View Full Version : WANTED in Tenerife Caravan/mobile home

21-04-2016, 12:24
We are a Couple over from the UK wanting to start a ministry working with the homeless on the streets of the south of Tenerife. We are looking to buy a caravan/mobile home in which we can drive to various locations and help the homeless, has someone got one for sale at a very reasonable price. Many thanks.

09-05-2016, 15:26
This is such a great cause. I think it is so honourable of you to dedicate yourselves and your time to this. I would love to be able to help you with a caravan, but unfortunately I do not own one of my own. However, as me and my wife are big fans of camping, but prefer to do it with a little more comfort I am familiar with this company called Campanda who provide caravans for hire (https://www.campanda.com/). This is probably not the longterm solution you need, but it might work for the short term while you get your project up and running and give you the time you need to look for a caravan that suits your needs without keeping the homeless waiting? Just a suggestion. Good luck and all the best!

09-05-2016, 18:05
Thanks so much for your advice but we do not have the funds to rent as renting here is very expensive so we would rather invest the funds we have in buying. Thank you anyway and also for your encouragement.