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View Full Version : Confusion with animal charities.

05-07-2011, 17:37
I have been reading post on the forum, new and old.
Theres a lot of rows about charities.
I would like to know who is actually a charity/association/foundation.
Ok so Ive been having a look and the only foundation is Acction del sur.
The others are what is called a association and they are.
Live arico. K9. Madats. Sanfransico cats. cats welfare, esparenza dogs and a few spanish ones.
Do some people call themselfes a charity when they are not one.
Can anyone call themselfes a charity/association like anyone can set up a beauty room and do treatments.
All legal charities should show some sort of paperwork or their number what ever it is. so people know if they donate money that they are donating to a registered place and not just someone set up and saying they are.
can someone just set up a childrens charity and not do it proper. Is it different laws in spain.

mike in chayofa
05-07-2011, 18:11
I'm not really 'up-to-speed' on this, but my understanding is that an 'association' in Spain is a legal entity set up for a specific purpose and consists of a president, vice president and treasurer at least. There can be other board members that are elected.

An association must have a specific statute and state what it's aim is.

05-07-2011, 18:55
i know there was a discussion on this subject that highlighted the differences on one of the cat welfare threads, im sure an administator from one of the shelters will be on to give you a legal definition. I work in the Live Arico Shop and, we are an association but everyone knows it as a charity shop because its function is the same as a charity shop. Holiday makers, especially, call it either'the dog shop' or 'the dog charity shop'. Its a word and concept that everyone understands

05-07-2011, 20:29
I have been reading post on the forum, new and old.
Theres a lot of rows about charities.
I would like to know who is actually a charity/association/foundation.
Ok so Ive been having a look and the only foundation is Acction del sur.
The others are what is called a association and they are.
Live arico. K9. Madats. Sanfransico cats. cats welfare, esparenza dogs and a few spanish ones.
Do some people call themselfes a charity when they are not one.
Can anyone call themselfes a charity/association like anyone can set up a beauty room and do treatments.
All legal charities should show some sort of paperwork or their number what ever it is. so people know if they donate money that they are donating to a registered place and not just someone set up and saying they are.
can someone just set up a childrens charity and not do it proper. Is it different laws in spain.

Hello Hoppy - I have raised this matter a few times in the past ... a Foundation is the nearest equivalent to a registered charity - it must have a minimum capital base and it's accounts can & will be scrutinised to see that they confirm to the stated aims of the Foundation: tax credits are also available to donors (nothing as significant as Gift Aid, it has to be said, but they are valuable credits for companies as they can carry them forward for several years)

An Association can be set up by anyone - a group of Scrabble players for instance, or animal lovers ... or even owners & administrators of somewhere like the Tenerife Forum ;)

Of course, many associations, like the animal welfare groups are set up for "charitable" purposes, and are under obligation to produce annual accounts (though most do not) ... however, there is nothing like the Charities Commission overseeing them, which is why I felt an Association should not be calling itself a "registered charity" as such, despite having an allocated number after registration.

07-07-2011, 17:21
This is always an interesting topic the legalities of which are extremely complicated. In Tenerife there are so many individuals who are trying to help the animals here, this is their priority they are giving their time free and using their own money to help where the system and government are failing. I personally have donated to these individuals who I like to call Animal rescuers whenever I can, and I know for a fact the donations will be put to good use. Good luck to all you good people out there whether you´re a Charity or not, without you a lot more animals lives would be lost!

07-07-2011, 17:36
There are well-discussed organisation doing charitable work for animals on the island and, from all the anecdotal evidence, doing a great job and worthy of a donation and support.

I don't know how 'official' this site is, but it lists charities. K9/Live Arico not listed. Maybe someone with more contact information should submit them - http://www.charity-charities.org/Spain-charities/Spain.html

07-07-2011, 17:42
Just wondering what beauty salons have to do with animal charities?

07-07-2011, 17:44
It was an example! :fryingpan:
Just wondering what beauty salons have to do with animal charities?

07-07-2011, 18:04
Just wondering what beauty salons have to do with animal charities?

It was an example! :fryingpan:

Unless you read between the lines ;)

Yes, LA is an Associación, Registro 4709, with a CIF number. Unless you have a spare 30 grand to lodge in an account thats all you can be really. I actually dont think AdS IS a foundation, although I could be wrong. Atlantic Whale Foundation is (obviously :D) and I think Loro Parque is. British people use the word charity as its something we´re all familiar with :)

07-07-2011, 18:34
Unless you read between the lines ;)

Yes, LA is an Associación, Registro 4709, with a CIF number. Unless you have a spare 30 grand to lodge in an account thats all you can be really. I actually dont think AdS IS a foundation, although I could be wrong. Atlantic Whale Foundation is (obviously :D) and I think Loro Parque is. British people use the word charity as its something we´re all familiar with :)

Hmmm funny the "example" was beauty room and not beauty salon. Something strangely familiar about this post. :whistle:

07-07-2011, 19:00
Mabey in Tenerife they are called Beauty rooms and not beauty salons, i know theres one called Beauty room in Golf Del Sur

07-07-2011, 20:54
Carole, IMO I think this thread was started as a wind up;)

07-07-2011, 21:13
Carole, IMO I think this thread was started as a wind up;)

I think you're right Suej - the 'do it proper' at the end gives it away!! :) :)

07-07-2011, 22:47
Just wondering what beauty salons have to do with animal charities?

as were we all... ??????????????????????????

Added after 3 minutes:

This is always an interesting topic the legalities of which are extremely complicated. In Tenerife there are so many individuals who are trying to help the animals here, this is their priority they are giving their time free and using their own money to help where the system and government are failing. I personally have donated to these individuals who I like to call Animal rescuers whenever I can, and I know for a fact the donations will be put to good use. Good luck to all you good people out there whether you´re a Charity or not, without you a lot more animals lives would be lost!

I believe the very best person to clarify and discuss this is Vivvy..she is the person who knows EVERYTHING about who is what here and the definitions...perhaps she could clarify the standing etc...especially as she is involved with the Atlantic Whale FOUNDATION.

07-07-2011, 22:56
I believe the very best person to clarify and discuss this is Vivvy..she is the person who knows EVERYTHING about who is what here and the definitions...perhaps she could clarify the standing etc...especially as she is involved with the Atlantic Whale FOUNDATION.

The Atlantic Whale Foundation is a British registered charity (Number 1076270), registered office: xxxxx :)


07-07-2011, 23:03
Love Rex´s photo Doreen XX

07-07-2011, 23:17
Love Rex´s photo Doreen XX

He's now "Red" and the love of my life ... thank you Live Arico for the introduction :)

07-07-2011, 23:39
Of course he´s Red...you know it was when we were doing the calendar shots and Eugenio brought him down..I fell in love with him too...he was so lovely hence why he appeared in both male and female editions, the only one to do so..I see fame didn´t go to his head ha ha ! I just had to single him out, find him a home and Thanks must go to Todi who took him the very same day to foster before he hit the jackpot coming to you ! Thank you for adopting him X

07-07-2011, 23:40
He is gorgeous, the second chow to touch my heart. Prone to depression aren't they...
The second my beautiful Max who I held as we let him slip away one week ago. He is now on my screen saver, and I have a permanent reminder of him, he gave me a slipped disc lol. Fab dogs!! X

08-07-2011, 01:42
Carole, IMO I think this thread was started as a wind up;)
You Kidding :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::D:D:D

08-07-2011, 11:23
You Kidding :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::D:D:D

Oh well they do say there is no such thing as bad publicity :) and I can confirm that the only "beauty room" I know of here in Tenerife is staffed by professional fully qualified and experienced staff whose credentials (including UK University Teaching qualification) are available for inspection by any one. They also do wonderful special offers!!!!

08-07-2011, 17:12
yeh all good publicity, its hard to find a good 'Beauty Room'. So now everyone knows where to go. Not many round my way and I dont think theres many around the APPOLLO centre either:whistle::whistle::whistle:

08-07-2011, 17:29
yeh all good publicity, its hard to find a good 'Beauty Room'. So now everyone knows where to go. Not many round my way and I dont think theres many around the APPOLLO centre either:whistle::whistle::whistle:

:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: definitely not but think there is a dog groomer in the APPOLLO center now. Funny!!!!!

08-07-2011, 18:08
Umm, always suspicious of a newbie posting a thread of this nature, especially when it has an air of familiarity about it, then not returning... I smell a rat ;)

Btw ladies, is that groomer in the APPOLLO any good?

08-07-2011, 18:11
dont need a dog groomer she does it herself...and does it 'proper':)

08-07-2011, 18:17
Sorry guys, if you think Im hoppy you would be wrong, please feel free to clarify this by checking ip addresses Admin.
I deliberately steer clear of posting on animal threads.
Good luck to all people who do what they can for abandoned animals here whether they be association, foundation, charity or just a good hearted citizen.
To add, there was a groomer in the Apollo Centre but, horrifically, she got raped a few weeks back and has since returned to the UK as she was put off the island. Very sad end to her career here. The shop is now up for sale, the current owners live in the UK.

08-07-2011, 18:46
My God really!!!! I met her when they opened a couple of months ago - they said they would groom our outgoing dogs free, wrote a piece about it in CW. I've not been able to get through though when I have needed them - that's obviously why. The owners were there, they did say they were uk based. Shocking!

08-07-2011, 18:51
Horrible isnt it :(
Poor girl, she hadn't long been here I think :(
Chris and Melody are the owners, nice couple. Hopefully they can sell it, it hasnt been a lot of luck for them since they first bought it, bless them.

08-07-2011, 20:10
Thanks Apollo, You truly are a wonderful person. You get so many undeserved, spineless, downright cowardly, posts aimed at you on this forum and it's predecessor. If only people had a life eh? I love you loads

08-07-2011, 20:29
Thanks Apollo, You truly are a wonderful person. You get so many undeserved, spineless, downright cowardly, posts aimed at you on this forum and it's predecessor. If only people had a life eh? I love you loads

Well said Carpenter, perhaps a few apologies are in order.

08-07-2011, 21:54
Sorry guys, if you think Im hoppy you would be wrong, please feel free to clarify this by checking ip addresses Admin.
I deliberately steer clear of posting on animal threads.
Good luck to all people who do what they can for abandoned animals here whether they be association, foundation, charity or just a good hearted citizen.
To add, there was a groomer in the Apollo Centre but, horrifically, she got raped a few weeks back and has since returned to the UK as she was put off the island. Very sad end to her career here. The shop is now up for sale, the current owners live in the UK.

Oh no, that is awful, the poor woman.... I can't begin to imagine what the poor girl is going through :(

I wasn't taking the mickey out of you, I desperately need a dog groomer for my 2 very hairy, smelly mutts and have struggled getting hold of the 2 girls that have done them in the past ;) My reference to Appollo wasn't about a you, I wouldn't do that about somebody I don't know... nor did I realise there was a member on here with that name. I apologise if it caused offence...

However, if anybody could point me in the direction of a groomer, I would be most appreciative...

09-07-2011, 01:25
But Maxine...Im one of the girls who did them in the past ;) .....the cocker spaniels....Golden I believe.........

Hey ho.....If I can ever be any help in the future please give me a call, or facebook me...Im on your friend list :)

09-07-2011, 20:42
Quick update: main base of Atlantic Whale Foundation (http://www.whalenation.org/) is in Arona. As you can see from the title, our main object of interest here are whales and dolphins, although we do cooperate with horse sanctuary. There are students from all over the world (although Europeans are dominating) with all sorts of skills, such as wildlife protection, ecosystems, marine life, etc. There also are quite a few media students, helping with campaigns, promotional videos and such.

We also do fundraisers (such as Teide Challenge, climbing to the very top during the night to see the sun rising above the islands) which helps us fund our projects all over the world (Siera Leone, Vietnam, Hungary, Argentina, Sri Lanka, to name a few.)

This is not only "animal" foundation. Siera Leone acts as a good example: war ended just few years ago, country is still devastated. People were starving, they were hunting and eating orangutans. These were nearly extinct. Unfortunately, there was no quick solution, as people needed food. Well, solution turned out to be a long-term one, but it's going on nicely. Our volunteers already built a big chicken farm, which I think is just now starting to provide food for the locals. Of course, chickens need food, so lots of various seeds were sent there. Crops don't grow overnight and feeding the chicken costs around £500 per week, money was donated by volunteers, various other organisations and companies, etc. To boost local community, an arts centre is being built where kids learn various arts which volunteers are happy to teach, school is under construction at the moment. I think they are already selling hand-made loofahs in UK, with money going directly to the people.

Ask, if you have any questions, I will be glad to answer.

10-07-2011, 01:54
Brilliant work!! I met some of your people at the refuge a few weeks ago :)
Which horse sanctuary do you work at please, I didnt realise there was one here?

10-07-2011, 09:54
Which horse sanctuary do you work at please, I didnt realise there was one here?

I am curious as well, please tell us more about it and where it is located :knight:

13-07-2011, 09:19
Airazz: Good post about AWF but I would point out that as far as I know they are not involved with any Horse Sanctuary in Tenerife. They did at one point make some arrangement with a person who kept horses but after a bad experience they have withdrawn their help. That experience put them off trying to help any animal refuges in Tenerife!!!

Basically they are, as you say airazz involved with projects around the world and their base here in Arona is involved with overseeing those other projects and the Whales and Dolphins here. Neither myself or AWF are actively involved in any of the animal sanctuaries, be it whatever animal, organisation or foundation, here in Tenerife.

They are a UK registered charity and most of their fundraising etc. is done in the UK.

I would also like to point out that although I'm a good friend of the chap that runs AWF and at one time we did try to set up a Tenerife based Charity to help the refuges here, of which I was partly involved, I am actually nothing to do with AWF or the running of it.

I also do not know everything about all the refuges here etc. I was at one time very actively involved with K9 and on their committee, but that was 10 years ago. I gleaned what knowledge I have from those days and from just visiting etc since. I am certainly no expert and am sure there are a lot more knowledgable people about things nowadays then me.

There are many more refuges now that I know nothing about which I'm sure are good. In my mind knowing the hard work it takes anyone who trys to help abandonded animals they need congratulating. I have no attachment and am not actively involved in any animal refuges now. Just trying to survive and look after my own 2 dogs takes all my energy at the moment in these tough times!! I just wish I could do more.

As for whether the refuges are associations or charities, does that matter? The are still refuges! As Mike in Chayofa said an association still has to have the governing bodies, submit accounts and be regulated by the government. If you're unsure about your donations then I suggest you visit whichever sanctuary you are worried about and see for yourself if they are deserving of your monies.

Please excuse spelling etc. but I'm rushing, late for work