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View Full Version : Television Do you need an antivirus with a Smart TV?

07-11-2014, 22:43
The LUCKY resident of Lower GDS is now an owner, I nearly said proud owner of a smart tv , My question is do i need anti virus on the smart tv , Looking forward to your helpful replies :flatcap::feret::feret::feret::feret:

07-11-2014, 23:10
The LUCKY resident of Lower GDS is now an owner, I nearly said proud owner of a smart tv , My question is do i need anti virus on the smart tv , Looking forward to your helpful replies :flatcap::feret::feret::feret::feret:

That's a good point! I have a smart TV but don't have antivirus! I hope I haven't got an infection!:nursepatient:

07-11-2014, 23:21
That's a good point! I have a smart TV but don't have antivirus! I hope I haven't got an infection!:nursepatient:

MM´s got plenty of TCP. :hightemp:

07-11-2014, 23:22
In my opinion, no it is not likely that your smart T.V. will become infected with a virus. As things stand, I don't know of any anti virus software that can be installed on a smart T.V. I would be a little more worried about a "key logger" gaining access, so as a precaution I never log on to any sites that require a secure password, such as online banking, always use my laptop for such sites, but that is me being a little paranoid maybe? If your T.V. is an L.G. have a look at this:


Slightly worrying I thought.

If you want to watch things like Netflix, I-player and the like, I would recommend paying for a Smart DNS service and changing the secondry DNS codes when you set up the T.V. this will automatically connect you to the English T.V. sevices as above.

Hope that helps somewhat, I am sure there are people on here who will know more than I and will respond with their knowledge.