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View Full Version : What is your resolution for 2017?

Marvin Moore
10-01-2017, 13:15
Last year I start to do Meditation but unfortunately I can't do after some time. So this year I am going to start doing Meditation and want to do social service.

Ecky Thump
10-01-2017, 13:25

Mine for 2017 is to start on the resolutions that I made on 2013/14/15/16 !!:devil2:

19-01-2017, 15:24
Start learning Spanish :reading:

19-01-2017, 21:18
to live long enough to see decent winter weather in the Canaries again rolleyes2:

19-01-2017, 21:20
to live long enough to see decent winter weather in the Canaries again rolleyes2:

Don't even think of returning this May or October...you won't like the weather! :D

19-01-2017, 21:25
Don't even think of returning this May or October...you won't like the weather! :D

sorry cant promise:hello: