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View Full Version : The big Canarian Derby is on the way - Las Palmas v CD Tenerife 2014

Fred Perry
28-04-2014, 12:27
Well we are under two weeks away from the Canarian derby which promises to be one of the most important in recent times. Both teams have had good seasons and are currently riding high in the league.

It would be nice to know just when the game will be played though. Even though there are only 12 days before the match we have not got a clue of day or time. Over 800 Tenerife have already booked for the trip despite this and eventually it is expected that over 1.300 will make the trip. But it really is a disgrace for the Spanish football league to treat fans like this. The tv dictates everything(I know they do in the Uk but at least games are known well in advance).

The boss of TV Canaria had the cheek to say on radio that they want the game as late as possible (9pm or even 10pm kick off!) which would suit the tv audience. when the reporter said replied that it would make it difficult for fans to return to the Island (considering the last ferry is at 8pm and last flight soon after) he basically said all they care about is the tv spectator. To get 1,000 + fans back to the Island at midnight is possible but it would take a major effort by the ferry companies to reschedual etc.

Lets see what next few days bring - we may even find out the day and time of match! who know.


28-04-2014, 23:02
The boss of tv canaria sounds a right knob............I don't like the idea of a 9 pm kick off.

Chris F-L
29-04-2014, 21:51
Has this been confirmed for 10 May 2014? If so, what is the possibility of this being played at 11:00am on the Saturday morning, As I don't arrive in Las Palmas until 11:30pm that day....I have been stung before when trying to go the Derby when I booked flights to Tenerife for the game in December 2013.

Fred Perry
01-05-2014, 18:15
Game confirmed for SAT 10th at 9pm. TV Canaria got their way (grrrr). Major problems to get Tenerife fans back to the Island so late after the match but despite all the problems more than 1.500 are now booked on the trip.