View Full Version : Other NIE number for Canarias

20-12-2017, 02:41

I have obtained a NIE number for Catalonia previously. I have been out of Spain for a couple of years and I'm coming back to Canarias now, and will obviously be looking for work. In 2011 I worked without a NIE at various cash in hand arrangements over the winter, but these days I believe they have cracked down on this issue and nobody will employ me without the paperwork.

What I'm wondering is if my NIE number is still good (its valid for Catalonia until all eternity) or do I have to apply for another one for Canarias. In Catalonia, you had to present a job contract & all sorts of other bull**** papers in order to obtain a NIE and I remember the process as being extremely frustrating.

Anyone have any insight?

20-12-2017, 07:05
Your NIE is permanent and will be valid in Tenerife. Good luck finding a job.

20-12-2017, 18:53
Your NIE is permanent and will be valid in Tenerife. Good luck finding a job.

Thank you so much for your reply!

I remain confident that I will find something. Not too fussy either :)