View Full Version : Spanish Proverbs

30-05-2011, 17:30
Más vale pájaro en mano que cien volando

Can you guess the English equivalent ... very similar but not 100 :)

30-05-2011, 17:55
A Bird in the hand is worth more than 100 flying. :D

Or in English....

"A bird in the hand is worth 2 in a bush"

What about this one... What's the English equivalent?

"Tocando su umbligo."

30-05-2011, 18:41
Dare I ask what an "umbligo" is?

30-05-2011, 18:49
Dare I ask what an "umbligo" is?

ombligo is a bellybutton ...

30-05-2011, 18:56
Touching your bellybutton ? Has to be Touching wood but then who knows how the Spanish think lol

30-05-2011, 19:02
Touching your bellybutton ? Has to be Touching wood but then who knows how the Spanish think lol

Touch or knock on wood is toca madera ...

Is it something like stealing/pulling the rug under your feet

30-05-2011, 19:03
Porque hacerlo hoy si podemos hacerlo mañana

30-05-2011, 19:06
Porque hacerlo hoy si podemos hacerlo mañana

A Spanish proverb for tradesmen ??? :lol:

30-05-2011, 19:15
"Tocando su umbligo."

My understanding was it means somthing like doing nothing. But it is one of those phrases I have heard used but as I wasn't completely sure have never used. I will ask one of the children later.

My other half has just asked a collegue and she says it means doing nothing.

30-05-2011, 19:17

Is a list of Spanish proverbs with their english equivalents I found in my search for the meaning of the last one.

30-05-2011, 19:39
Is a list of Spanish proverbs with their english equivalents I found in my search for the meaning of the last one.

Some are really quite different

Ya que estamos en el baile, bailemos In for a penny, in for a pound

30-05-2011, 19:45
A Spanish proverb for tradesmen ??? :lol:


30-05-2011, 20:05
What about this one... What's the English equivalent?

"Tocando su umbligo."

doh ... just dawned on me ..... could be equivalent of "navel gazing" ???

30-05-2011, 20:31
doh ... just dawned on me ..... could be equivalent of "navel gazing" ???No! It's equivalent in English is 'Twiddling your thumbs' :D

and yes, it's ombligo. I posted from my iPhone. My finger must have slipped. :o

I like this thread.... I find idioms interesting.

30-05-2011, 20:35
Deje que el que esta reparto de pecado la primera piedra .....................AY! Madre !!!!! this was said by jesus

30-05-2011, 21:53
I like this thread.... I find idioms interesting.

So do I and look what I have just found ... there's even a WiKi for Proverbs

with a proverb of the day :) De la mano a la boca se pierda la sopa

WikiProverbs is created for free use by linguists, folklorists, writers, journalists, anthropologists, translators, or anyone who wishes to research this fascinating domain of human language or simply enrich the vocabulary by using authentic proverbs.
