View Full Version : Home and Garden How can I control the number of lizards in my garden in Tenerife?

07-03-2014, 11:56
Does anyone have any advice on how to deal with lizards in the garden. We have a number of stone walls around our property. These walls are home to masses of lizards. Every time we try to grow anything other than geraniums the lizards eat the flowers the moment they open. I see other peoples' gardens teaming with fliers and wonder how they manage it!!!!

07-03-2014, 11:59
Sorry !!! Should read teaming with flowers not fliers!!!!

25-03-2014, 10:34
Strange; We have tons of lizards - they are everywhere, which is natural, this is the Canaries after all - but no problem with them eating flowers. As far as I know, they eat insects, bugs and flies and such. Or fruit and the like, that has fallen to the ground. We have a 2000 sqm garden, full with both lizards and flowers...
The only things we've had problems with eating things, are rodents... mice and small rats, but not the lizards.

25-03-2014, 21:23

Sorry to butt in....

How do Lizards react to Cats, and Vice versa..?

25-03-2014, 23:29

Sorry to butt in....

How do Lizards react to Cats, and Vice versa..?

I cannot find vice versa. BUT :flatcap:

26-03-2014, 21:22
I cannot find vice versa. BUT :flatcap:

That was a Kitten LUCKY. That busy watching the bigger one, forgot about the other..

The Kitten also appears to have an injury to its Right Front Leg....?

....Good Video, answers the question.... thanks...

26-03-2014, 23:12
Are you sure you don't have slugs or snails eating your flowers? Or perhaps little green caterpillars who also love to eat flowers and leaves? Look on the underside of the flowers and leaves to see if you find any little creatures.

My garden is full of both lizards and flowers and I've never seen them eating each other!
Cats will chase lizards and try to play with them or bring them into the house. Not fair as the lizards just eat little insects and are harmless. I don't think you can blame them for your missing flowers. Have a good look around the plants and in the soil to find the real culprits. :)

27-03-2014, 11:17
The lizards eat all the white flowers on my allyssum, it seemed to be the only flower they liked in my garden.

27-03-2014, 18:33
I have regularly seen the lizards with their back feet on a rock and their front feet precariously balanced on a plant stem munching away on all our Petunia petals! Next time I catch one in the act I'll try to get a photo. I'm interested to hear that other's do not have a problem though. Someone suggested they are thirsty and if you put out saucers of water they won't eat your flowers so I'm trying that.

27-03-2014, 18:49
They probably like some Plants but not others..

Sounds as if Petunias are on Their five a Day List.................:D

27-03-2014, 18:50
The only flowers I can grow is geraniums!!!!

27-03-2014, 18:54
Try sulphur powder, works on vines, keeps the fungus off and also the Lizards, a mild solution of household bleach will also help. If it works reward the Lizards with a overripe Banana, hilarious, have your camera ready.

27-03-2014, 18:56
Where would I buy sulphur powder?

27-03-2014, 19:01
A Ferreteria, or garden shop, I get mine by the sackfull from a Co-operetiva. Use eye protection when applying.

27-03-2014, 19:03
Foz that is interesting that you have seen them eating flowers. I usually have masses of petunias planted in the spring but the lizards have never touched them; but I do have bowls of water outside for the cats and we hose down the garden and patio regularly so there's water on the grass and the pathways.

Before I had cats I used to feed the lizards daily at noon with saucers of milk and small pieces of ripe banana. They would line up along the edge of the roof before 12 o'clock looking down and waiting. After I put down their saucers they would arrange themselves around the saucers like the rays of the sun, drinking the milk and arguing amongst themselves for the pieces of banana. Quite entertaining to watch them. I bet if you did that you wouldn't have any more problems with your flowers. :)

27-03-2014, 19:09
We do regularly put out fruit for them which they love ..... Figs are a huge favorite so any over ripe ones go their way. I don't want to harm them but just feel frustrated that we struggle to grow anything pretty!

When we bought our house it had stood empty for atleast 50 years so I guess all the lizards had had free reign.

27-03-2014, 19:12
I also use sulphur powder (here it's called azufre) on the roses in times of humidity to keep away powdery mildew, dry sprayed from a backpack puffer. Keeps the roses clean but haven't used it on any other garden plants.

27-03-2014, 23:29
tarmac it.........................dear


27-03-2014, 23:54
tarmac it.........................dear


Or green concrete

28-03-2014, 00:09
Why would you want to get rid of lizards? They are lot more eco friendly than chemicals for keeping down the insect (cockroach) population. We have 3 regular visitors and are still thinking about naming them, once we can decide who's who. :)

28-03-2014, 10:13
We don't get cockroaches up in the mountains but we do have lizards in their hundreds! I would be happy to live along side them if they allowed the odd flower or veggie here or there but we're hard pushed to grow anything!!! As I've seen them eating stuff I have presumed they are the main culprit but maybe ( as canary bird has suggested) I'm mistaken x

01-05-2014, 05:58
Hi ....
You can use some medicines that help to get away lizards from garden so you can save your flowers and others things

Hi Louise, what kinda medicines had you got in mind?;)