View Full Version : Santa Cruz hits on the marriage scene

Canarian Weekly
22-04-2016, 10:40
THE wedding market is really heating up in Tenerife, and some of the big boys are now getting involved.
The Auditorio de Tenerife Adán Martín, in the centre of Santa Cruz, entered the sector this week with its tagline: “Can you imagine a wedding like this?”
With this sentence the biggest – and some would say the most glamorous – location in the capital made a statement of intent.
The wedding-day rental price of the Auditorium Hall, which has a capacity for 600 guests, is 1,810 euros.
There is also the possibility of booking the Castillo Gallery, which is outdoors, for a competitive 460 euros, although t caters for just 150 people.
Once booked, the Mag Catering & Events company, based in the Auditorium, offers a couple of different menus, from 65 euros per person, and the price includes three hours of “free bar use”.
This includes all house drinks, such as beer, wine and spirits, and also appetizers for all menus; custom-printing service, one waiter per 15 guests; tableware, decorations for banquet centre-pieces … and so on.
If you want the “all-inclusive free bar” for longer, you’ll be charged eight euros per person per hour. Children’s menus cost 25 euros.
Carlos Ascanio, Mag manager for Catering & Events, said: “In terms of a gastronomic experience, the Auditorium is perfect for weddings.
“The menus are based on quality products in which taste, presentation and the kitchen team’s creativity are all of the highest order.
“In addition, we are always open to suggestions from customers to offer them what they want.”
The bride and bridegroom can choose from eight types of menu. The cheapest is 65 euros per head and the most expensive, costing 90 euros, includes lobster salad, salmon marinated in citrus oil and thyme, timbale of lamb and a host of goodies.

More... (http://www.canarianweekly.com/santa-cruz-hits-on-the-marriage-scene/)