View Full Version : Other Lizards of Tenefie

07-09-2015, 17:42
Whilst walking with my dogs to-day, at lunch time, on the outskirts of Palm Mar I came across a lizard, the likes of which, I,ve never seen before on this Island. The creature was totally stationary and tbh I thought it a childs toy in view of the colour of this little critter. If I said that it was lighter emerald green as opposed to our normal grey or brown animals might explain my absolute surprise. My dogs were attracted by the bight colouring but like me thought it was something other than a live animal and if you had seen the reaction of the dogs when one licked it and jumped a mile high when it shot off into the bark of the tree it had been standing on. I,ve looked at photos of similar types and this photo is the nearest in colouring, https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=lizards+of+tenerife&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ved=0CEMQ7AlqFQoTCLjX0NCo5ccCFYXsFAod4esM0w&biw=1360&bih=631#imgrc=Btli6_9zXMjGiM%3A
Now reading up on these creatures I,ve come to the conclusion that the critter which we saw was not one indigenous the Canaries but possibly someone,s pet now released into the wild, unfortunately.
So there you are a bit local info not generally found on here!:D

Ecky Thump
07-09-2015, 18:03
Is it possible that it was a skink that you saw, I think that there are hundreds of varieties of them, but haven't got any idea how many of them are native to Tenerife.

07-09-2015, 18:37
LUCKY sees one every day around 6.00pm:lol: we were walking past the vister sur last year and were convinced we had seen someones cockatoo on the loose. until we realised the particular bird did in fact live on the island:ashamed:

07-09-2015, 20:03

I found Lizards fascinating when I first saw them on the Costa del sol.

There are quite a few living in the stone walls along the footpath from the Gran Tinerfe to Torviscas.

As You say Tim they are usually muted colours to blend with the surroundings..

I agree they can go like ?>@t off a shovel when startled..

08-09-2015, 02:32
I,m gonna go back to the same spot a couple of times over the next few days to see if the lizard re-appears and hopefully take a mug shot!

11-09-2015, 20:02
From our balcony there,s loads of them and they appear like a swarm of locusts when apple or similar fruit pieces are dropped . Thing is they run the risk of being seen and grabbed by the Falcons /Hawks that just swoop down at them.. reckon i,m doing my bit for natures cycle ...:whistle: