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View Full Version : I have received a fine from Trafico that I don't remember. Can anyone help?

29-06-2011, 20:58
Wonder if anyone can help with this. The powers that be looted €372 from my bank account last week, the only reference I had was "Agencia de Tributos". Off I went to Hacienda today where they told me it was a Trafico fine. The only details they could give me was the date, 12th November 2009 at 10am, my car registration and "Hecho: No identificar verazmente el titular del vehiculo, debidamente requerido para ello, al conductor responsable de la infracción". Now, to me that reads that they were unable to ascertain the owner of the vehicle. This is what I dont get. The documents are ALWAYS in the car, so would be there when needed. And I would have remembered some problem if for some reason they hadnt been.
The guy in Hacienda said I would need to go to Trafico for more details, but does anyone know if its actually worth it? WOuld they indeed give me more details than what I already have, which sheds no light on it whatsoever.
Confused.com Advice welcome. :)

29-06-2011, 21:06
hi suzy, i got the same two months ago, but they actually embargoed my bank account!! it was for something wrong with my papers. didnt know i had been fined. mine was for 120 euros roughly, but yours i would go to traffico thats a lot of money to loose!!

29-06-2011, 21:09
it will probably be a parking offense and where the driver of the vehicle cannot be defined the fine goes to the owner. Don't bother fighting it. I had one of these a few weeks ago, when I came out of the bank a ticket was on the windscreen. I pulled the cop and explained that the car was actually within the line and legally parked. He told me to take it up with traffico. I took a picture of the car within the lines and went to Santa Cruz to complain. They nodded in all the right places then took 200€ out of my account.
Yours may also have been a speed camera. Good luck!
I've just noticed the fine.. probably is a speed cam!

30-06-2011, 00:47
hi suzy, i got the same two months ago, but they actually embargoed my bank account!! it was for something wrong with my papers. didnt know i had been fined. mine was for 120 euros roughly, but yours i would go to traffico thats a lot of money to loose!!

yes, thats what theyve done, embargoed my account. Scandelous!!

it will probably be a parking offense and where the driver of the vehicle cannot be defined the fine goes to the owner. Don't bother fighting it. I had one of these a few weeks ago, when I came out of the bank a ticket was on the windscreen. I pulled the cop and explained that the car was actually within the line and legally parked. He told me to take it up with traffico. I took a picture of the car within the lines and went to Santa Cruz to complain. They nodded in all the right places then took 200€ out of my account.
Yours may also have been a speed camera. Good luck!
I've just noticed the fine.. probably is a speed cam!

Thanks for that. Still pretty much in the dark though, due to their lack of info. Is it likely I could get the info from Trafico do you think? My time is short and precious so I dont want to waste a day and end up with what I have already, some one sentence summary. Surely they have to prove what you have done?? Otherwise they could just randomly dish these fines out. Grrrr.

30-06-2011, 01:27
We were embargoed a couple of years ago for a car we used to own.

Everything the car does, or has done wrong is charged to you if you are the registered owner.

That's why it is SOOOOO important to have the car paperwork in order in Tenerife.

Don't forget the retrospective fines, ie; Speed traps, that can take months to come through with no prior warning.

30-06-2011, 01:33
It is all in order though. Thats what I dont get. :confused:

30-06-2011, 10:14
perhaps it´s someone who tried your quiz on the top square of San Blas and decided you needed fining for the hard questions!! Certainly not for your singing which is excellent!! see you at the weekend

30-06-2011, 10:35
i suppose thats one way to pay off the national debt, lets hope it does not spread to the other euro states.

30-06-2011, 10:53
You can always ask your bank to reverse the payment whilst you sort it out then, depending on your level of Spanish go to Trafico and sort it out. If you're not confident talk to member goldenmaniac (Jane & Dodie both know her) who is well capable of helping you. I've had two traffic fines in the past 6 months, admittedly issue by the Policia Local, I "fought" them in both cases by going to the local town hall with evidence to support my argument. Both times I "won" and even got one letter of apology from the local police chief !!

30-06-2011, 15:47
yes, thats what theyve done, embargoed my account. Scandelous!!

Thanks for that. Still pretty much in the dark though, due to their lack of info. Is it likely I could get the info from Trafico do you think? My time is short and precious so I dont want to waste a day and end up with what I have already, some one sentence summary. Surely they have to prove what you have done?? Otherwise they could just randomly dish these fines out. Grrrr.
In the first instance I would send a fax in Spanish detailing all the reference numbers etc and the nature of your query.
Trafico seldom answer phone queries but I have had a good sucess rate on fax queries and they do get back to me.

Head it so:

922 231 712

and make sure you include your NIE etc and the reference number of the fine.

Once you (hopefully) get a reply you can ascertain if it is worth a trip

30-06-2011, 16:30
Suzy stop moaning someone has to pay for the 120 signs to go back up...:steeringwheel::steeringwheel::steeringwheel:

01-07-2011, 02:49
yes dede, I did wonder tonight when I passed them changing the 110´s back to 120´s how they funded it, lol. Honestly, I love this country most of the time, but sometimes it makes me want to tear my hair out. Golden maniac, excellent advise thank you. I will do that Monday. I dont mind going up to Trafico as long as I know its worth it and I will actually find out what this is for. I really dont want to waste time and money for nothing. If its a speed cam that makes sense I guess, and I do get speed fines on a regular basis, lol.