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View Full Version : Exploring from each TF1 exit

Red Devil
30-05-2011, 18:02
Can anyone else remember, quite a while ago, someone kindly did a car route along the TF1 in the South, stopping off at every exit along the way and reporting what was there?
It was amazing the number of little non tourist beaches there were, along with the usual local cafe on the beach. We tried a couple of them but I have lost the list. Thanks ..:)

30-05-2011, 18:08
It may well have been cyberhiker. He has his own website now so maybe you will find the info you need here (http://www.cyberhiker.co.uk/)

30-05-2011, 18:12
No MrsTT, it was torrenter. I have been searching for weeks to try and find them, but to no avail.
It was a good reference file.

Red Devil
30-05-2011, 21:13
No MrsTT, it was torrenter. I have been searching for weeks to try and find them, but to no avail.
It was a good reference file.

Don't suppose anyone kept a copy that they could share here?

30-05-2011, 21:25
i,ll more than likely see Torr tomorrow,i,ll ask him if he kept a record...... he still rolls off all the eateries he went to ...:)

30-05-2011, 22:29
I ferreted one out on Google for you. Salida 12 - La Caleta, Tenerife. I clicked on the cached file & cut & pasted it. No photos tho! I'lllook for some more if Torrenter hasn't kept them himself.

I've been exploring some of the coastal towns to the east of the airport. They are reachable from the TF1 motorway, and the other day, it was the turn of Salida 12 - the exit leading to La Caleta.

La Caleta - another barrancho beach (see pic #1).

So what made this the most delightful trip of the day?

Cananios hospitality - that's what.

We wandered up to the small promomade, and came across a street party! Being reserved English types we sat down nearby, and within a minute, someone offered us a canarian potato.

A moment later, a 'tired and emotional' host (Juan) poured us out a cup of local wine, and brought us a plate of pork with mojo sauce. Others brought us a serviette, and more wine 'made in Guimar' and later some prepared fruit. A truly free lunch - just for the effort of visiting another south-eastern Canarian seaside pueblo - what could be better?

It was some kind of local street party, and Juan; our host, made sure we were watered and fed in true Canarian style!

It seems like 30 years since I last saw this kind of unconditional genuine hospitality; and it has coloured our view of 'La Caleta' forever! What a breath of fresh air La Caleta was...

30-05-2011, 22:48
Have you been to these two places http://redqueenmusings.wordpress.com/2011/02/10/follow-the-yellow-brick-road/