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View Full Version : What's happening with the ' Old Fort' in Torviscas, Tenerife?

shaun kelly
10-07-2011, 21:06
Anyone know what is happening to the old fort at torviscas , aparently it has been flattened .

10-07-2011, 21:17
Anyone know what is happening to the old fort at torviscas , aparently it has been flattened .musta happened today sometime cos it was there yesterday

10-07-2011, 21:29
It's being remodeled as a beach bar under Faro- been going on for 18 months- looks like anther year should do it ! Then the denuncias will start for noise !

shaun kelly
10-07-2011, 21:35
sorry , I must have been misinformed . please actually as I always liked this building .

10-07-2011, 23:49
It was definitely still standing when I was there today.... ;)

11-07-2011, 19:37
maybe in 10 years it might be ready to open :whistle:

11-07-2011, 21:13
Do you mean Fortelaza at Puerto Colon or Casa Del Duque