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View Full Version : Employment Can I get work in the field of SEN education in Tenerife?

14-03-2014, 16:53
I am returning to the canaries at the end of April however with a change of employment wishes, I have been working in a special needs school for 1 year now, and would like to find employment of this kind in Tenerife, however am on the understanding that SEN students are within mainstream schools. Can anyone give me advice about which schools do take these children and if I need an additional qualification to work within a school, as the TEFL qualification seems only to be directed at teaching English.

14-03-2014, 17:25
Jobs in schools are very very difficult to come by right now. Do you speak Spanish? You will need to convalidate your qualifications. Echeyde has many children with learning difficulties.

14-03-2014, 23:04
If you do not have Spanish qualifications you are unlikely to find a job in the Spanish system since they reorganised a couple of years ago.

17-03-2014, 17:51
You should apply to British School of Tenerife as it is a private non profitable organisation, based in Tenerife North in 3 different sites, Puerto de la Cruz, Los Realejos and La Orotava.