View Full Version : Where are the band Acoustic Knights playing on the island?

12-11-2013, 19:06
Sublime playing by the Acoustic Knights in the past. Where are they? I want to start a movement to get them back!!! They are amazing and as far as I know are still on the island, so get back to playing lads. We need you!!! Tenerife is not the same without your touch of excellence.

16-11-2013, 12:41
Who is this band? I have no knowledge of them. Can you post some more info?

16-11-2013, 19:53
Wim Roelents is recovering from an injury at the minute, don't know how much longer it will take, however Wim Maetens is playing in a band at Harleys (in San Eugenio)at present supposed to be good I've not had chance to see them yet.