View Full Version : Relocation Living in Tenerife

03-08-2016, 13:00
Hi everyone! :)
I've just got back from a holiday in Costa Adeje, Tenerife and I absolutely loved it. I'm now thinking of going out there for a month or 2. If I can find work I will stay longer. Does anyone know where I can find an apartment to rent for that length of time and the posibility to rent longer? Not too pricey though as I am aware jobs aren't that well paid over there. I don't speak Spanish very well so would I struggle living out there? Do you think I would be able to find a job fairly quickly? Even just bar work or restaurant work. I've looked at some of the companies that provide accommodation and find you a job, for example, playaway. However lots of the reviews aren't great and say they are a waste of money, so I'd rather just go our there on my own. Are there any 18-22 year old girls that are looking to go and life in Tenerife for a few months in the coming weeks or months? If so I'd love to have a chat! Send me a PM to chat Thanks everyone, hope to hear soon! X

03-08-2016, 13:56
At that age- different drive and ideas, but I personally plan to be getting paperwork ready for employment within or about a month time, then, I have reserved myself to be paid in very, very, very low paid employment for the next 3 months period, before I could possibly earn enough to make my ends meet. BTW youth unemployment runs in near 40%

Certainly you might find different ways of going about as ("semi") illegal employment and staying in shared accommodation and so on, but I'll point out what I've learned so far.

I've read, that one aplying for NIE card (number) needs to have 5000 Euros in bank account, permanent residency agreement/proof etc.

My calculations- allowances are Rent 500 Euros a month, + food and essentials 500, so I am setting aside £6000 for 6 months's before I will start getting in to the stride as to say...

(I believe my family will join me after 2 month, but that is beside the point, as I am making different allowances for those circumstances)

I wish you success, but unless you have plenty of cash, way more, than what holiday costs or more or less the same, what you have spent, you'll need extra careful planing in order to succeed.


PS I already speak some tiny bit lingo and my partner is really OK with that, however, if all you think about of as areas where abouts expats gather as Americas... you might last long while before, you'd become stuck in one way or the other

03-08-2016, 14:17
For such short period you won't rent from individual so you either have to find something like couchsurfing or airbnb.

Not speaking Spanish is a big downside but in resorts 99% do not even know how to say hi in Spanish, so there you might be lucky with finding a job. If you are looking for summer adventure bigger chances for a work are in Mallorca at your age and it's basically same thing as Tenerife only with more young people.

I don't think you will find a decent job through said companies but if you have nothing to lose they might be worth giving a try, just watch out for scams. Especially when looking for a flat prior to your arrival.

03-08-2016, 15:05
Just intrested in where and how many bedrooms you can rent for 500euros amonth

03-08-2016, 17:01
Just intrested in where and how many bedrooms you can rent for 500euros amonth

In Orotava, in the mountains, for 300-350 euro you can rent ~1300 ft2 house with a land.

In SC a flat that doesn't make you throw up is around 500-600, but you can find something cheaper. Taco and Cuesta are also cheap to live, but they are considered "shady" districts. South and Puerto de la Cruz are much more expensive.

Checking websites with flats/houses for rent will give you a better estimation of what prices to expect in places that interest you. You should try that in the first place instead of asking on forums (real life prices vs users' estimations based on experience).

03-08-2016, 17:29
Hi hun. I am in the same situation as you. I have been visiting Tenerife for over five years now with my family and I always stay in the San eugenio/ adeje area and am looking for a simple apartment for myself to stay a month or so whilst working with a friend in a bar. I will let you know if I find any for you.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

03-08-2016, 17:34
AirBnB, absolutely!

03-08-2016, 18:12
Hi hun. I am in the same situation as you. I have been visiting Tenerife for over five years now with my family and I always stay in the San eugenio/ adeje area and am looking for a simple apartment for myself to stay a month or so whilst working with a friend in a bar. I will let you know if I find any for you.

I doubt you will find a flat to rent for one month. Real estate in Spain collapsed, I know cases where people rented their house/flat and tenants paid no money, owner cannot throw them out. Nowadays they want to sign contract for at least a year and you need at least 1 surety (sometimes 2). If you have no employment contract finding a place to live will be close to impossible.

As already said: it is best to search for such short term rental through websites based on sharing economy, like airbnb or couchsurfing.

04-08-2016, 08:31
Just interested as well aware of prices and areas but was reading the post of the forum member wanting to relocate with his family, are the family hoping to find a apt or hse in the south for 500euros amonth

04-08-2016, 13:59
Just interested as well aware of prices and areas but was reading the post of the forum member wanting to relocate with his family, are the family hoping to find a apt or hse in the south for 500euros amonth

I don't expect holiday apartment (quality or location), also, a car is one of the first purchases I'll make (after obtaining NIE)
500 or there abouts, as I intend whilst searching for employment, have enough for a solid deposit to be on a better books, than known property trashers/non payers, as what owners puts off renting.

Also, I intend renting for about 6-12 month's time, prior to buying and having own place decorated... just hope, not to get ahead of myself, as properties are more varied, than what I got to used to at home :D

17-08-2016, 13:04
Have you seen the price of cars - shockingly high. Similar cars in the UK about 20-40% of the price.