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View Full Version : Would you give a lift to a hitchhiker?

02-06-2011, 14:32
This is out of curiousity really cos Tony gave a hitchhiker a lift yesterday which really bothered me.
So....my question is, in this "day and age" would/do you offer to give hitchers a lift or do you drive on?

The reason I ask is because Im wondering if I over-reacted by saying he shouldnt have stopped or if Ii was right to. There just seems to be so many dodgy/dangerous people around these days (not just here, everywhere) that you just can never tell if you are picking up someone genuine, or if someone has, say, a knife in their pocket. He got quite cross with me for suggesting such a thing but strikes me it could be highly likely.
Just look at that bloke who did the murder a few weeks back. Apparently he had, in the past, asked a guy the time in the street and then - for no reason - punched him clean in the face knocking out a load of teeth.

So.....returning to my original question - would you stop or would you take caution and keep going?

02-06-2011, 14:39

02-06-2011, 14:57
My wife does not let me stop for hitchers, but if I am by myself yes...........having said that there are not too many hitchers about these days.

02-06-2011, 15:00
Not unless he was called ,
Rutger Hauer :eek:

02-06-2011, 15:01
Not unless he was called ,
Rutger Hauer :eek:

Dont you mean not IF he was called Rutger Hauer??? :eek:

02-06-2011, 15:06
Nope i would never stop...

02-06-2011, 15:16
Only same as a taxi, they dont know you, how many get jumped on ?

02-06-2011, 15:24
This is out of curiousity really cos Tony gave a hitchhiker a lift yesterday which really bothered me.
So....my question is, in this "day and age" would/do you offer to give hitchers a lift or do you drive on?

The reason I ask is because Im wondering if I over-reacted by saying he shouldnt have stopped or if Ii was right to. There just seems to be so many dodgy/dangerous people around these days (not just here, everywhere) that you just can never tell if you are picking up someone genuine, or if someone has, say, a knife in their pocket. He got quite cross with me for suggesting such a thing but strikes me it could be highly likely.
Just look at that bloke who did the murder a few weeks back. Apparently he had, in the past, asked a guy the time in the street and then - for no reason - punched him clean in the face knocking out a load of teeth.

So.....returning to my original question - would you stop or would you take caution and keep going?

Definitely No! :eek:

02-06-2011, 15:25
definitely not.... public transport on tenerife is not really overpriced...

02-06-2011, 15:34
Dont you mean not IF he was called Rutger Hauer??? :eek:

At least you know what you are getting !

I would guess that most of those that are saying no are female , which would make sense as you can never be too careful.

02-06-2011, 15:38
No - as a woman driver ... but I reckon your Tony would be able to handle any problems :)

02-06-2011, 15:39
At least you know what you are getting !

I would guess that most of those that are saying no are female , which would make sense as you can never be too careful.

You can see all the info you want on each member except their gender????? sorry wrong thread LOL!:doh:

02-06-2011, 15:49
No way and if i ever found out that Nick has he will be in serious trouble,,,,,,It donīt matter if your male or female they can still jump you whilst your driving

02-06-2011, 15:52
Definitely not. You wouldn't know who you were picking up! :crazy:

02-06-2011, 15:52
nope, far too dangerous:eek:

02-06-2011, 15:53
I don't drive at the moment but I have stopped for hitchikers in the past and would do so in the future.

02-06-2011, 15:53
Only same as a taxi, they dont know you, how many get jumped on ?
but private drivers are not in permanent radio contact with base! No, we don't stop and OH doesn't stop even when he's on his own. Not even for little old ladies.

Chris P. Bacon
02-06-2011, 15:57
No I would'nt

02-06-2011, 16:02
At least you know what you are getting !

I would guess that most of those that are saying no are female , which would make sense as you can never be too careful.

IMO the above statement is not really relevant - women can be as bad as men these days - she could cry rape if she was a nutter. So no we would never pick up a hitcher although years ago we would never have passed one by, particularly if they were in uniform (canīt remember what the logic was in that but at the time is must have meant something!!)

02-06-2011, 16:14
Warrabout female hitchhikers that stand in the same place every night and only want to go around the corner........................guys?


02-06-2011, 16:14
IMO the above statement is not really relevant - women can be as bad as men these days - she could cry rape if she was a nutter.

I hadnt even thought of that zara. Very good point

Malteser Monkey
02-06-2011, 16:18
IMO the above statement is not really relevant - women can be as bad as men these days - she could cry rape if she was a nutter. So no we would never pick up a hitcher although years ago we would never have passed one by, particularly if they were in uniform (canīt remember what the logic was in that but at the time is must have meant something!!)

Nurses', Firemans' :whistle:

02-06-2011, 16:28
Pedestrians and hitchhiking is illegal on autopistas and autovias in Spain, not sure if picking up someone who is hitchhiking illegally on these roads is also against the law.

No I wouldn't pick up a hitchhiker, not unless it was someone I knew and it was in town, not on the highway.


02-06-2011, 18:10
Have a look at this...


02-06-2011, 18:18
BLOODY HELL, That was really creepy!!!!

02-06-2011, 18:19
In some cases I probably would. Depends on where and the person. If they looked harmless and genuine then I probably would. You will probably all be horrified but hey ho. I'd like to think If I were totally stuffed sometime without money nor transport someone would give me a lift.

02-06-2011, 18:47
The hitch hiker in question was standing on a busy corner desperately trying to communicate with passing drivers using sign language and so I couldn't help myself, I had to stop and help this deaf local man who was so grateful that I stopped. He just wanted a lift to the bus stop.
I can understand my wife's concern but how could I drive on?

02-06-2011, 18:49
Easy to answer, no way would I stop.

02-06-2011, 19:36
In some cases I probably would. Depends on where and the person. If they looked harmless and genuine then I probably would. You will probably all be horrified but hey ho. I'd like to think If I were totally stuffed sometime without money nor transport someone would give me a lift.

Dave what did you do to get a red and a blue flag - sorry but we have been playing nicely all afternoon so thought I would give a Mod the job of moving this to OT.:raspberry2:

02-06-2011, 19:40
Dave what did you do to get a red and a blue flag - sorry but we have been playing nicely all afternoon so thought I would give a Mod the job of moving this to OT.:raspberry2:

Tagging threads I have posted in I think ;) I believe it helps the forum get higher in the search engines :)

02-06-2011, 19:57
Oh makes sense but never thought of that and have never done it. Better start!

howard thornton
02-06-2011, 20:03
Nurses', Firemans' :whistle:

if you see a fireman bumming a lift ,let him walk,they get traveling expenses. lol

02-06-2011, 20:17
lmao:crylaughing::crylaughing: i was at work last week in an area called caldmore in walsall and a young asian lad tapped on my van window and asked me where palfry was, so after about 5 mins trying to explain to him i just gave up and said jump in and i will take you, the lad was so pleased he could not stop thanking me, it turns out he was from bedford and he had only been in the country for a few months he had come from pakistan and he was visiting family in the area and was lost, i thought i had done a good deed but when i told my wife she went ape****!! and said he could have killed me, we ended up arguing and not speaking for the rest of the night, it realy got to her but i just thought i was being a good samaritan:surrender:

02-06-2011, 20:17
Scary nutters out there...


She Sells Seashells
02-06-2011, 21:27
Tough one. I used to hitchhike a lot in many many years ago, but would not do so now. Not sure I would pick someone up on my own, but might be willing if there were two of us or more in the car. The situation which prompted the discussion more than anything shows Tony's reading of human nature and compassion.

02-06-2011, 23:03
Not sure, maybe I would but can't think where.
There was one yesterday on the Adeje roundabout but no one would have stopped in the position he was standing if they didn't expect to cause a pile up.
Certainly used to when going from Los Gigantes to PDLA ect. often you would find waiting staff after Playa San Juan and would always stop. Might still now if I saw someone now.

with cheese
02-06-2011, 23:25
lmao:crylaughing::crylaughing: i was at work last week in an area called caldmore in walsall and a young asian lad tapped on my van window and asked me where palfry was, so after about 5 mins trying to explain to him i just gave up and said jump in and i will take you, the lad was so pleased he could not stop thanking me, it turns out he was from bedford and he had only been in the country for a few months he had come from pakistan and he was visiting family in the area and was lost, i thought i had done a good deed but when i told my wife she went ape****!! and said he could have killed me, we ended up arguing and not speaking for the rest of the night, it realy got to her but i just thought i was being a good samaritan:surrender:
She would win awards on here then mate.

with cheese
02-06-2011, 23:29
One of my sons and me went for a walk in Florida and got lost. We were on an open road far out in Kissemee. Stuck our thumbs out and a truck pulled up with 2 right rough geezers in it. They told us to jump in the back and we did.
They took us to our valla and then drank beer all night with us, great geezers but a risk.

03-06-2011, 12:40
This is not a Hitch-hiking story as such but it carries the same pros and cons

This is where all good horror stories start.
I was with a friend travelling along Nevada's lonely highway 50 in 2001 and we pulled in to a gas station that was quite literally in the middle of nowhere.
The gas station had a bar with jukebox that only accepted coins that were no longer in circulation and I had never heard any of the songs anyway. We played pool there and after a short while two guys came in and after getting a beer asked us to play for a small wager.....
After a while of playing these guys told us that they were Shoshone Indians (native Americans) and they invited us to join them later at their reservation in the Shoshone mountains.
I was dead against it but my friend was up for it and told me you only live once. Needless to say we drove the 30 or so miles up a small mountain road to a small town called Ione where we were greeted by the entire towns population, all 9 of them.
We played pool till late and slept in our van, then in the morning we were shown the tribes buffalo heard. Then the curator of the nearby Ichthyosaur museum drove us to the museum in his jeep, unlocked the place for us and gave us a personal guided tour.
We made some new friends that day and had an experience that I will never forget. I'm so glad I said yes!
You do only live once, take risks, enjoy life, it's good to do something that scares you once in a while!

03-06-2011, 13:06
take risks, enjoy life, it's good to do something that scares you once in a while!

Not exactly fair if there is someone else in your life though. If its just you, do as you please.