View Full Version : Cars & Transport DVLA changes from 8th June

06-06-2015, 14:05
I understand there are changes to driving licences from 8th June and this may impact on documentation necessary when hiring a car abroad. It seems you have to contact DVLA online to obtain a code which is then only valid for 72 hours? Can anyone hiring a car from next week let us know how this worked and in fact if the company hiring out the vehicle actually requested the code? Thanks

06-06-2015, 14:12
Never in 30 years have I ever been asked for that bit of paper. Its just bringing it in line with the rest of Europe. Nothing to worry about. If you was banned from driving you wouldn't have a licence to show anyway.

06-06-2015, 15:00
Never in 30 years have I ever been asked for that bit of paper. Its just bringing it in line with the rest of Europe. Nothing to worry about. If you was banned from driving you wouldn't have a licence to show anyway.

I have never had a photocard, still retain that green paper licence which apparently is still valid till I have to advise DVLA of change of address etc. It seems though that from next week anyone hiring a car is supposed to get a code which gives access to DVLA computer held info ? All seems bit strange to me and not planning hire a car now till September, by which time no doubt any problems encountered by others will have been highlighted.

06-06-2015, 15:06
This was brought up a few weeks ago on this site. Not sure what was said about the old paper licence. Not many people have them now. The card licence is better as it can be used as ID.

06-06-2015, 15:13
The Card licence though doesn't show convictions, points etc the car hire companies want to be aware of ( or so I'm told)

06-06-2015, 15:18
With regard to the code, it's up to the hire company whether or not they ask for it. It's not the law as such. My betting is that nobody will bother with it......:tiphat:

06-06-2015, 15:27
Also its up to you to tell them about convictions. If you dont and you make a claim then you are probably not insured, they have your card details so will hit that for the claim.

06-06-2015, 15:46
Havent got any convictions or points pleased to say, but wouldn't want to arrive at TFS and find couldn't collect a car because of some code !!:shy:

06-06-2015, 17:23
I think first and foremost we should remember this is a change at home. Far be it from me but how long do you think it's going to take for firms in Tenerife to catch on to it?...if indeed ever!

And they're not calling in the bit of paper, you just won't be getting another one if and when you renew or update. Nothing stopping you taking it with you if you're concerned...:tiphat:

06-06-2015, 18:02
sorry to repeat my point ITS ALL ONLINE NOW - no need for a bit of paper anymore - GC can check details of UK licences via their on board station in real time ..

Ah well..once again we're all saved....I don't know how you do it....

It's just so lucky that everyone listens to your every word...Just like they do when you're preaching your telly sermons........

06-06-2015, 18:23
apart from finding the airport,your hotel room and the bars i have no idea why you think you know anything about a country you dont live in .i dont plan to find WARRINTON (where ever that is ??) FORUM and telling people how to lead their lives thousands of Km away on a diffrent continent .maybe ill listen to someone who lives here even for just a day , but a tourist is just a tourist

Ahhh, we've seen this before. People who think they have a huge brain and special powers just because they live in Tenerife....Get over yourself..pleeeez...

06-06-2015, 19:02
i had a huge brain:reading:and ´special powers´ :lovesme: long before i got here

but if i do in my daily life in tenerife have any questions about liverpool , ill send you a PM ....

- - - - - - - - - - merged double post - - - - - - - - - -

i had a huge brain:reading:and ´special powers´ :lovesme: long before i got here

but if i do in my daily life in tenerife have any questions about liverpool , ill send you a PM ....

I heard you the first time Genius....

Malteser Monkey
06-06-2015, 19:03
i had a huge brain:reading:and ´special powers´ :lovesme: long before i got here

but if i do in my daily life in tenerife have any questions about liverpool , ill send you a PM ....

- - - - - - - - - - merged double post - - - - - - - - - -

i had a huge brain:reading:and ´special powers´ :lovesme: long before i got here

but if i do in my daily life in tenerife have any questions about liverpool , ill send you a PM ....

Most men boast about a huge ..... twice over

06-06-2015, 19:15
Most men boast about a huge ..... twice over

He doesn't need to..it's there for everyone to see......on his neck...:laugh:

08-06-2015, 15:49
Your "old style" paper licence would show any points or convictions. When the photo card licences were introduced there was no way to show points etc so DVLA also issued a paper "counterpart" licence where the points etc were recorded. They have now done away with the counterpart licence so the only way to show your points is to get the code from DVLA. I have never been asked for the counterpart in Tenerife, nor did Europcar ask for it at Leeds Bradford Airport when I hired a car there in March this year. However, if anyone is going to be asking for the code it will be UK companies so it's worth checking when you book if it's needed. You will have no problems here in Tenerife Candy.

I,m not enrtierely sure that I would agree as once one Car Hire company here asks for the proof they will all start!
If I were coming here and wanted to hire a car I would want to make sure that, at say mid-night, I am unable to prove that I do not have any points which would have been easily obtained by the Car Hire company simply looking on the net or people carrying the code (piece of paper copied from your licence but showing points etc). People must understand that it has nothing to do with you carrying or not carrying a paper licence it is a code to enable companies ascertaining your legal position. So to those of you coming to Tenerife and hiring a car please read this article from the Beeb which has full info and what you should do. Over-reacting? Very probably but why chance it?

08-06-2015, 15:56
Apparently the DVLA website is experiencing problems with vast numbers of people trying to access it due to new changes which come into force today. I'm glad I wont need the code until September when hopefully all problems will be sorted.

08-06-2015, 18:05
I've already said, you don't need it because you have the old paper licence.

Now I don,t wish to cause further possible difficulties but I seem to re-collect that the 'old Paper Licence' is deemed unallowable from last year so I imagine Car Hire Companies will view this in the same light. Anyone with paper licences and wishing to rent a car might have to consider getting the present day, credit card style licence.
Whateve, I do hope that touists here are not too inconvenienced.

08-06-2015, 18:55
I've already said, you don't need it because you have the old paper licence.

yep I think I'm ok with my green paper licence but I need to ensure my friend, who is going to be an additional driver,has the code, otherwise I'll be doing all the driving and I don't want that !!

18-06-2015, 19:39
anyone been asked for this code at TFS since the changes came in ?

18-06-2015, 20:47
anyone been asked for this code at TFS since the changes came in ?

Probably not. All panic for nothing I expect.

19-06-2015, 06:40
Probably not. All panic for nothing I expect.

I only ask as we are popping over to Tenerife next week and hiring a car for the duration so wondered if, for the first time, I would need to do something more than show my license.

10-07-2015, 15:34
This should take the worry away....:tiphat:


10-07-2015, 17:57
This should take the worry away....:tiphat:


I have hired 2 cars here in Tenerife in the past couple of weeks from Autoresien and as per previous ocassions, neither time was I asked for this info.