View Full Version : Cars & Transport Looking to hire an antique/classic car for a day

28-01-2016, 18:56

I'm from a production company based in London and we're going to be filming a fashion video in Las Palmas on the 6th of February that requires a classic car (our preferred car is a Cadillac El Dorado circa early 1970s).

We only require the car for the day, will be able to pay the owner for letting us use their car, cover petrol costs and give them meals and drinks during the shoot. We would be happy to help sort out the insurance for the car however the owner would like.

If anyone knows anyone that lives in Gran Canaria and has a car they think would be suitable for this shoot please let me know as soon as possible by sending me a message on here and I will forward all the information as well as my contact details so we can sort everything out.

Thank you very much!