View Full Version : Animal Chat Travelling to the uk with pets??

18-11-2017, 01:58
Hi all ive lived in tenerife now for quite a while ive got a dog and catss

I bought my dog here in tenerife and he has got a blue pet passport i intend to go back to the uk to live where im from

is this all i need for him to travel to the uk? please advise

my cats dont have passports i was wondering if someone cant tell me what they need?

also if someone can recommend to me any good companies preferably cheap which handle pets travelling back from tenerife to the uk would be great


18-11-2017, 20:03
Hi, have you kept the rabies jabs up yearly on the dogs? If not they will need to be re done at least 21 days before travel. They will also need a fit to travel check up at the vets no more than 48hrs before they travel and their passport stamped to show its done. I volunteer for Cats Welfare Tenerife and we have sent lots of cats to the UK. The cheapest option is to use The Animal Mover (https://www.theanimalmover.com) . They fly the animal to the mainland and they then travel overland to the UK. Its a door to door service and takes around 48hrs. They are DEFRA registered and the service is first class in our experience. Its in the region of £345 much cheaper than flying the whole way and there are massive discounts for multiple animals to the same address. The cats will need a microchip, rabies and a blue passport as well as the fit to travel stamp as above.

18-11-2017, 20:42
Have to agree with cressrt, arrived myself about 6 weeks ago and pets, 2 dogs and three cats arrived 5 days later. They travelled from Germany via Madrid to Tenerife. The whole process took 24 hours, I was at my wits end but they all arrived safe and sound and have settled in very well. The fit to travel stamp from my vets in Germany had to be done within 10 days of travel so I had enough time. The cats had to be chipped and rabies vaccinated as well as the dogs which were already chipped. Anyway this information helps. Good luck.