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View Full Version : Border patrols will halt the flow of IS militants

Canarian Weekly
16-01-2015, 13:20
MADRID is anxious to see changes made to the treaty governing the visa-free Schengen area, says Spain’s Interior Minister.
This, he believes, would enable Spain to introduce border controls to stem the tide of Islamic militants returning from the Middle East.
Interior Minister Jorge Fernandez Diaz told daily newspaper El Pais: “The existing mobility in the European Union is facilitating the movements (of jihadists) to any country and also to our country.
“We are going to back border controls and it is possible that, as a consequence, it will be necessary to modify the Schengen treaty,”
The minister and his European counterparts are set to discuss the future of Schengen during a Paris meeting on Sunday.
Diaz is not the first European politician to consider revamping or suspending the Schengen zone altogether in response to the deadly attacks in and around Paris this week, which left 20 dead, including three attackers.
Last Friday, Marine Le Pen, leader of France’s right-wing Front National (FN), told President Francois Hollande that the country should “immediately suspend Schengen to be able to control our borders”. She feels it is an “essential element in the fight against terrorism”.
The Schengen Area comprises 26 European countries which have abolished passport and any other type of border controls.
The agreement allows for freedom of movement for both European citizens, Schengen visa-holders and those who can travel in the area visa-free.
Freedom of movement is considered “a fundamental right”, guaranteed by the EU to its citizens.
Diaz further called for the establishment of a Europe-wide passenger-name record data base, which would aid in sharing passenger information between member states.
“We are convinced of the need for such a tool, to follow those who travel to terrorist operating theatres, or who return from there,” he said.
He also said the hate speech, particularly anti-Semitic messages and attempts to recruit young people to militant organisations, needed to be tackled online in a way that did not stop the internet from being a vehicle of free expression.
“We need to work more closely with Internet companies to guarantee the reporting and, if possible, removal of all content that amounts to an apology for terrorism, or calls for violence and hatred,” said Diaz
Fears of another terror attack in Europe are high following the recent shootings in France. On Sunday, a report in the Germany daily Bild, citing intelligence from the US National Security Agency, warned that the events in France may be the first in a wave of attacks to strike Europe.
The intelligence, reportedly citing conversations between Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS/ISIL) leaders, said a series of European cities could be attacked, including Rome. However, the article, did not furnish details of a concrete terror plot.
Security ministers from the EU and US s also met at France’s Interior Ministry on Sunday to discuss a joint response to terrorism in the wake of the Paris assault.
The meeting was held just hours before a mammoth parade through Paris, where hundreds of thousands of people, along with dozens of world leaders, came in a show of solidarity and remembrance for those who lost their lives.
Following the meeting, French Interior Minister Bernard Cazeneuve said European interior ministers had agreed to crank up co-operation in an bid to halt future terrorist attacks.
The White House has also attracted its allies to Washington for an 18th February security summit to try to stem the tide of violent extremism

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