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View Full Version : How would you deal with squatters if they took over your property?

12-07-2011, 22:00
Would you go through the courts and pay a fortune in legal fees whilst the squatters would probably get legal aid?

I think I would settle for a more direct approach that wasn't particularly legal how about you?

12-07-2011, 22:03
If you read Joe Cawley's book "More Ketchup than Salsa", a friend of his took the more "direct" approach...

Ashro Autos
12-07-2011, 22:09
Way i see it is if it your property you should be able to retrieve it no matter what it takes.If they dont like it tuff caca

12-07-2011, 22:09
Would you go through the courts and pay a fortune in legal fees whilst the squatters would probably get legal aid?

I think I would settle for a more direct approach that wasn't particularly legal how about you?

Ive been in this position Dave two years ago, although they were originaly tenants they stopped paying the rent and made a complete mess of my property, unfortunatly everyone says what they would do to them but you would be the one that would end up in jail, believe me my hubby wanted to sort them out himself but his hands were tied, they have more rights that you do. I did take a court order out on them a served them with an eviction order but they took it to the last day of the order and then luckily for us they moved out, leaving us to completely gut the place it was that bad. I now have the ideal tenant...

12-07-2011, 22:11
The thought of any scruffy, jobless, unkept layabouts squatting in my property would result in a sledgehammer through the front door, and said scruffy, jobless, unkept layabouts being asked to leave.


12-07-2011, 22:14
The thought of any scruffy, jobless, unkept layabouts squatting in my property would result in a sledgehammer through the front door, and said scruffy, jobless, unkept layabouts being asked to leave.

Scumbags.....to true, i would insure the place to the hilt and petrol bomb the *******s

12-07-2011, 22:14
Ive been in this position Dave two years ago, although they were originaly tenants they stopped paying the rent and made a complete mess of my property, unfortunatly everyone says what they would do to them but you would be the one that would end up in jail, believe me my hubby wanted to sort them out himself but his hands were tied, they have more rights that you do. I did take a court order out on them a served them with an eviction order but they took it to the last day of the order and then luckily for us they moved out, leaving us to completely gut the place it was that bad. I now have the ideal tenant...

I was thinking more along the lines of someone paying some third parties to turn up in the middle of the night with masks and baseball bats and scare the **** out of them. Could anyone prove who was involved? Would they be brave enough to stay after that?

I was just thinking about all this hypothetically after watching a situation on homes from Hell earlier.

12-07-2011, 22:17
I was thinking more along the lines of someone paying some third parties to turn up in the middle of the night with masks and baseball bats and scare the **** out of them. Could anyone prove who was involved? Would they be brave enough to stay after that?

I was just thinking about all this hypothetically after watching a situation on homes from Hell earlier.

That is the only way to get rid of them Dave.
As for paying somebody ? You're joking, the satisfaction of doing it yourself would far outweigh any possible police investigation.

12-07-2011, 22:19
I was thinking more along the lines of someone paying some third parties to turn up in the middle of the night with masks and baseball bats and scare the **** out of them. Could anyone prove who was involved? Would they be brave enough to stay after that?

I was just thinking about all this hypothetically after watching a situation on homes from Hell earlier.

Yes we also had that in mind, but our solicitor told us that the authorities knew we wanted them out and if they were hasstled in any way (even if it wasnt us) we would be held responsible, you do honestly feel like that though, but i really dont think i would like it in prison.:whistle:

12-07-2011, 22:23
Yes we also had that in mind, but our solicitor told us that the authorities knew we wanted them out and if they were hasstled in any way (even if it wasnt us) we would be held responsible, you do honestly feel like that though, but i really dont think i would like it in prison.:whistle:ever heard of the phrase" i would do time for you" lol and believe me there are lots of people (including me) that would do it

12-07-2011, 22:30
Yes we also had that in mind, but our solicitor told us that the authorities knew we wanted them out and if they were hasstled in any way (even if it wasnt us) we would be held responsible, you do honestly feel like that though, but i really dont think i would like it in prison.:whistle:

I wonder how you could possibly be held responsible without a court case?

12-07-2011, 22:34
There probably would be a court case dave, im just glad it never came to that to be honest.

12-07-2011, 22:47
Squatters have recently taken over an apartment too close for comfort to mine, and on a recent trip over I felt quite intimidated by them as they are as brazen and hardfaced as you can imagine and dont mind the flak they are getting from other residents.

They are a young couple with two children, one is a baby and the other would say is about 5 or 6.

I think they are Spanish and because of their young family they seem to adapt the attitude that no-one can touch them....

The local police were alerted but took no action at all saying it was not a criminal act but a civil one and action would therefore have to be taken via the courts.

Everyone is of the opinion that this will take months and be a costly exercise for the poor unfortunate owner.

I am obviously concerned over the situation as my property is unoccupied for many months of the year, I visit frequently as do some of my family but never rent out . If my place were to be taken over by squatters the message I am getting is quite clear that I can expect little or no help from the authorities.

I am afraid that before I spent loads of money on a legal exercise that would be lengthy and drawn out, I would have no hesitation in using the money to effect a more speedy and effective process of removing the offenders.

It may not be strictly legal, but I know I would have no problem getting takers!!

Ashro Autos
12-07-2011, 22:52
Only 1 way to treat crap like this:gun::gun::gun::gun::argue::argue::argue::argu e::jumping::jumping::jumping::jumping::jumping::po ke::poke::poke::poke::poke::poke::fryingpan::fryin gpan::fryingpan::fryingpan::smack::smack::smack::b ricks::bricks::bricks::bricks:

12-07-2011, 23:37
Well they do say possession is 9 tenth's of the law.In with the :gun::gun::gun::smack::smack::smack::boxing::boxin g::boxing: And take possession.:whistle:

12-07-2011, 23:42
It happened to friends of ours. They attempted the legal route but were getting nowhere... some rather large 'friends' were sent in one night, the next day the house was empty! Job done...

13-07-2011, 00:49
A pal of mine had a problem like this......he said to them if i give you 2000€ in cash would you leave...they said what is the catch..he said there was not one...so after a few hours he went back got them to sign a few bits of paper saying they were happy to leave....gave them the money.

Job sorted.

Shame because only a short time later some horrible thugs robbed them of their money.

As my pal said at the time it's a horrible world we live in.

13-07-2011, 00:52
A pal of mine had a problem like this......he said to them if i give you 2000€ in cash would you leave...they said what is the catch..he said there was not one...so after a few hours he went back got them to sign a few bits of paper saying they were happy to leave....gave them the money.

Job sorted.

Shame because only a short time later some horrible thugs robbed them of their money.

As my pal said at the time it's a horrible world we live in.

What a terrible coincidence.... :whistle:

13-07-2011, 16:11
just watch when they are out --break the lock and put a new one in. put all there belongings outside --and stay there, if they try to get in, call the police

13-07-2011, 16:21
I've used these solutions in the past (ratings for effectiveness/cost in brackets)

1. Taken them to court (2/10)

2. Paid them to leave (3/10)

3. Had a 'word' with them myself, and 'dropping hints' (4/10)

4. Having someone else 'have a word' with them (5/10)

5. Changed locks and throw belongings out with a 'take me to court' sign on door (6/10)

6. Find out who else is after them, get them to do the dirty work (8/10)

6. Found out something they're doing that's illegal and threaten reporting them (9/10)

7. Found out something they're doing that's illegal and actually reporting them (10/10)

The last 2 are VERY effective in Tenerife if their British, as most of the time people like this ARE doing something illegal, like working illegally etc.

Ps. The last one I had, 2 years ago, I knew read this (.com) forum , so I asked a question

'how do I find out if a business is trading legally/illegally?'

the replies received were so good he left that week !!

13-07-2011, 16:24
are you british

13-07-2011, 16:26
Ohhhhh . . . . . . Yessssss. . . . . . . Welsh to be precise !

13-07-2011, 16:28
i love welsh people ,can you sing

13-07-2011, 16:31
i love welsh people ,can you sing

Can you supply him with a BATH ???;):lol:

13-07-2011, 16:39
Most of the replies in this thread are all saying what they would and wouldnt do no matter what!!!, but until you have been in this position its easer said than done, believe me i would have said the same until it did happen to me and then i learnt just how much squatters have rights and the laws states they definatly have more rights than you as a landlord, the law is definatley on their side, you just cannot make even a SQUATTER homeless. Its not a nice position to be in i can tell you and i wouldnt like to go there again for nothing. I suppose the only feasible thing you can do is number 7 in atlatico's post without causing more grief for yourself.

13-07-2011, 16:56
Yeah, that's why number 7 gets 10/10

13-07-2011, 17:02
I agree with dede ..you might strike lucky with bringing in the heavy's and I don't blame any one for trying ...but you could land up being the one in the wrong , as stupid as it is ....:crazy:.....A new law is being brought in to deal with this in the UK and not before time ....


I have suffered in a slightly different way ...won't go into too many details , but it concerned a commercial property (Shop) the solicitor made a very large error and let the new tennants in without signing the lease /documents , they went in and never paid us any rent ! they were now regarded as SQUATTERS under the law !...We had to go through the courts and we won our case , plus the outstanding rent ...did we get it ? NO ! said squatter owned a house , so we put a charge on it ....after 3 years he decided to change his mortgage company ( bad move for him ) !!! we were second charge after the bank , and before any transaction could take place , we had to be paid ... good ending , but we had to be patient ...:pray:

13-07-2011, 17:52
i love welsh people ,can you sing

nope !!

Can you supply him with a BATH ???;):lol:

a BATH ? why ?

13-07-2011, 18:13
nope !!

a BATH ? why ?

Heard thats where you do most of your singing ..............would never say its cos you is dirty !!!

13-07-2011, 19:27
Most of the replies in this thread are all saying what they would and wouldnt do no matter what!!!, but until you have been in this position its easer said than done, believe me i would have said the same until it did happen to me and then i learnt just how much squatters have rights and the laws states they definatly have more rights than you as a landlord, the law is definatley on their side, you just cannot make even a SQUATTER homeless. Its not a nice position to be in i can tell you and i wouldnt like to go there again for nothing. I suppose the only feasible thing you can do is number 7 in atlatico's post without causing more grief for yourself. that is why most posters on here are saying DO NOT GO DOWN THE LEGAL ROUTE at the end of the day an englishmans, scotsmans, welshmans or irishmans home is his castle!! and we would fight tooth and nail to preserve it, we are saying fight fire with fire, BACK OFF BRUSSLES that's what all murray would say:eyebrows:

13-07-2011, 20:01
My brother in law was a foreman on a residential development in Dublin. Some members of the Travelling community decided to make camp on a couple of empty sites next to the showhouses. My b-in-law asked them to move. He was told that they would hightail it out of there as soon as they got 20000 euro. THe b-in-law phoned the actual developer himself who gave him a brilliant solution. 4 excavators dug an 8ft deep, 8ft wide ditch around the camp, piled the dirt high thereby blocking any view of the camp. My b-in-law got a knock on his office door an hour later by members of the camp asking for boards and ladders to make a bridge across said ditch so they could leave. Strangely enough, they ( the camp members) were full of admiration for the way the tables were turned.

13-07-2011, 20:16
A pal of mine had a problem like this......he said to them if i give you 2000€ in cash would you leave...they said what is the catch..he said there was not one...so after a few hours he went back got them to sign a few bits of paper saying they were happy to leave....gave them the money.

Job sorted.

Shame because only a short time later some horrible thugs robbed them of their money.

As my pal said at the time it's a horrible world we live in.


13-07-2011, 20:16
Fortunately I have had no dealings with squatters but are they what dokgolf describes above - people who trespass on others property or what dede describes as someone who defaults on their rent. I would have thought there would have been a difference???

13-07-2011, 20:30
Fortunately I have had no dealings with squatters but are they what dokgolf describes above - people who trespass on others property or what dede describes as someone who defaults on their rent. I would have thought there would have been a difference???

No Zara there is no difference when someone thinks they can live rent free in your house, they are classed as squatters full stop.

13-07-2011, 20:31
Fortunately I have had no dealings with squatters but are they what dokgolf describes above - people who trespass on others property or what dede describes as someone who defaults on their rent. I would have thought there would have been a difference???

My own definition of a "squatter" is someone to takes posession of a property without the permission of the owner. I guess s'one who defaults on their rent would also become squatters because, presumably, once the rent was overdue, then, the original contract would become null and void? The people who trespass on a property would still just be tresspassers until they set up some kind of home there? I'm sure there are more qualified people than myself who might be able to give a more consise explanation.:)

13-07-2011, 20:36
but I thought squatting is what women did ??

(that's one for OLNF)

AND . . . . I thought they could only legally do so if the property was so obviously uninhabited , not a locked and furnished one !!

13-07-2011, 22:09
All boils down to the same in the end ...one never paid rent and entered without permission and the other had permission/written agreement and stopped paying rent , you can call them what you like ! :rolleyes: the difference is the procedure to get them out !

Added after 20 minutes:

mean't to say the difference is the LEGAL PROCEDURE to get them out ! not the different suggestions already mentioned ...although there are some pretty good ones:fryingpan: