View Full Version : Scary

29-08-2013, 13:38
One of the many reasons to live in a safer country.
This actually happened a few weeks ago on the M3 FLEET SERVICES!!!

It was early evening, and a young girl stopped to get petrol. She filled her tank and walked into the store to pay for her petrol.. The cashier told her, 'Don't pay for your petrol yet......walk around the store for a while, and act as if you're picking up some other things to buy. A man just got into the back of your car. I've called the police, and they're on their way'.

When the police arrived, they found the man in the back seat of the girl's car and asked him what he was doing. He replied, he was joining a gang, and the initiation to join is to kidnap a woman and bring her back to the gang to be raped by every member of the gang. If the woman was still alive by the time they finish with her then they let her go. According to the police that night, there is a new gang forming here, originating from London . The scary part of this is, because the guy didn't have a weapon on him, the police could only charge him with trespassing....

He's back on the street and free to try again. Something similar to this happened at the Tesco garage on Cardiff Road in Newport recently, but luckily the cashier saw the man get into her car. Please be aware of what's going on around you, and warn your family and friends.

LADIES, you or one of your family or friends could be the next victim. Please forward this on to everyone you know. Please do not discard this message; it is very important that everyone knows what is happening. Please be careful when leaving your vehicle, and make sure it is ALWAYS LOCKED to prevent this from happening to you.

In light of the recent kidnapping and now murder of Leigh Mathews, I think it is important to read the following info for your own safety. Things women should know to stay safe: Please take the time to read these pointers. There may be just one or two you hadn't thought of. After reading this, forward it to someone you care about. It never hurts to be careful in this crazy world we live in

29-08-2013, 14:44
While there is some excellent advice contained in this story, it has been doing the rounds since 2008 - see here:


29-08-2013, 14:49
Well the version I heard was at Carrefore at Santa Cruz, but he got in the car while she was putting her shopping in the boot.Didn't believe that version either.

29-08-2013, 15:10
One of the many reasons to live in a safer country.
Main reason please.
And which country is safer?

This actually happened a few weeks ago on the M3 FLEET SERVICES!!!
I doubt it.
Is that the M3 Fleet services in Hampshire, near Aldershot and Farnborough airfield? Or is it somewhere in South Africa.

He replied, he was joining a gang, and the initiation to join is to kidnap a woman and bring her back to the gang to be raped by every member of the gang. If the woman was still alive by the time they finish with her then they let her go.
Yeah right, he said that to the police.

Please be aware of what's going on around you, and warn your family and friends.
Yes, this I do agree with. It is important to be aware that there are people around making up scary stories like this
And warn your friends and families that they should not be gullible and believe such tripe.

It is OK to go outdoors, it is relatively unlikely that things that happen in the newspapers are going to happen to you. And this wasn't even in the newspaper, someone made it up.
So don't worry.
If you received this from a facebook friend - delete them. You don't want friends like that. Certainly don't forward it to anyone because it will make you look like a right twonker.

In light of the recent kidnapping and now murder of Leigh Mathews, I think it is important to read the following info for your own safety. Things women should know to stay safe: Please take the time to read these pointers. There may be just one or two you hadn't thought of. After reading this, forward it to someone you care about. It never hurts to be careful in this crazy world we live in

Do they really have a MET Police in South Africa? Then I'm sorry, I take it back ... yes that's quite a dangerous place.
But even so . . . . Leigh Matthews was murdered nine years ago (it was in the papers) er . . in SOUTH AFRICA . . . and not last week. And she was kidnapped for a ransom demand . . . and she wasn't raped at all, not even a little bit.

I suppose that could happen in Hampshire, but I wouldn't worry about it too much.

life is short
29-08-2013, 15:33
IMHO it doesn't matter when it happened, this type of incident really does happen.

If, now and again, people are reminded about these dangers, then surely that's a good thing. It increases people's awareness of their surroundings.

If you're on your own at a petrol station, then it's just commonsense to lock your car when you go to pay anyhow. Man or woman.

29-08-2013, 16:39
IMHO it doesn't matter when it happened

It did not happen.

29-08-2013, 16:41
It did not happen.

Correct :) http://www.hoax-slayer.com/gang-member-back-seat.html

29-08-2013, 17:06
If it didn't happen then that's great, but in this world we live in there are evil people everywhere and it doesn't harm to be vigilant at all times. Thanks to the OP for sharing, no harm done .

29-08-2013, 18:35
If it didn't happen then that's great, but in this world we live in there are evil people everywhere and it doesn't harm to be vigilant at all times. Thanks to the OP for sharing, no harm done .
I disagree there candy2411. There is harm done, this is intellectual pollution that seeps into people's subconscious and instils paranoia in the gullible by distorting their sense of reality. And if you aren't gullible, then it is a terrible waste of time.

Why are you thanking the OP for cutting and pasting something totally fictitious that someone made up at least 8 years ago. Thanks for sharing? . . . . give me a break.

I doubt it was him that changed the place names to Hampshire and Cardiff, but if he did . . . why leave in the kidnapping in South Africa?

I mean if you are going to peddle such bilge you could at least read what you are cutting and pasting - "please take time to read these pointers" indeed, where are they?

I find this sort of posting offensive. It is presented as a genuine warning, only after wasting your time reading it do you realise someone has shovelled you a smelly dollop of lazy cutting and pasting. Thanks for sharing . . . leave it out.

By all means lock your car.
And while I'm here I would like to remind people to lock their front door when they leave the house. My friend forgot and he was burgled by a twelve foot Troll which squashed his pet dog flat and ran off with his fridge. Please pass this information to all your friends and anyone you care about, it really really happened . . . . in this crazy world we live in.

29-08-2013, 20:41
Had a bad day Oberon? No of course not. You enjoy posting self-opinionated comments at every opportunity and today was just another normal day.

May I remind you, this is an open forum and everyone is permitted to express their comments and viewpoint as they wish.

Try not to be so condescending in future, it rather demeans the content of any valid point you wish to make.

Have a good evening:neener:

29-08-2013, 21:00
And on that note. Thread closed-