View Full Version : What will probably happen soon? Discussion about future technologies and developments

22-10-2014, 11:17
For anyone interested I've started a new Group covering this subject I research it constantly as an essential part of my speculative fiction writing. For me it's the optimistic(!) view of developments that are designed to benefit(!) humanity in various ways, and are expected to arrive either in the very near future or within the next decade. i.e. Possibly even in my lifetime..! The first sub-subject I've started covers a breakthrough in producing nuclear fusion energy, which has been such a disappointment for scientists and engineers since it was first attempted back in the fifties. If this really has now been achieved, it will change the world... see what you think.

22-10-2014, 12:23
For anyone interested I've started a new Group covering this subject I research it constantly as an essential part of my speculative fiction writing. For me it's the optimistic(!) view of developments that are designed to benefit(!) humanity in various ways, and are expected to arrive either in the very near future or within the next decade. i.e. Possibly even in my lifetime..! The first sub-subject I've started covers a breakthrough in producing nuclear fusion energy, which has been such a disappointment for scientists and engineers since it was first attempted back in the fifties. If this really has now been achieved, it will change the world... see what you think.

I have thought for a long time that this alternative energy source is actually available, but will worldwide governments allow it bearing in mind the economic effect it may have?

22-10-2014, 15:25
I have thought for a long time that this alternative energy source is actually available, but will worldwide governments allow it bearing in mind the economic effect it may have?

Free enterprise America will not suppress it, nor will Europe, where a very big different one for research is now under construction... but North Korea might. Martin, I believe the days of suppressing information are over. The Internet has changed everything. The advantages of small fusion power units are mind blowing and the electorate would play hell with any politicians against it... other than the usual nutters of course.
Back in my nuclear energy days, I was involved in fringe consulting work for most of the UK atomic energy establishments. The scientists were so sure of success I'm suspect that was one reason why the Dragon Graphite Moderated Fission Reactor was cancelled. I was the Project design engineer and patentee of the giant 3000 degrees C nuclear grade graphite processing oven(!) for it, designed, built and tested... but it was never used for production as intended and 40 years later we still don't have a fusion power reactor installed..!
If this development is true, and proves to be as safe as they're saying then the big power supply companies will eventually go out of business, we'll all be producing our own power, some individually and some in housing estates perhaps. Anyway it's happening already in America where amore efficient alternative energy systems are being installed all over... especially the new low cost solar energy panels.

22-10-2014, 15:44
I'm quite interested as to why you are of the view that certain information is not surpressed as I strongly believe that certain facts are never made known to the general public. I'm quite sceptical relating to the facts which are provided to us, or not as the case may be. I do hope however that this relatively new and carbon emission free source of energy will be made available, hopefully in a few years for the use of future generations and indeed the future of our planet. I'm not an expert like your good self but can see the positive advantages.