisdom while i m at it , from my granny, never ever get married tracey, cos whoever you meet , no matter how good looking, they only want sone silly sod to wash there knickers & socks xxxxx

life is short
26-08-2013, 20:18
Just had to share this with you all.

I’m one of three sisters. When we were all still at school (a very long time ago) we had a pet budgie. ‘Joey’ was a lovely and friendly little thing, didn’t bite anybody….all the family used to teach him to talk and whistle a couple of tunes. When my dad was reading the newspaper Joey used to sit on his glasses and balance on his newspaper.

Anyhow, one day, mum sat us all down and told us that our pet had died. My sisters and I were really upset, but I can’t remember if mum gave us a reason or not.

It was some time much later when mum did tell us exactly how our pet budgie had drowned :titanic: - in the twin-tub washing machine (told you it was a long time ago) She’d left the kitchen for a moment, whilst Joey was out of his cage as usual, and when she came back……..you guessed……he was floating in the washing machine. She didn’t have the heart to tell us at the time.

We all cry laughing about it now. :rofl: Probably just like you’re doing at this moment. :rofl:

26-08-2013, 20:35
That brought back memories.

My Brother brought Home a Young Crow. He used to wash every Morning in an Old Dolly Tub,

We had under a Down Spout. He stood where the Soap Holder was.

One Day He fell in..

So, I know what a loss it was........He had lived with Us about two Years...

27-08-2013, 09:02
A story from eleswhere on the internetty webby thing.:flatcap::feret::feret::feret::feret:

A couple of days ago my friends washing machine broke down, and he bought a new one. Anyway he didn’t want to pay the money for someone to come and fit it, he kept moaning and moaning about money, so as you do my response was ‘ill fit it for you!’

After all fitting a washing machine is hardly a hard task, simply fit the hot and cold feed, how hard could it be?

Not a difficult task at all I told myself, but I was stuck for room, so we moved the gas cooker out the way to make the job an easier one.

We even switched off the gas and disconnected the gas cooker pipe which was a standard bayonet fitting, everything is going fine at this point, I continued the plumbing as normal, made sure I fitted everything correctly, didn’t want to let my mate down after all.

I went outside switched the gas back on, just after putting the cooker back in place. Even though the bayonet is self-sealing so in hindsight I didn’t need to switch it off, but luckily I did.

When the washing machine started there was a horrible smell of what seemed to be gas, yes I had successfully plumbed into the gas pipe!

Anyway the gas board came round and had to condemned most of his homes gas fittings they were that out of date, so just doing my mate a favour cost me a fortune!

27-08-2013, 10:41
A story from eleswhere on the internetty webby thing.:flatcap::feret::feret::feret::feret:

A couple of days ago my friends washing machine broke down, and he bought a new one. Anyway he didn’t want to pay the money for someone to come and fit it, he kept moaning and moaning about money, so as you do my response was ‘ill fit it for you!’

After all fitting a washing machine is hardly a hard task, simply fit the hot and cold feed, how hard could it be?

Not a difficult task at all I told myself, but I was stuck for room, so we moved the gas cooker out the way to make the job an easier one.

We even switched off the gas and disconnected the gas cooker pipe which was a standard bayonet fitting, everything is going fine at this point, I continued the plumbing as normal, made sure I fitted everything correctly, didn’t want to let my mate down after all.

I went outside switched the gas back on, just after putting the cooker back in place. Even though the bayonet is self-sealing so in hindsight I didn’t need to switch it off, but luckily I did.

When the washing machine started there was a horrible smell of what seemed to be gas, yes I had successfully plumbed into the gas pipe!

Anyway the gas board came round and had to condemned most of his homes gas fittings they were that out of date, so just doing my mate a favour cost me a fortune!

I wonder what the Judge said?

- - - - - - - - - - merged double post - - - - - - - - - -

this happened to a friend , not me, but she hand washed some things in the kitchen sink, including her cats toy, popped the stuff in her macine to spin, the phone started ringing so she went off to answer it, came back later closed the washing machine door & set it to spin cycle, i know , iknow you all know whats coming next, she disapeared off upstairs, but then she could hear the machine making a banging sound , came downstairs to check it out just as the spin cycle was finishing , only to see a horrified looking cat looking at her from inside the washer, the poor woman was hysterical & the cat , well apart from being a bit wobbly & dizzy for an hour , was un harmed , when she called me crying , to tell me this tale of woe, all i could think was thank god it wasn t a boil wash :playcat:

Did she dry the cat in the microwave??..;)

27-08-2013, 12:03
I wonder what the Judge said?

- - - - - - - - - - merged double post - - - - - - - - - -

Did she dry the cat in the microwave??..;)

Why do you ask ?
Surely if it wasn't raining, would you Lancastrians have pegged it on the washing line?:playcat::washingline::washing:

Malteser Monkey
27-08-2013, 12:51
Some great stories - who would have thought it lol

can't get smilies to come up on screen am on train at mo.......

27-08-2013, 20:05
Some great stories - who would have thought it lol

can't get smilies to come up on screen am on train at mo.......

I waved.........You didn't.......:tiphat::tiphat:;);)

27-08-2013, 20:38
Some great stories - who would have thought it lol

can't get smilies to come up on screen am on train at mo.......

Have you gone to collect your laundry?

Malteser Monkey
28-08-2013, 10:40
Will wave on the way back :wave::wave::cheeky:

29-08-2013, 08:56
:flatcap: Just tidying up


Malteser Monkey
29-08-2013, 15:45
I waved.........You didn't.......:tiphat::tiphat:;);)

Well im waving now...:wave:

29-08-2013, 19:22
Terrible Day for drying Washing Yesterday..

Out again Today. Fixed within a couple of Hours...

29-08-2013, 20:13
Terrible Day for drying Washing Yesterday..

Out again Today. Fixed within a couple of Hours...

I do like it when people report their delays with their washing ( my god im turning into Dot cotton) what ever happened to the traditional Monday wash day ?
:washingline::flatcap::washing::feret::washing::fe ret:

29-08-2013, 20:16
I do like it when people report their delays with their washing ( my god im turning into Dot cotton) what ever happened to the traditional Monday wash day ?
:washingline::flatcap::washing::feret::washing::fe ret:

No Home Help... Bank Holiday.....

Malteser Monkey
30-08-2013, 12:11
Right just off outside put mine out ....washing:cheeky::washing:

31-08-2013, 11:07
My best suit returned from the dry cleaners yesterday. Which is great news for me . It was delivered just in time for todays event at the hall:flatcap::feret::feret::feret::feret:

Malteser Monkey
31-08-2013, 12:42
My best suit returned from the dry cleaners yesterday. Which is great news for me . It was delivered just in time for todays event at the hall:flatcap::feret::feret::feret::feret:

What event is that ?

We're off to the zoo - 2 of OH's grandkids here, they want to see my relations:laugh:

31-08-2013, 13:09
What event is that ?

We're off to the zoo - 2 of OH's grandkids here, they want to see my relations:laugh:

loads of monkeys but any:feret::feret::laugh:

31-08-2013, 19:47
What event is that ?

We're off to the zoo - 2 of OH's grandkids here, they want to see my relations:laugh:

C.B. or Whipsnade..?

Malteser Monkey
01-09-2013, 11:14
loads of monkeys but any:feret::feret::laugh:

nope none of those - they don't survive in this part of the World:cheeky:

C.B. or Whipsnade..?

Colwyn Bay Warbs - it was lovely and what fantastic views eh.

Kids loved it - so did we but flippin' eck my legs are hurting - it so steep up and down there - very enjoyable

03-09-2013, 11:14
I have got my washing hung out today:flatcap:

Just wondering whether to purchase these for my holidays, Cannot find washing instructions:flatcap:

Malteser Monkey
03-09-2013, 11:20
I have got my washing hung out today:flatcap:

Just wondering whether to purchase these for my holidays, Cannot find washing instructions:flatcap:

Hand Wash I suspect - but you gotta take 'em off first:crazy:

I have a scarf that says wash inside out...

03-09-2013, 12:13
I have got my washing hung out today:flatcap:

Just wondering whether to purchase these for my holidays, Cannot find washing instructions:flatcap:

I had a pair of those once but got fed up with people slapping my legs...:cheeky:

03-09-2013, 12:56
I had a pair of those once but got fed up with people slapping my legs...:cheeky:

Was that owt to do with your photo beer in hand

03-09-2013, 22:08
Was that owt to do with your photo beer in hand

No, they squeak every time you sit down.,,:whistle:

04-09-2013, 09:14
This is spooky :flatcap:
Just a short story here and it is true. I'm not a believer in ghosts and not an easy guy to scare but this did the trick. I'll tell you in advance that I don't have an answer to what happened but would like to hear your thoughts. It's all true and a major puzzle to me.

Our top loading washing machine is in the basement, it's a nice basement not a dark, spooky place. The room has bright lights and because it's in the basement there is no way to enter this room from outside the house. Okay, here we go At least a half dozen times in the past year I've gone done to put the wash into the dryer after the washing time should have long elapsed. Imagine my surprise to find the wash not finished and the top cover/lid of the washing machine up. The fact that the lid is up means that the washing cycle has not been completed. Each time I just scratched my head and wondered how this could happen.

Just the other day it happened again. This time as I went back into the wash room I switched on the light and looked to see the top up once again. But this time I heard something move in the room. It was the sound like a dog would make if you woke him from sleeping and he bounced up, we don't have any pets. The hair on my arms went straight up as I looked around the room but I never found anything.


- - - - - - - - - - merged double post - - - - - - - - - -



Malteser Monkey
04-09-2013, 10:26
IT's the flippin:feret::feret::feret::feret::feret::feret:: feret: who else could it be:cheeky:

04-09-2013, 10:37
Dodgy catch on w/machine lid? Can't explain the noise though, have you checked your trousers? :D

04-09-2013, 20:40
Nearly got Me going there LUCKY.

Until You said the Hair on Your ARMS stood up..

If it had been on Your neck, I would have suggested a Person who was locked down There once upon a time.....

08-09-2013, 11:32
Heres one to sing along to while you do the wash :flatcap::feret::feret::feret::feret:


:washing::washingline::washingline::washing::washi ngline:
:washingmachine::washingmachine::washingmachine::w ashingmachine:

08-09-2013, 14:11
How do polar bears stay white?


25-02-2014, 10:30
Its in a spin:flatcap:
