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View Full Version : Property Community fees being collected but no action being taken!

08-08-2014, 21:31
Hi I was wondering if forum members have had any experiences with their community office? Mine is like banging my head on a brick wall all they are interested in is collecting fees but they offer minimum services and don't want to listen to problems at all :(???

mike in chayofa
08-08-2014, 21:42
If you can be a little more specific about the problems that you are facing, you will probably get a better response and possibly ways to procede to resolve the issues.

08-08-2014, 22:51
There have been major building works going on for about 4 years all the bells are missing the main entrances closed off scaffolding is placed everywhere generally the community is a wreck and it's been like it for years it's one of the major communities in Los Cristianos popular with Spanish and foreign residents I just don't understand what's going on there I wonder who can guess where it is I didn't want to mention the name so as not to offend anyone who might live there but there is really no other community quite like it so I am sure some forum member will guess which block of flats I'm ranting about! The community have washed their hands of the place but still charge every month!