View Full Version : Camera to Tablet (OTG connector)

15-09-2014, 08:52
I encountered a problem on a recent holiday; something I hadn't thought much about prior to leaving. I use a normal SLR for photography and I had my tablet with me mainly to stay in touch via Facebook. Some friends asked where the photos were, at which point I realised I couldn't connect my SLR to the tablet, or use the camera's memory card.

I trailed around the few shops I found looking for a suitable cable, which I assumed to be one with a micro USB one end an a normal USB the other. One of the shops assured me it wouldn't work the way I thought! I looked and still could not find a suitable cable. One guy told me I needed an On the Go cable, which also couldn't be found.

I waited until I was home again and started to search again, even writing to my comp mag for help. Eventually I found what I thought was the solution on Amazon and bought a very cheap ON THE GO connector - here's a link with a photo photohttp://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B00EMSN7IS/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o03_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1

At the same time I found an OTG card reader which also works - http://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B00FWS4P06/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o04_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1

Very inexpensive and effective solutions which I could imagine others may have encountered. The clue is in the name 'On the Go' (OTG).

15-09-2014, 09:39

I bought one of these 5+1 Camera Connection Kits, it works great I can even transfer my bits of video onto ipad with it, Ive had it quite a while now but it was only a couple of pounds when I bought it, Its ideal for when your on holiday and want to download your photos off the camera.

15-09-2014, 09:53
A similar problem for me, how do I transfer photos from my Android Samsung tablet to my laptop. I would like to put them in Picassa. I would appreciate some help.

15-09-2014, 15:21
Skeggy: The little OTG cable I bought would enable you to do this. You'd just transfer your photos ito the tablets picture gallery etc. You'd have Picassa on your tablet I guess (?), so just open from the programme.

15-09-2014, 16:55
Thank you, balcony, I have'nt got picasa on the tablet but will put it on now, and go from there. Thanks for help I appreciate it....

Vortex Wake
15-09-2014, 17:11
And remember , the otg cable can also allow other USB devices to be connected to your android tablet or smartphone I.e. USB keyboard or mouse , digital TV tuner and so on.

15-09-2014, 19:15
Thank you all sorted thanks for your help, bit of a bugger getting old.......

17-09-2014, 20:01
As OTG cables are not compatible with all tablets. I use Dropbox. If installed on computer and tablet/phone, all photos, videos taken are automatically uploaded, and therefore synced with your computer. Easy.. nothing to do :-)

01-10-2014, 14:30
I too use Dropbox. Has saved some problems.