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View Full Version : Education I would like opinions on Colegio Costa Adeje school in Tenerife

06-05-2014, 13:48
I am looking for any infomation regarding Costa Adeje School please. I am torn between this school and Luther King for my 3 children. I would like a school that my children can learn from the Spanish System but also keep the English learning too. I have been told Luther King is great for this. Can anyone give me any insight to both these schools please along with the fees. I did contact Luther King a few weeks ago but I have not heard back off them. Our 3 children are aged 12, 9 and 6 so Im guessing putting them into a state school is out of the question as they wont have a clue what is going on in class and I feel that will really set them back. Wingate is a no, no as I would like my children in a Spanish Education.
Any advice would be grateful

06-05-2014, 15:58
My Daughter went to Costa Adeje and we were very pleased with the level of teaching , care for the children and facilities.This however was some 9 years ago when she left but she is fluent in Spanish(Canarian) speaks reasonable German although the English taught is basic its up to you to keep the written and read English up.My daughter went there when she was 10 and came out with the Spanish equivilant of 11 or 12 A Levels .Its hard work but well worth it .The fees have of course increased and I believe this is now partly public but I amd not 100% sure of that.

06-05-2014, 16:12
Thanks for your reply. You say your daughter started there when she was 10, could your daughter already speak Spanish? My 3 children just have the Spanish language of very basic holiday speech if that makes sense and I dont want to just plop them into a school where they will be clueless and nobody understanding them or vise versa.

06-05-2014, 19:56
My eldest went through from 3 to 18 (4 years ago) he liked it and came out with reasonable qualifications and good contacts
Except him and his father is a German speaker not one child managed to take the Goethe basic language exam so German teaching in his year was not a success
Some speak fair English
I am negative about the school but didn't like Luther king either
If I had my time around I would use the state system and do activities extra classes as needed in the afternoon

06-05-2014, 20:13
By the time next year comes we will of spent a total of 5 years planning our move. We spent this long so it is done properly and that we have enough money behind us to live on if jobs are hard to find. The one problem we are facing is the schooling situation. I need to make sure what I do is right for our children. As I said, I dont want to go down the private British school route as I would like my children to have the Spanish Education not only so they can learn the language but socially too.
I personally would love to put them into a state school but I think with my older 2 children it is too late. My children are 12, 9 and 6 years old. I just picture them sitting in a state school with work in front of them and them being clueless and nobody there to help them lol.
Can I ask what you found wrong with Luther King please?
Also what is your opinion on non speaking Spanish children starting a Spanish school? I really need to make sure I make the right decision on schooling and just because I want them to have a Spanish education, if its the wrong decision that will ruin teir education I will look at the British Schooling in Tenerife. I have no concerns on my 6 yr old however It is my 12 yr old I worry about.

06-05-2014, 20:37
Mrs TenerifeTeddy runs a English school this might be a thought for the eldest as they wouldn't be in the same school to start with
The youngest two should be fine in the Spanish system with support(ie extra classes)
Where are you planning to live if you live in a Spanish community even if your eldest doesn't go to school she he will mix if they live somewhere local. Sports activities organised by the town halls are another way to mix.
When are you coming as most town halls of summer activities which would help with the spoken language
My feeling about Luther king is if you are not academic you will struggle. I have two friends who had children there who spent every summer till they graduated in misery as they had failed and needed to resist. That said there are several folk on here who are very happy but they tend to have a waiting list.
Children generally fit in well but I understand your fears. Mine grew up here and were tri lingual going into school so it is different
Try and get them Spanish classes before you get here. My personal opinion is 12 is too late to get into the Spanish system without a lot of work from home. I have seen it done successfully and the girl went on all the way to 18 fine but I have seen a lot more fail.

06-05-2014, 20:51
Sorry if I sound daft but what would the extra support entail? Would that also be something my oldest child would gain from too? I will have to look into the English school you mention as well :)
Were looking at Costa Adeje area although we are ot set on location as yet as I need to decide the right school for my children so location will fit around that. We love Costa Adeje but have also been looking at Las Chafiras area too

07-05-2014, 08:39
The family I am talking about paid someone to work two hours an afternoon helping with what ever the girls had done in class and their homework

07-05-2014, 23:33
My business partner does this for children at our local schools. She has some children 2 or 3 times a week for apoyo or 'help'. A Swedish child and two Italians. What you need to do is weigh up the cost of these schools compared to the cost of sending your children to private classes. Sometimes the experience of being in an all-Spanish state school may be more beneficial. It's a very personal decision though.

From personal experience I would recommend that a child over 10 should go to private school though.