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View Full Version : Has Tenerife Weekly newspaper finished?

06-07-2011, 19:17
Ive just read on Facebook that it has, after just 7 issues. Does anyone else know anything?

06-07-2011, 19:20
First I've heard, Sue.

I know they had a problem with printing last week but as far as I knowthat was just a hiccup.

06-07-2011, 19:24
I was told by somebody ( who I have every reason to believe ) that it has finished.

Just goes to show that nicking somebody's format doesn't always work....

06-07-2011, 19:39
Yes, I have read it on the status of an Oasis FM DJ. Guess weīll see. :)

06-07-2011, 19:39
Yep, it's gone... it was never going to last when all they did was copy articles from the Canarian Weekly!

06-07-2011, 19:47
I was told by somebody ( who I have every reason to believe ) that it has finished.

Just goes to show that nicking somebody's format doesn't always work....

Goes to show..Goes to show..:whistle::whistle::devil:

06-07-2011, 19:48
totally unprofessional from what I have seen. The way it deals with its competitors is childish and pathetic.

We didn't advertise with them for this reason.

Shame, as I like to have presence in all media, but if that's how they deal with their competitors, I dread to think of their venimous capabilities.

I am referring to things like classified ads stating, 2 radio transmitters for sale, hardly used, 101 and 101.2 - in other words a dig at Oasis

Then there is the , Bin it to win it................... imagine if you were the company who sponsored this with oasis............ and some god damned other radio station runs a competition to encourage people to waste the stickers with your logo on!!!!! UNBELIEVABLE! and UNPROFESSIONAL!!
You have to respect Mr Elkington, he just finds the whole palava hilarious:eyebrows:

06-07-2011, 20:04
You have to respect Mr Elkington, he just finds the whole palava hilarious:eyebrows:

Because he's seen it all before, again and again and again.....
Maybe one day they'll cotton on that they're not the 'competition' that they believe they are after all !! :-)

06-07-2011, 22:50
i realyy like tenerife weekly newspaper alot. much better then canary weekly.

but all day at live arico when i was working there today in los cristanos. we still have a few issue left. and bout 15 customers came in and saw the paper. and all of them told me tenerife weekly is finished?

is this true??

i hope not!!

even 3 bars where live arico told me this as well.

06-07-2011, 22:55
Gone and soon forgotten...

07-07-2011, 00:16
It does seem that this forum is anti Coast Fm and very much pro Oasis! Why?
True the sticker comp thing is childish but the other things such as radio transmitter for sale surely is just a bit of fun.
Bit to sensitive here I think!
Oasis have done their fair share of p*** taking.
Anyways it seems that the Tenerife Weekly are just taking time out and will be back soon, the printing mistake last week that was not there fault did a lot of damage.
Good luck to all new businesses, it's hard here to make it.
Competition is healthy.

07-07-2011, 01:21
It does seem that this forum is anti Coast Fm and very much pro Oasis! Why?
True the sticker comp thing is childish but the other things such as radio transmitter for sale surely is just a bit of fun.
Bit to sensitive here I think!
Oasis have done their fair share of p*** taking.
Anyways it seems that the Tenerife Weekly are just taking time out and will be back soon, the printing mistake last week that was not there fault did a lot of damage.
Good luck to all new businesses, it's hard here to make it.
Competition is healthy.

Not sensitive at all!!! Not particularly 'pro Oasis', I have always supported all stations however they are below the belt.

Seriously, if you were to sponsor Oasis FM 'Stick and win' as a company, you have thousands of car stickers printed, then an opposing station carries on like Coast have!!!!!! Absolutely disgusting behaviour..................... how can any legitimate business take a media company seriously when they pull stunts like that???? It is not specifically damaging Oasis, it is damaging to the sponsor.

There is also a lot more that has gone on too......................

So, for that, we don't advertise.................. glad they can turn away revenue as we have presence every where else.

Competition is very healthy yes, however downright maliciousness s not!

blue marlin
07-07-2011, 07:16
according to other sources ;) it will be back

07-07-2011, 09:57
Let's hope they update situation's vacant more often.:whistle:

07-07-2011, 10:39
Not sensitive at all!!! Not particularly 'pro Oasis', I have always supported all stations however they are below the belt.

There is also a lot more that has gone on too......................

You wouldn't happen to be a former presenter on Oasis FM would you by any remote, unbiased chance? :whistle:

07-07-2011, 10:53
You wouldn't happen to be a former presenter on Oasis FM would you by any remote, unbiased chance? :whistle:

Yes I am.................. sorry, did you think I was trying to hide the fact that I wasn't??

I am talking from a professional point of view..................... and at the end of the day, I don't work for Oasis anymore and I haven't done for at least 2 years!

I am quite capable of giving a professional unbiased opinion thank you very much.

Nice first post by the way.................. welcome to the forum;)

07-07-2011, 11:04
You wouldn't happen to be a former presenter on Oasis FM would you by any remote, unbiased chance? :whistle:

surely as SonofGod you already knew the answer !!!:pray::pray:

07-07-2011, 11:52
The Tenerife rumor machine is working overtime as usual... Can I put the record straight and say the Tenerife Weekly is not finished. As reported in the last few weeks there was a problem with the printers and in last weeks edition there was a quality problem. As a result this weeks edition will not appear on the street as the news paper are seeking a new printer. I will point out I am not connected with the newspaper or their radio station but I do believe in giving new business every opportunity. I read that some people think the format has been copied... Those people are reading a different paper to me... The paper in question has long since sat back on it's laurels and produced the same old drivel week in and week out where as the Tenerife Weekly has been a breath of fresh air... Something actually worth reading.
There has been a constant battle of words both ways from both newspapers and radio stations which isn't to be condoned in anyway but they are both guilty of playing the dirty tricks campaign. The latest on being the FB post saying the Tenerife Weekly is not more... A total fabrication!!
People putting time money and effort into new ideas in Tenerife are few and far now days so don't be so quick to judge. Give them time to find their feet....

07-07-2011, 15:45
I think they are a farce.....why not come up with something origional rather wasting time and money having a go at Oasis? Whether you like oasis or not you cannot get away from the fact that they must be doing something right to have been on the air for so long. :whistle:

07-07-2011, 16:05
Oasis has been around a while but thats not to say its the best radio station in Tenerife.Different people have different styles and ideas and as has been said Tenerife weekly whilst it was another weekly English newspaper ( shame on anyone for doing the same as Canarian weekly ... did you say that when THE PAPER went weekly NO! ) it was not like the Canarian weekly as it had so much more info IMHO oponion .If people are getting so hot under the collar about this then I think it must have been doing some good somewhere along the line otherwise who would care !
For now it has been laid to rest but if it is resurected then I think we should support it as we should try and support wherever possible any new business that sets up.PRAY TELL ME PEOPLE WHATS THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN SETTING UP A SIMILAR NEWSPAPER THAT SETTING UP A BAR SIMILAR TO ANOTHER ONE>?

07-07-2011, 16:15
does anyone think there all rubbish,repetertive papers or is it just me?

07-07-2011, 16:17
Oasis has been around a while but thats not to say its the best radio station in Tenerife.Different people have different styles and ideas and as has been said Tenerife weekly whilst it was another weekly English newspaper ( shame on anyone for doing the same as Canarian weekly ... did you say that when THE PAPER went weekly NO! ) it was not like the Canarian weekly as it had so much more info IMHO oponion .If people are getting so hot under the collar about this then I think it must have been doing some good somewhere along the line otherwise who would care !
For now it has been laid to rest but if it is resurected then I think we should support it as we should try and support wherever possible any new business that sets up.PRAY TELL ME PEOPLE WHATS THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN SETTING UP A SIMILAR NEWSPAPER THAT SETTING UP A BAR SIMILAR TO ANOTHER ONE>?

So many people have said it was a far better paper than the Canarian Weekly and are sad that it has not been printed, most said there was a lot more reading in it and they enjoyed the content and fresh ideas.

07-07-2011, 16:19
I am the first to say I miss THE PAPER< it was always a good read. I also always listen to the full array of radio stations when I haven't got my Ipod going............................ a few of the Coast FM dj's are friends of mine................

My grievance is with the professionalism in which competition is conducted. There should be a certain level of etiquette carried out IMO.

Power and Oasis never had a problem......................... as far as I know Canarian, Island Connections and Tenerife News don;t either............ but then again, unless they are very well disguised, we don't read/hear nasty digs at the competition from the other professional media companies.

07-07-2011, 16:27
I'm not saying that people shouldn't have different opinions or which station they listen to.....it's the way they went about it, found it very petty to be honest. I used to listen to power a lot and other stations at times and enjoyed them, not against Coast as a radio station, I just think they're unproffesional and childish.

07-07-2011, 17:05
Seems that 711 weeks of canarian weekly has been difficult to imitate. Trying to put established businesses to the way side (oasis fm and canarian weekly) thru tactics that coast fm and their rag copy have tried to do has only been detrimental to the sponsors and advertisers that have wasted their money on failed products. Leave it to professionals who know how to create educated teams and produce long lasting products.

07-07-2011, 18:15
I was talking to a 'neutral' about this today, a very reliable one at that, and apparently the print error a couple of issues back, when they blamed others, was actually very much their OWN fault. The good money is on them never becoming a regular paper, if they ever come back at all as many of their previous advertisers will be very wary about parting with their money again...

Time will tell I guess, but I very much trust my source. ;)

07-07-2011, 19:34
guys and girls. on the other forum it has a post from coast fm it self saying as follows...

Just to confirm, The Tenerife Weekly will not be printed this week. We have been seriously let down by the printers with regard to print quality and despite several days of trying to sort the situation we have taken the decision to find an alternative printing facility. While the vastly varying quality of the printers may be acceptable by other weekly publications it's not up to the standard we require. I will post more details as and when we have them.

Just to put a stop to a rumor being started by a bitter little radio hasbeen on facebook, Coast FM is anything but going bust! A quick listen to the amount of advertising currently on air should indicate this, however, I am prepared to say some big things are going on at Coast.

This has been the reason for various presenters not being on air this week. As the saying goes, All will be revealed very soon. I would like to take this opportunity to thank all our advertisers and listeners that have in two years made Coast FM the sucess it is. The great feedback we have received on The Tenerife Weekly clearly shows the need for a better quality local weekly paper. Please be assured, once we have resolved the printing issues, The Tenerife Weekly will return.

07-07-2011, 19:37
And their statement isn't bitter.... ??? Umm, I beg to differ.

07-07-2011, 19:40
guys and girls. on the other forum it has a post from coast fm it self saying as follows...

Just to confirm, The Tenerife Weekly will not be printed this week. We have been seriously let down by the printers with regard to print quality and despite several days of trying to sort the situation we have taken the decision to find an alternative printing facility. While the vastly varying quality of the printers may be acceptable by other weekly publications it's not up to the standard we require. I will post more details as and when we have them.

Just to put a stop to a rumor being started by a bitter little radio hasbeen on facebook, Coast FM is anything but going bust! A quick listen to the amount of advertising currently on air should indicate this, however, I am prepared to say some big things are going on at Coast.

This has been the reason for various presenters not being on air this week. As the saying goes, All will be revealed very soon. I would like to take this opportunity to thank all our advertisers and listeners that have in two years made Coast FM the sucess it is. The great feedback we have received on The Tenerife Weekly clearly shows the need for a better quality local weekly paper. Please be assured, once we have resolved the printing issues, The Tenerife Weekly will return.

Oh good, that's cleared that up in the professional manner that we have become accustomed to from this company. Thanks... :-)

07-07-2011, 19:47
is this the owner or the editor???? The manner in which that is written would not encourage anyone to read the paper. That type of journalistic integrity would make Rupert Murdoch proud

07-07-2011, 19:48
is this the owner or the editor???? The manner in which that is written would not encourage anyone to read the paper. That type of journalistic integrity would make Rupert Murdoch proud

The words pot, kettle, black sprang to mind.... :wall:

07-07-2011, 23:48
Henry & from the other forum friend of Coast/Weekly quote............My response....

I've been in Tenerife media for 20 years. I think it's worth mentioning that all those years ago the Brits had NO radio station and only one newspaper (Island Connections who I worked with, when Sven owned it with Karen) The 'old boys' Bob Preston etc & I tried to start English radio for two hours on the Spanish station Radio Bahia 6-8pm evenings with sponsorship. We were obviously enthusiastic because our ex-pats had nothing in English TV wise (No sattellite) or radio wise (other than BBC World)
The newspaper, Tenerife News 'came down from the north' to conquer the South! (much to Island Connections digust) and at that time I had the glossy magazine 'Holiday Gazette' and was involved with the guys setting up Oasis FM....
So, the basic facts for anyone who's interested........
You are picking up printed material freebies or listening to free radio if you choose to.....You have your opinions and choice quite rightly.
Being 'old school' on the island, there are quite a few undesirables here that don't like successful media people that make a living being professionable, well presented and true to their word.
My job, as a radio presenter (Oasis FM), advertising sales & marketing media consultant/rep for Oasis FM/Canarian Weekly is to satisfy my clients with products that have been paid for AND delivered. Any client of mine from the past 20 years will verify this.
The Tenerife Weekly isn't on the streets today and are blaming it on the printer etc.
If you had a copy of issue 1/2/3/4 etc, you will see that editors/designers/team etc have changed on a weekly basis (even though their background knowledge of media proved successful for years with other publications!) Alarm bells?
Printers? The printer didn't print their first issue because of design problems that they sent them. Then... eventually after 3 weeks delay.....look at issue 1...Looked like a photocopy of a rag mag I had at the Grammar School in the 70's!
Anyway, their tactics...including the......'Bin it' sticker/'Rip off weekly' Coast FM ads etc etc are really none of my concern. Pathetic, childish, back-stabbers and extremely sad envious no-gooders. The main thing is that they have tried to con the revenue (Spōnsors & advertisers) into believing that producing a weekly newspaper and radio staion can be low-priced if you use them. Well, If you have used them you know the answer now.....ONE presenter today live on air and NO newspaper tomorrow. I rest my case!
Issue 711 is out today (Divide that by 52 & you've got the years!)
Oasis FM is 14 years young! (Roscoe, Chris Elk & the boys & I started this, yes 14 years ago & we're still here)
Competition is what we thrive on. They come & go over the years. The BEST SURVIVE. Are Oasis FM on air today with LIVE Presenters? Coast FM presenters are on their holidays apparently ALL at the same time.............bad management?
Have you picked up your free issue 711 (13 years and 7 months) of Canarian Weekly today?
Enjoy your freebie media everybody!
Apologies to any advertisers who have been sucked into their scams.
You will NEVER be let down by me. Thanks for reading this and more importantly, thanks for all the really true friends/clients who support us.

07-07-2011, 23:55
Well said Chris....

08-07-2011, 00:02
Absolutely right Chris, from Max and I :)

08-07-2011, 00:27
I dont want to get involved in rival radio stations, but maybe the bigger one of the two needs to sort out its transmitter as I can never get it, and when I do have to turn it up louder than the other stations. The smaller one is able to be heard loud and clear from one end of the island to the other.. .I dont care who I listen to, but I will clearly listen to the one that is easy to tune into!!

08-07-2011, 00:43
Transmission levels on a 'rocky island' in certain areas will always be a problem until certified licences allow us to turn it 'up to ten' ( do you think we haven't got the max knob? )
The point I was making was more about the media and newspapers and not really about rival radio stations.
Enjoy what ever radio station and enjoy what ever newspaper you can receive tomorrow foc

08-07-2011, 01:10
I dont want to get involved in rival radio stations, but maybe the bigger one of the two needs to sort out its transmitter as I can never get it, and when I do have to turn it up louder than the other stations. The smaller one is able to be heard loud and clear from one end of the island to the other.. .I dont care who I listen to, but I will clearly listen to the one that is easy to tune into!!

Why does it always have to be competition?

In my eyes the more stations there are the better.

Can you imagine being stuck with Radio 3? (no offense to R3 listeners)

I listen to 'em all, and apart from saying I love QFM, cos it's my kind of music, the more the merrier.

Why do people always want to knock something they don't listen to?

If everyone liked the same music and style there would only be one radio station in every country.

Thank God we live in the free world..(Kinda)

08-07-2011, 01:14
I love QFM too... great music!

08-07-2011, 01:18
I love QFM too... great music!

Oh bugger. We've gone off topic. I think it fits into the general thrust of the thread though..All broadcasting related.??

08-07-2011, 01:26
Oh bugger. We've gone off topic. I think it fits into the general thrust of the thread though..All broadcasting related.??

It's your fault, you're leading me astray.... :whistle:

ps: your turn in scrabble (now that is off topic! :D)

08-07-2011, 01:31
As an avid lover of jazz/Latin/blues/funk etc.....and a musician/teacher and radio guy......this thread was/is about a newspaper that has let down it's readers and advertisers/sponsors/staff etc and ....you, the public. That was and still is the point?

08-07-2011, 09:03
I dont want to get involved in rival radio stations, but maybe the bigger one of the two needs to sort out its transmitter as I can never get it, and when I do have to turn it up louder than the other stations. The smaller one is able to be heard loud and clear from one end of the island to the other.. .I dont care who I listen to, but I will clearly listen to the one that is easy to tune into!!

Not only that,the quality of the internet streams are diabolical and seriously need attention.

Fred Perry
08-07-2011, 11:07
As an avid lover of jazz/Latin/blues/funk etc.....and a musician/teacher and radio guy......this thread was/is about a newspaper that has let down it's readers and advertisers/sponsors/staff etc and ....you, the public. That was and still is the point?

;)Well done Chris you have just stated the 4 types of music I cannot stand :eek: anyway one thing I cannot get my head around is why the "slating" between the two newspapers started in the first place?

To be honest when I first heard Chris Merrick talking about The Tenerife Weekly one morning on Oasis FM I thought it was a bit out of order but now I have discovered that apparently the new paper started it.?ŋ

Why canīt a new local paper just get their head down, produce a good read with LOCAL news and annoy their rivals by just being GOOD?

Chayofa Tete
08-07-2011, 11:13
Totally agree not good business ethics to slag off the competition,they would be better ro rise above the slagging and do their own jobs well.

08-07-2011, 11:15
Tenerife Weekly was no worse or better than Tenerife News - ie: so called showbusiness experts who know nothing about nothing, and couldn't even write a note for the milkman! Canarian Weekly has got the format right, although the same old contributors make for a somewhat stale read.

08-07-2011, 11:51
Not only that,the quality of the internet streams are diabolical and seriously need attention.

Really? I rarely have a problem with the stream... ???

Fred Perry
08-07-2011, 12:07
Slightly off topic but a few weeks ago I sent a press release to most newspapers on the Island (in English & Spanish) regarding a bbq we held in the mountains. It was the annual bbq of CD Tenerife Fan Club Armada Sur and over 70 people turned up and we had a great day. Okay, not important news ofcourse but it is a local happening(especially as it involved 70 odd people- the people were not odd).

Anyway, nearly all the Canarian newspapers (El Dia, La Opinion) the very next day published a picture and the short text of our event. None of the British press in Tenerife did. Not the end of the world but I thought it was dissapointing.

I know everyone is not obsessed with football like me and especially about our local team CDT but the Tenerife Weekly never ever mention the club and annoyingly ran a story about another Spanish club, Cadiz CF, a few editions ago. Makes sense that, a club from Andalucia (in same league level as Tenerife) gets a mention and not a club a few km up the coast.

08-07-2011, 16:35
The rivalry has gone on since the start of time, between the Radio Stations at first and subsequently the newspapers.
I remember when Oasis went off air for quite a few weeks a few months back due to transmitter technical difficulties and the Boss of Oasis posted a photograph of the Coast FM Transmitter on the internet claiming that this was jamming their signal in an attempt to keep the dogs off his back (advertisers and listeners).
The Coast transmitter was turned off by Coast themselves to prove that it was not them that were jamming the Oasis transmitter and sure enough the Oasis signal failed to reappear during the time that the Coast transmitter was turned off. I then believe that the accusation was retracted by Mr E.
Then a few months later during a live outside broadcast by Coast their signal was being jammed, and they drove around the island tracking the source only to find that another transmitter had been placed near there's by a former employee/friend of MR E and was interrupting there signal. Now how is that fair? Would you be happy if you were the sponsor of the outside broadcast? Would you be happy if you had invested time, money effort into that event?

Now this is just some of the petty crap dealt out by Oasis, they have been out to discredit Coast for a very long time and in my opinion Coast have probably just had enough and how would their advertisers feel?

I personally cannot stomach the music Coast plays, is too safe, over edited and repetitive I can't remember the last time I thought, I haven't heard that before and all but about 3 hours of the day is recorded!
Oasis DJ's and presenters seem to have there finger much more on the pulse (not the afternoon guy who's clearly sat back in the UK) they give useful local information and I much prefer their station. It's just a shame that their coverage is rubbish when I'm about in the car and the length of the adverts has me switching stations.
Mr E. has had the monopoly for years and during these tough times he doesn't like the thought of anybody else having a slice of his pie.
This is not a communist state is it? This isn't a case of stick up for who your friends work for is it? Like what your friends like? Reading back through a lot of these posts it's clear that there's some very narrow minded people on here.
(UPG Not you by the way) I respect everything you have said.

It takes two to tango!

08-07-2011, 17:43
The rivalry has gone on since the start of time, between the Radio Stations at first and subsequently the newspapers.
I remember when Oasis went off air for quite a few weeks a few months back due to transmitter technical difficulties and the Boss of Oasis posted a photograph of the Coast FM Transmitter on the internet claiming that this was jamming their signal in an attempt to keep the dogs off his back (advertisers and listeners).
The Coast transmitter was turned off by Coast themselves to prove that it was not them that were jamming the Oasis transmitter and sure enough the Oasis signal failed to reappear during the time that the Coast transmitter was turned off. I then believe that the accusation was retracted by Mr E.
Then a few months later during a live outside broadcast by Coast their signal was being jammed, and they drove around the island tracking the source only to find that another transmitter had been placed near there's by a former employee/friend of MR E and was interrupting there signal. Now how is that fair? Would you be happy if you were the sponsor of the outside broadcast? Would you be happy if you had invested time, money effort into that event?

Now this is just some of the petty crap dealt out by Oasis, they have been out to discredit Coast for a very long time and in my opinion Coast have probably just had enough and how would their advertisers feel?

I personally cannot stomach the music Coast plays, is too safe, over edited and repetitive I can't remember the last time I thought, I haven't heard that before and all but about 3 hours of the day is recorded!
Oasis DJ's and presenters seem to have there finger much more on the pulse (not the afternoon guy who's clearly sat back in the UK) they give useful local information and I much prefer their station. It's just a shame that their coverage is rubbish when I'm about in the car and the length of the adverts has me switching stations.
Mr E. has had the monopoly for years and during these tough times he doesn't like the thought of anybody else having a slice of his pie.
This is not a communist state is it? This isn't a case of stick up for who your friends work for is it? Like what your friends like? Reading back through a lot of these posts it's clear that there's some very narrow minded people on here.
(UPG Not you by the way) I respect everything you have said.

It takes two to tango!

Have you and your Dad gone off ...............Hymms and Carols then !!!! Let alone all those angels with harps ,is no job safe any longer ?

08-07-2011, 19:46
for me for allmost two years now and counting i canīt get oasis fm on my radio in guaza. so i listen to it online.
i wondor why in los cristanos can pick up oasis and not guaza??? when i working at live arico los cris. i listen to it. but in guaza is staticed. but listen to it online. it been nice if oasis play some of today country music. like dixie chicks, alan jacson, garth brooks to name a few.

09-07-2011, 13:02
The rivalry has gone on since the start of time, between the Radio Stations at first and subsequently the newspapers.
I remember when Oasis went off air for quite a few weeks a few months back due to transmitter technical difficulties and the Boss of Oasis posted a photograph of the Coast FM Transmitter on the internet claiming that this was jamming their signal in an attempt to keep the dogs off his back (advertisers and listeners).
The Coast transmitter was turned off by Coast themselves to prove that it was not them that were jamming the Oasis transmitter and sure enough the Oasis signal failed to reappear during the time that the Coast transmitter was turned off. I then believe that the accusation was retracted by Mr E.
Then a few months later during a live outside broadcast by Coast their signal was being jammed, and they drove around the island tracking the source only to find that another transmitter had been placed near there's by a former employee/friend of MR E and was interrupting there signal. Now how is that fair? Would you be happy if you were the sponsor of the outside broadcast? Would you be happy if you had invested time, money effort into that event?

Now this is just some of the petty crap dealt out by Oasis, they have been out to discredit Coast for a very long time and in my opinion Coast have probably just had enough and how would their advertisers feel?

I personally cannot stomach the music Coast plays, is too safe, over edited and repetitive I can't remember the last time I thought, I haven't heard that before and all but about 3 hours of the day is recorded!
Oasis DJ's and presenters seem to have there finger much more on the pulse (not the afternoon guy who's clearly sat back in the UK) they give useful local information and I much prefer their station. It's just a shame that their coverage is rubbish when I'm about in the car and the length of the adverts has me switching stations.
Mr E. has had the monopoly for years and during these tough times he doesn't like the thought of anybody else having a slice of his pie.
This is not a communist state is it? This isn't a case of stick up for who your friends work for is it? Like what your friends like? Reading back through a lot of these posts it's clear that there's some very narrow minded people on here.
(UPG Not you by the way) I respect everything you have said.

It takes two to tango!

Hello Son of God,
Sorry this reply was not yesterday.....I've been praying.

Their really has been no rivalry with all the radio stations and newspapers over the years except the two in question, There are reasons for this. I was on air one Sunday morning & the persistent owner was relentlessly phoning me to tell me I was illegal. I am not. He was illegally broadcasting from his rented house before the local in Silencio. In June 2010 he aired an ad that called us 'The Rip-Off Weekly' We have that advert and if were childish enough could play it. It actually sums up their immitation of our publication quite well. They then decide to come up with 'Bin it n win it`in an effort to ruin our long lasting car sticker campaigns of 14 years. Then they turn to the TEA Awards & say the radio presenter winners won because it was fixed. Untrue, anyone can see the data base of votes at our offices. To promote this event for the entertainers of Tenerife requires a committed team of professionals (which we have) and of course media advertising (which we have) and months of hard work We are not having a radio category this year to eliminate their back stabbing (Needless to say they will no doubt say it's rigged in another way)
Mr. Elkington's sales team sell his products in an honest and trustworthy way. They do not.
On a personal note, they have affected my family's income slightly through their tactics but have probably done more harm than good to themselves in the long run. Advertisng clients are not stupid and appreciate the media campaigns that I have served them with for almost 20 years.
BH of the 'Political dpt' also does the transmission for them, his own 'non-profit' station & IC's German station plus others. He relentlessly battles to put us off air. I liked his classified ad though '101 tansmitter for sale due to lack of listeners'. Hillariuos childish toe rag. He incidently owes me a lot of money for a project years ago which he called TMG Europe, which, surprise, surprise, never came to pass.

16-07-2011, 12:14
Has any body seen a copy of the Tenerife Weekly this week? has it been printed?

16-07-2011, 17:05
They are meeting the printer's on Tuesday, so nothing will be done before then. Maybe the week after it will be back.:)

17-08-2012, 16:18
Has it gone again? nothing online

17-08-2012, 16:30
for me i donīt know?? i have a friend who delivery all the papers to my house. but i guess he forgot or got behind. today or tomorrow. maybe tomorrow make a special trip to iceland to pick up my copys.

17-08-2012, 18:40
This was on their facebook page earlier today: We apologise to our readers for the fact that the Tenerife Weekly publication has been delayed this week. We publish 8,000 newspapers every week and they are not being distributed correctly, a large percentage are being stolen or thrown away. We want to make sure we reach you so we have been forced to delay publication due to these problems. We are working on re routing and redistributing the paper to specific points in specific locations. Once these have been decided, we will print a list of these collection points. We need your help in pinpointing these locations. If you are interested in being a collection point; or have any comments or suggestions about where you would like your local collection point to be, please get in touch as soon as possible. The paper will be out on the streets again before next Friday.

17-08-2012, 18:49
Just sounds like more excuses to me. This is about the 4th time that they have not gone to print since they started always blaming it on something. Maybe it's just not being managed very well?

It's like the Lada of newspapers.

18-08-2012, 21:15
Since theyīre not expecting you to pay for a copy, itīs surely their business whether they print or not as they will be GIVING the copies away when they appear !

I also think that itīs come on in leaps and bounds since it started, and while the standard is maybe not 100%, go and look at anybodies work 1 year in, and compare with established brands.

Was your work comparable with an experienced joiner a year into your apprenticeship ?

18-08-2012, 21:50
Tony, if you look at a certain members replies to posts generally, it is all negative, all the worlds against him, and nothing positive to say about anything or anyone here on the Reef. Yes, he as had some troubled times here, but dont we all? He may be right on this occasion, who knows?, but wouldnt it be good for the forum if he could bring himself to post something positive for a change!

18-08-2012, 22:21
Tony, if you look at a certain members replies to posts generally, it is all negative, all the worlds against him, and nothing positive to say about anything or anyone here on the Reef. Yes, he as had some troubled times here, but dont we all? He may be right on this occasion, who knows?, but wouldnt it be good for the forum if he could bring himself to post something positive for a change!

Negative posts mmmmm, maybe but that's my sense of humour. I call a spade a spade, I don't believe in the American way of giving someone false hope. I do not believe in any god (no capital oops) I believe in Science.
People that know me know I'm not negative, I'm a realist!

I learnt by my mistakes in life but how would I have learnt if no one pointed them out to me?
If I think something is rubbish I'll say so, much to my wife's despair!

So a local rag doesn't go to print. No skin off my nose! But please... it's not a non profit newspaper so stop with the violins ;)

During the first year of my apprenticeship I didn't continually take breaks to catch up. But I was a apprentice I didn't profess to be fully qualified.

I am not a backstabber!

I don't hide my identity on here either :)

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I'm forever blowing bubbles ..................

18-08-2012, 23:14
I'm forever blowing bubbles ..................

So.. a West Ham supporter then..!!

18-08-2012, 23:24
So.. a West Ham supporter then..!!

Not me, I'm Seagulls though and through but someone is :whistle:

18-08-2012, 23:50
Having some experience in print, I sometimes hear people who generally think that its easy to publish. Some think that because they can produce their own stationery or fliers for next to nothing all print must be cheap. The belief is that because the item produced ( flier, business card, free newspaper, catalogue) is given away then it must have been cheap to produce. A common thought is that something produced in its thousands then becomes so cheap its cost must be lower than low.

not so.

Being from Yorkshire, Iīm also for calling a spade a spade , however here are guys trying to present items of interest for your FREE entertainment.................

and by the way, the stuff produced and given away is far from low cost. For example, some ten years ago the average cost to mail out "junk" mail was something like 20 quid for each individual address.

19-08-2012, 00:39
Still the Lada of newspapers in my eyes.
Don't make it sound like they are doing me a favour by printing it. The key people draw a wage and that is that.
Yes it cost money to print and this is offset by advertisers isn't it?

19-08-2012, 13:28
I suppose at one time Skoda and Lada were in the same league. When Honda began exporting their "motorcycles" , they were also a bit of a joke. BMW also were also not always top of the league in cars to aspire to.

Consider a hypothetical situation where you have been commissioned to build a wooden structure with a time frame of a week. No builders excuses for not finishing on time, the structure will be taken away at 8pm the following week, finished or not, warts and all.
Some materials will be supplied, some you will have to source yourself, some will be a finished product you will incorporate, some will need you to liaise with other clients and satisfy their needs.
Some materials may not be available until the day of handing over, there may even be changes required right up to handover !
Oh yes, and sometimes a section you have completed may need to be reworked for some reason you dont agree with but nevertheless yours is not to reason why.
After handover the structure will be used by thousands, some will comment it looks a bit rough around the edges !

If its good enough however, you might even get a commission to do it every week !

24-08-2012, 15:02
"professionable"? now that really is professional.

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Missed something? One of the self styled professionals obviously doesn't have access to an OED

24-08-2012, 16:33
Canarian Weekly is no great shakes, but it's an easy-to-read format and predictable. Island Connections is dull, but packed with information - one day, hopefully soon, a really good newspaper will come along and actually dominate the market straight away.

24-08-2012, 23:49
Tenerife Weekly available this week at Witzend, one of the distribution points in Callao Salvaje. Explanation given for absence in the editorial.