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View Full Version : I need to repair my grouting between the balcony tiles

14-05-2015, 15:12
Our grout between the tiles on the balcony is breaking up and some of the gaps now are fairly deep (maybe 3/4 of an inch) so I'd like to fill the gaps, as there is nothing wrong with the tiles. The mix looks like a cement and sharp sand (with fine grit) mix. Anyone have any idea on what it might be and where to get the raw materials. I guess the mix of sand/cement would be similar to UK. No massive rush as it hasn't rained for months but would like to get done later this year.

Javier B
14-05-2015, 16:34
You can buy a color grout (Webber) in Fergres (http://fergres.com/contacto) .
If you want, I can do it :)

14-05-2015, 17:20
Sorted :c2:

14-05-2015, 21:42
Thanks for the replies. Just wanted to mix a bit up to fill the gaps to match (or somewhere close) so it last a few more years. Cant afford the expense of doing the lot as the wife has been out of work for 2 months. Needs some work but not lots. Defo just looks like a cement and sand mix. Original tiling was done by Gomasper 15 years ago, but I believe they have now gone. I know they had a base in Guargacho.
Tiling actually very similar to the pool picture on your web page, in fact that even looks like our pool!!

10-11-2015, 13:05
Going to be doing the work in December but still have no idea where I can get sand or cement. Any ideas of where I can get some (25kg sand, 10kg cement say) between Medano and Alcala??

10-11-2015, 15:14
Going to be doing the work in December but still have no idea where I can get sand or cement. Any ideas of where I can get some (25kg sand, 10kg cement say) between Medano and Alcala??

Why not troll through this link. i do know of a shop in El Medano but i cannot think of its name. :flatcap:


10-11-2015, 15:24
I'd seen that but it doesn't tell you whether they sell aggregates and didn't want to spend my holiday driving around the island - valuable drinking time wasted. I may try Goyo in Armenime as they are always advertising on Oasis FM. Will ask in the local Ferreteria's too. Thanks.

10-11-2015, 15:42
Chafiras in Las Chafiras or Adeje do it. Go to the yard behind the Chafiras bathroom showroom in Las Chafiras and the materials are all there.

Many thanks. I'm sure I've e had some timber cut down there but never even noticed the aggregates. Will drop in when we're on our way to Medano/Santa Cruz.

10-11-2015, 19:30
Tats where we got ours Chafiris

12-11-2015, 12:07
I'd seen that but it doesn't tell you whether they sell aggregates and didn't want to spend my holiday driving around the island - valuable drinking time wasted. I may try Goyo in Armenime as they are always advertising on Oasis FM. Will ask in the local Ferreteria's too. Thanks.

GOYO will definately have everything you want. The grout comes ready mixed just add water. But it is not called grout, it is something like Masilla. An English guy actually works in Goyo, so he will put you right.

12-11-2015, 12:54
GOYO will definately have everything you want. The grout comes ready mixed just add water. But it is not called grout, it is something like Masilla. An English guy actually works in Goyo, so he will put you right.

Cheers. Guessed they spoke English due to the advertisement. The balcony is around 5m square so a decent size. We've had the property 16 years, from new, and there are some good sized gaps appearing so plan to scrape a bit more out and fill the holes but will do a bit at a time. We're out for 16 days in December so will do early (when the sun isn't on the balcony) to give the grout a chance to dry out slowly so it doesn't just crack.

12-11-2015, 12:59
The English guy at Goyos is called Dave.

He will know exactly what you need and is very helpful.