View Full Version : Employment Plasterer/ renderer looking for work or any information

23-06-2018, 13:16
Hi my name is Karl ive been a self employed plasterer and damp proofer for 12 years, also competent at most trades looking to find employment also self employment after some time, how difficult would this be and could there be a descent wage in Tenerife something I've been wanting to do for years cheers

23-06-2018, 18:47
Basic answer, forget it. You will not find employment. If you did, wages are breadline, Self employed Plasterers are prolific. You would struggle to exist.

23-06-2018, 20:25
Wow this the same ans I get back all the time, like its 10 years hard labour breaking rocks for god sake its a European country is it that poor, how everyone goes on I'll have better luck trying in north Korea, look if your good at what you do it don't matter where you are, but I guess there is competition that's why all this negative response, I am yet to hear that Spain is a third world nation including canaries

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Del what is that your doing so well that nobody else cud possibly do, you are a super tenerifer, I'd luv a bit of our advice BC its so hard you live and work there please indulge me

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It's so hard in Tenerife where would you advise I'd go southern Spain would that only be 5 years hard labour, I am not bothered bit a sun and I hope better lifestyle yes a drop in money I expect that but not picking butt ends of floor for fxxk sake

23-06-2018, 22:05
My understanding is that any job is hard to find but I expect some people manage to make a success of it. Bear in mind that accommodation is generally more expensive in or near the main tourist resorts so if you are on a limited income, you might want to look in other places. I wish you good luck if you do move over here and would strongly suggest that you learn as much Spanish as possible as that will definitely be a positive thing for you.

23-06-2018, 23:31
Cheers that's more positive Andy good advice I will learn Spanish

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Also Andy cheers I don't want to be in cattle market so I will look for a place out of town, but close enough for a taxi for a weekend night out I am not a monk lol

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One more andy you said your understanding of finding employment is difficult, so I can only assume you are retired or you don't need to look for work would that be fair, you could be a good contact cheers

24-06-2018, 06:30
Yes, I am retired so I'm lucky that I don't need to look for work. I have a Spanish friend who had a good job but it was on a short term contract that came to an end. He managed to find another job but it has taken two months to arrange all the paperwork and hopefully he will finally start working again in July.
The cost of living out here is generally cheaper than the UK but I think wages are considerably lower too. The climate is great all year round but without a stable job I expect it's very difficult as my friend only received around €300 per month from the government while he was trying to find a job and that amount is for a limited time anyway.

Good luck!

Tony the Welder
24-06-2018, 09:20
you can try all the local english builders to see if there is any work going they advertise in the free papers i dout you will get any contract so you will be working illigal but it is a starting point till you get to know how things work and where the suppliers are do not forget medical insurrence there is work for you out here but the second you become self employed and legal you will need a constant supply of work to pay the bills ie social taxes ect if you have no work you still have these to pay wish you all the best if you do not try you will never know . worked 15year here loved it and errned good money as a welder my spanish is as good as my spelling crap

24-06-2018, 11:44
Cheers Tony and Andy but I suppose you can only listen to advice maybe it will be a little easy to try mainland spain and have a holiday in Tenerife we live and learn

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Cheers for all the comment's but your all safe I'll not be moving there not so much the work or place but the people I am sure there are some cracking people but the margins are so tight people are taking what they can when they can, dog eat dog turn your back for two mins and ur shirt and shoes have gone I am sure there is much nicer place out there cheers