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View Full Version : Advice wanted Advice on Premises to rent

29-01-2016, 18:35
I wonder if some1 can answer this question for me, it may sound basic to some but here goes, now regarding buisness in Tenerife I see that you can usually purchase an existing business either buying the whole freehold wich is quite substantial and then you own the business, building etc, or alternatively you can purchase the leasehold of a business for a number of years at a certain price, say €35,000. Please correct me if I am wrong on what I just said.

So is this the only two options available, or can you just basically rent a premises and build up a brand new buisness from scratch, say paying 6 months rent upfront or something like that??

The reason I ask is I wouldn't pay so many thousands for a lease on say , a bar, because well a don't want to run a bar simply.

Hope that all makes sense, and hopefully a round of applause for being the first to come on here and not want to open a bar in Tenerife (no offence intended :)) Thankyou! :tiphat:

30-01-2016, 11:11
Applause, we have done what you intend to do. Get proper legal advice first as depending on your business you still need an opening licence and other paper work sorted.

31-01-2016, 07:52
Well Kyle from the Kelpies, welcome ! You´re not actually the first but hey ho!
As for paperwork ,this video should help !


31-01-2016, 12:42
Great video aye, good craic. (Hunskelper) a like it