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View Full Version : HOME Needed! Help! Surrogate mum wanted for 3 day old kitten

Cat Woman
02-06-2011, 21:09
Hi, I collected a 3-4 day old kitten from Caroletenerife this evening. I took her to a surrogate mum cat, but her kitten, which the family are keeping has stopped feeding and mum cat wouldnt have anything to do with the tiny kitten. Ive fed her kitten milk, but its extremely hard to keep a kitten so young alive. I will try my best, feeding every hour through the night and keeping her warm, but she really needs a mum cat. Do you know anyone who has a cat with young kittens? Thank you.

02-06-2011, 22:03
I do, she is feeding four at the moment, no idea if she will accept it but you are more than welcome to give it a try. I am at home all day tomorrow if you want to bring it over, I am in Medano. My kittens are about 5 days old, so maybe she will, here´s hoping.

Cat Woman
02-06-2011, 22:13
Thank you so much, thats brilliant. Your cat should accept this one as yours are so young. I just need to rub them together to mix all the smells. Please PM me your phone number. Any chance of coming tonight? I live in Costa Adeje, about 25 minutes away. If not, tomorrow morning. Thanks, Sharon.

How do I add a photo. I could do it on the other Forum, but this ones seems like I need to do it different???

02-06-2011, 22:16
Thats fantastic, i had no idea it was so small when it was reported to me, its tiny. I will tell you all something, Sharon (catwoman) met me within 10 minutes of me calling her, talkabout 'onstandby'. I really hope the wee thing will survive x

02-06-2011, 22:17
Of course, come over now, I will PM you my number now

02-06-2011, 22:20
Please let us know how they all get on. And we would love a photo. Ahhhhhhhh!!:pray:

02-06-2011, 22:28
Please let us know how they all get on. And we would love a photo. Ahhhhhhhh!!:pray:
its so small zara, you would need the zoom lense, its a little fighter though, and thanks to Wes and his friends who found it 2 days ago and have been surrogate dads and doing a grand job. Young brits get a bad rap but hes a PR but still went out and bought baby milk and was up all night trying to keep kitty alive. Hope you have luck with the new mum Catwoman x

02-06-2011, 22:33

There are many people too quick to pass judgement because of the way someone dresses, the job they do or the length of their hair, there are loads of really good youngsters out there you just need to get to know them by meeting them half way.

Fingers crossed on the little one if she has got this far hopefully it is a good sign that a lovely life is in store for her.

02-06-2011, 22:34
This is why I love this Forum so much.

There is drivel, there is friendly banter, there is invaluable information and then there are threads like this...

Cat Woman
03-06-2011, 00:27
Hi, I took the kitten to Graceylacey and her mum cat Tiggy let her feed straight away and washed her! Shes such a good mum. Graceylaceys kittens are 6 days old and quite chubby with little fat bellies! The one I took up was half the size and quite thin. If it was found two days ago it must have just been born when Wes found it, plus her unbilicle cord is still attached and her ears are still flat. Shes in very good hands now, or should I say good paws!

03-06-2011, 00:27
I can't get a pic on as this is from my iPhone. My Mummy cat took to the kitty straight away, licking her and letting her feed, I'm just worried as the little kitty is not too good at latching on and although my kittens are only 5 days old they are huge compared to her.

But I've managed to get her to latch onto Mummy and I'll get up in the night and make sure she's ok.

Ok hopefully I've just worked out how to put a pic on here!!!

Also little kitty has just latched onto Mummy all by herself, so I can stop panicking now!!

03-06-2011, 00:36
I can't get a pic on as this is from my iPhone. My Mummy cat took to the kitty straight away, licking her and letting her feed, I'm just worried as the little kitty is not too good at latching on and although my kittens are only 5 days old they are huge compared to her.

But I've managed to get her to latch onto Mummy and I'll get up in the night and make sure she's ok.

Ok hopefully I've just worked out how to put a pic on here!!!

Also little kitty has just latched onto Mummy all by herself, so I can stop panicking now!!
well done Gracey and Catwoman thats great news, she looks at home already..keep us posted xxxcan go to bed now, night allxxx

Cat Woman
03-06-2011, 00:53
The photo is so lovely, all she wanted was a mummy and she got one.:cloud9: Thank you so much.

03-06-2011, 07:15
well done to all that helped give this little 1 a chance in life. the kitten lola i had from sharon has now been with us a year this week. not bad cos she was only coming for a week while sharon was in uk!!

03-06-2011, 07:20
Morning all, good news, kitty is feeding by herself on Mummy, she is getting a bit squashed by the bigger ones, but she is a little character that squeaks her way to the top!!

Mummy came away for some food this morning so I took this pic!


Chris P. Bacon
03-06-2011, 07:56
What a lovely story, well done to you all :rave:

03-06-2011, 09:33
:D:D:D Thanks you for keeping us updated, she looks right at home. A good start to another day:D:D:D

03-06-2011, 09:41
So glad it seems to be going so well.:pray:

Cat Woman
03-06-2011, 10:39
Shes all snuggley in the middle of her new family, she must feel so safe and secure now, she was so lost and frightened before.
I was a little worried about her first night as shes so small and delicate, but shes doing brilliant and is in the best place. Im going to get some special treats for surrogate mum Tiggy, shes brilliant.

03-06-2011, 10:56
I must admit I am shattered!!!! I was worried too, so stayed awake until about 2am, when I realised that she was quite a toughy fighting her way through the big guys to get to New Mummy!!!!

I cracked up with laughter about 4 am this morning when Tiggy left them sleeping to eat, but within seconds the foster one was moaning away, so Tiggy went running back to her and was licking her all over :love:

No sleep for me, but they are all doing fine and she is totally been accepted!

We need a nickname for her, my brain is a little fuzzled this morning!!:crazy::crazy:

Cat Woman
04-06-2011, 15:32
Hi, I couldnt get on line yesterday. Hows the little one? Still demanding mums attention! I think a nice name for the kitten would be Gracey or Lacey, they are both pretty names. Hope you caught up with your sleep last night.
Sharon x :)

04-06-2011, 21:29

Hi, I could hardly get online either yesterday!!!
She is doing great, she gets right in the middle of them all and she is feeding no problems at all!!! Just part of the family now!!!

04-06-2011, 23:30
how lovely is that picture, well done to you all x

04-06-2011, 23:39
Well done Gracey's moggy for running off and being a hussy for a night, because if you hadn't the story of this poor kitty might have had a different ending. And well done Gracey for have a cat that is easy hahaha ;)

04-06-2011, 23:42
I don't comment very often in the pet threads but this one has really warmed my heart..

Cat Woman
05-06-2011, 17:21

Hi, I could hardly get online either yesterday!!!
She is doing great, she gets right in the middle of them all and she is feeding no problems at all!!! Just part of the family now!!!

OMG! I just love the photo of her in the middle of the others, What a lovely photo, I cant stop looking at it. Thanks for keeping everyone updated. Tiggy is such a wonderful mum. Thank you xx:)

05-06-2011, 17:45
Well done Tiggy and Graceylacey, what a lovely pic of baby right in the middle!

16-06-2011, 20:06
Just an update on the little kitty.. Sadly she has got a broken leg, we are not sure how but I think its because my kittens are a lot bigger than her and they all scramble on top of each other. However she is doing great, she is going back to the vets tomorrow for a check up. She can crawl around with her dinky cast on her leg and seems fine.

She is a lovely little thing, she is smaller than mine but very feisty!! She gets to Mummy for her milk and if the others get in her way she soon tells them!!

When she returned from the vets on Tuesday Mummy was very pleased to see her again and let her feed the minute she got back.

Here is a picture of her in her cast


16-06-2011, 22:20
Just an update on the little kitty.. Sadly she has got a broken leg, we are not sure how but I think its because my kittens are a lot bigger than her and they all scramble on top of each other. However she is doing great, she is going back to the vets tomorrow for a check up. She can crawl around with her dinky cast on her leg and seems fine.

She is a lovely little thing, she is smaller than mine but very feisty!! She gets to Mummy for her milk and if the others get in her way she soon tells them!!

When she returned from the vets on Tuesday Mummy was very pleased to see her again and let her feed the minute she got back.

Here is a picture of her in her cast


Aww Love the photos! what a great job you are doing she looks great! Well Done!:D

16-06-2011, 23:33
Aww Love the photos! what a great job you are doing she looks great! Well Done!:D

I´m not doing anything Mummy Tiggy is :spin::spin::spin:

16-06-2011, 23:41
Aww bless, she looks great though, you and Tiggy and doing a great job xx

22-06-2011, 21:51
Quick update for those that are interested, little kitty is now without a cast. Her leg is so much better! They are all walking around and what pulls at my heart strings is that when I come into the room and call her, she comes running, sits in my hands and relaxes and in her own little way purrs..

I have made the decision today after umming and arring, I am going to keep her ( aswell asone of mine). There is no way I let her go after the start she had and now that she has the confidence in me. She came to me for a reason and here she stays!!

Will put a pic on of her in a mo from my iphone.

22-06-2011, 22:00
What a great ending,well done GL and everyone else concerned!

22-06-2011, 22:29
ahh bless :love:

22-06-2011, 22:40
She beat the odds and survived, thanks to you. She will always be special to you Graceylacey, cant wait to see the photos x

22-06-2011, 22:47
She beat the odds and survived, thanks to you. She will always be special to you Graceylacey, cant wait to see the photos x

They wont upload so I am trying via my computer!!

22-06-2011, 22:59
They wont upload so I am trying via my computer!!
bl**dy technology..hate it haha

23-06-2011, 00:39
Quick update for those that are interested, little kitty is now without a cast. Her leg is so much better! They are all walking around and what pulls at my heart strings is that when I come into the room and call her, she comes running, sits in my hands and relaxes and in her own little way purrs..

I have made the decision today after umming and arring, I am going to keep her ( aswell asone of mine). There is no way I let her go after the start she had and now that she has the confidence in me. She came to me for a reason and here she stays!!

Will put a pic on of her in a mo from my iphone.

I think She was meant to become part of your family! She has survived so many odds for there to be any coincidence ( and care on your part!) i know there will be warm years ahead!

Cat Woman
23-06-2011, 11:30
Fantastic News, Thank you so much. Im still in the UK at the Unison Conference and when I read your post I shouted out "Oh My God FANTASTIC!" The room was silent at the time, so ive just explained to everyone and told them the story of little Kitty and shown some people the photos.Theres loads of ooing and arring going on now!

23-06-2011, 12:24
Quick update for those that are interested, little kitty is now without a cast. Her leg is so much better! They are all walking around and what pulls at my heart strings is that when I come into the room and call her, she comes running, sits in my hands and relaxes and in her own little way purrs..

I have made the decision today after umming and arring, I am going to keep her ( aswell asone of mine). There is no way I let her go after the start she had and now that she has the confidence in me. She came to me for a reason and here she stays!!

Will put a pic on of her in a mo from my iphone.

Interested?? Are you kiddin!!!! what wonderful news GL! Soooo happy for you all and well done, you played a blinder!:mexicanwave2:

Added after 1 33 minutes:

They wont upload so I am trying via my computer!!

No photos yet?:cry:

23-06-2011, 23:26
oh that is lovely news, I was reading this thread with a lump in my throat, in your shoes I would of made the same decision, looking forward to the photo's x

24-06-2011, 00:48
Ok here's hoping this works!!

More tomorrow if this uploads!!


24-06-2011, 09:38
Ah - she is lovely - no wonder you want to keep her. Thank you for putting the photo on and giving this little kitten a chance in life :)

28-07-2011, 22:35
I was about to put a photo on here about the little kitten that my ´Bad´Mummy kitten fostered, saved its life and is growing amazingly! She is staying with me and is lovely, but due to bad comments, I wont put a photo on here.

There you go, the pic got added anyway

carol & steve
28-07-2011, 23:19
Aww she looks gorgeous Gracey......well done you & of course mummy cat. :respect:

28-07-2011, 23:51
Shes all grown up and looks lovely, who has been leaving nasty comments ?

13-06-2013, 14:00
can i p[lease ask the forum why so many people who should know better are allowing their cats to have kittens... as i am sure all are aware there is a glut of unwanted cats and kittens... why do the cat owners not do the right thing and get their cats spayed, bit is so frustrating to see this time and time again.... there also must be some pill the vet can give to the cat to avoid the pregancy altogether... as they have this for dogs....
surely that would be better. if you can afford to keep an animal you can afford to get it neutered... :(

13-06-2013, 16:12
You are quite right Blueeyes, however often these cats that breed are feral (not always though) and the TNR programmes only have a limited amount of funds

13-06-2013, 16:15
I have closed the thread as it is 2 years old and I suspect the original post has been sorted